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How can I write a ticket to the englisch support team?

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As for now I cant seem to find a way to write the englisch support team but only can write to the german one I think.

And the german team just takes to long to respond to my ticket. As far as I know the englisch team is far bigger and faster.

My problem is that I forgot the name of the characters of my Guild Wars 1 Account but I could already link it to my Account that I use now, so the only thing I need again is my names.

So how can I write to the englisch support when, I think, It redirects all my tickets to the german support?

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Yes but they are ALWAYS overwhelmed, this is normal for support and this cant always be the answer to this kind of problem.

The number one sentence I get from every support worker is "Sorry of the late respond, but we are a little overwhelmed" , Blizzard made this one of their standard sentences in every one of their emails lol.


The language choice takes me just to my tickets, I tried to make a englisch ticket and I did. But I cant comment on it because it probably got merged with my german ticket. Iits just weird that arenanets support is still lacking in terms of speed in comparison with many other companies.


my ticket



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> @"mowljo.2376" said:

> Yes but they are ALWAYS overwhelmed,

They aren't always overwhelmed. Only under specific circumstances. (Admittedly, it's both more often than I'd like to see and poorly communicated, but that's a different situation.)


> The language choice takes me just to my tickets, I tried to make a englisch ticket and I did.

I'm not sure why you think that your ticket should jump the queue over everyone else who has a problem with which they want ANet to help. Yeah, it would be better if ANet had a bigger support staff, so that there was rarely a delay. But all the same, what makes your issue more urgent than any of the rest?

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> @"mowljo.2376" said:

> I never said anything like that, I said I wanted to contact the englisch support because the englisch one is much bigger than the german one.

> If you read and understood the post, you would not need to make assumtion.


You seem to want to have a ticket in both queues and/or aren't willing to wait for your ticket to pop up in the German queue. You also seem to be assuming that the larger support team isn't going to have a larger number of tickets.

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You assume that the English support team handles tickets faster. This is untrue. Just that they are bigger, doesn’t mean they response quicker. The size-difference is based on the population size, and believe me, they know how big the different populations are to have no difference. I would guess that the german team is actually bigger based on the population size so they can fill in for the English team (a favor that can’t be returned).


Queues are long at the moment. It doesn’t matter in what queue you are.

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@"RoseofGilead.8907" Yes that may be true now that I know that the englisch support also has so much todo.

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" No I dont even know how I can close a Ticket. But I can only comment on my german one, the englisch one got locked.

@"mercury ranique.2170" As stated from Gaile, the englisch support is in general faster. (Why does nobody read what I post, I even posted her link ^^)

Its also that the Queues are longer since 3 months, and it didnt stop. I dont really think you can excuse yourself for three months because you are overwhelmed.

Its still just weird how any other studio can resolve issues faster, even the Destiny 2 debacle where everybody canceled their preorder for the DLC and also the Battlefront 2 disaster. Sooo idk. I know I cant do much more than wait, but I still want people, who maybe read this, to know that they are not alone if they need to wait longer and that it is not normal for a company to have this long waiting times. Its just a criticizing of the wait time, other from that I never had any problem with the game.

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