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auto target

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Mobs have their own priority in regards to how the targeting system works. The Champion mob that is eating your face and about to kill you unless you use CC has lower priority than the non-aggressive flock of Moa's that you don't see just off screen to your left.

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I must say that targeting remains for me a trouble since ages. Whatever options I chose in the setup, I keep having the problem that I very rarely catch on first shoot the foe I wanted to aim at. In most cases, I need to use mouse pointer (or tab) to swap to the foe I want. To suddenly shoot at a yellow animal wandering around is part of it! :3

Generally, my experience is that auto-targeting never takes the closest foe, but more the one farther behind.

For me, that's part of the game "peanuts" annoying me on a daily basis, with no obvious solution. I have tried to change my way to "look" and my way to approach foes, with no improvement so far.

Anyone with tricks and/or recommendation? :)

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> @"tinymurder.5791" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > I have never seen a game with such poor targeting.


> Clearly you've never played WoW, LotRO, SWtoR, or Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. Not to mention most first person shooters.


Clearly, you have no clue what I have played.

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Both WOW and Lotro allow you to target any target in the game by typing in the chat line target and that allows you to target exactly what you like.

This game doesnt which results in absurd outcomes like trying to target large targets like the door of tarir and finding you are targeting anything nearby but not the door.

The door isnt targetable by left clicking unless you know exactly where to click, and the same goes for most large targets.


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> @"tinymurder.5791" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > I have never seen a game with such poor targeting.


> Clearly you've never played WoW, LotRO, SWtoR, or Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. Not to mention most first person shooters.


gw2 targeting is much worse than WoW. at least there the mobs will usually be in front of you and can only target mobs. I've learned in this game to not trust tab targeting at all.

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Hi, we of the wall protection society agree that attacking walls unprovoked is not in the best interest of masonry everywhere. Walls are friends, not rubble.

Sincerely, Reitha

Protector of the fourth wall.


In all seriousness, I agree the targeting could use a little love. Personally, I would love to see it cycle through the mobs your actively fighting before before any others. The amount of times I've accidentally agro'd a hydra...

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> I have never seen a game with such poor targeting.


Yea... It's the first thing that disturbed me when I started the game, coming from another MMO where the targeting system was working perfectly. So now I try to stick to action combat, but here again it doesn't work on everything very well.

Does anyone have a tip to target downed allies in spvp while using action combat btw?

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I think the choice by Arenanet to place a Moa, or Boars next to Aggressive mobs all across Tyria is an indicator that it's likely deliberate.

Character/Lore-wise it makes "the commander" look like a blundering idiot. Middle of a fight and they up and attack something that isn't even in their field of vision.

Turning Auto-targeting off helps to some extent, but unless you right-click/double-click on a mob, it's next to impossible to use Tab to select the proper target.


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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> Character/Lore-wise it makes "the commander" look like a blundering idiot. Middle of a fight and they up and attack something that isn't even in their field of vision.



Did you learn nothing from watching Jurassic Park?

"And you keep still because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement like T-Rex - he'll lose you if you don't move. But no, not Velociraptor. You stare at him, and he just stares right back. And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side, from the other two raptors you didn't even know were there. "



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I find the targeting annoying with groups of allies around (like istan GH farm or WvW). I want to target the nearest enemy monster to the cursor to attack, not an ally obviously.


A bigger issue to me is the controls though. Who thought we like to be in model preview view all the time and swing the camera around the char making it hard to find where our cursor is, instead rather than looking through the chars PoV like is the case with almost every other third/first person game?

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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> A bigger issue to me is the controls though. Who thought we like to be in model preview view all the time and swing the camera around the char making it hard to find where our cursor is, instead rather than looking through the chars PoV like is the case with almost every other third/first person game?


In case you don't know, if you zoom in far enough you get a first person view from your character.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> > A bigger issue to me is the controls though. Who thought we like to be in model preview view all the time and swing the camera around the char making it hard to find where our cursor is, instead rather than looking through the chars PoV like is the case with almost every other third/first person game?


> In case you don't know, if you zoom in far enough you get a first person view from your character.


Only if you've enabled it in options. It's also terrible for combat because you don't get a great view, especially in busy fights. And you can't easily see your periphary.

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> @"tinymurder.5791" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > I have never seen a game with such poor targeting.


> Clearly you've never played WoW, LotRO, SWtoR, or Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. Not to mention most first person shooters.

Played all of those from Beta onwards... and their targeting on their worst day was never even half as bad as GW2 on its best day.


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> @"Mrs Q.4081" said:

> Dear Anet,

> There is no scenario where I would want to target a wall instead of the enemies who are attacking me.

> Yours Sincerely,

> Every player ever.


Auto targeting sucks in general, not only in this game. That's why no one ever uses it. I suggest you do the same.



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> @"tinymurder.5791" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > I have never seen a game with such poor targeting.


> Clearly you've never played WoW, LotRO, SWtoR, or Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. Not to mention most first person shooters.


I noticed that WoW's got worse over the years.

And trying to tab-target around XIV's ABC system makes for.. interesting times.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> Mobs have their own priority in regards to how the targeting system works. The Champion mob that is eating your face and about to kill you unless you use CC has lower priority than the non-aggressive flock of Moa's that you don't see just off screen to your left.


You say that as a joke but I find it consistently true. Bosses are targeted dead last after every other option is exhausted, even if they are hitting you and even if there are no closer mobs.


EXCEPT Hab in Bloodstone Fen. When he spawns adds, suddenly auto target ONLY targets him and you can't target the adds while he's invulnerable unless you do it manually.

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> @"tinymurder.5791" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > I have never seen a game with such poor targeting.


> Clearly you've never played WoW, LotRO, SWtoR, or Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. Not to mention most first person shooters.


I've played the fist three - they had problems but not as bad as GW2.

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