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Next expansion : instead of a new specialization...

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How about making spears, an already existing weapon, a ground weapon too ? This would unlock new playstyles for a lot classes and let players use a lot of gorgeous weapon skins that are currently useless. It's also far less complicated than designing a whole new spec.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> How about making spears, an already existing weapon, a ground weapon too ? This would unlock new playstyles for a lot classes and let players use a lot of gorgeous weapon skins that are currently useless. It's also far less complicated than designing a whole new spec.


Neat idea, but considering that we have many weapons that need to be buffed or reworked due to how bad they are, the guardians' staff being a good example, I don't think that spears would be added any time soon.

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Why not both? It's not like this game has jam packed any of its expansions enough to justify cuts. And why do people act like specializations are some massive undertaking? Every single other MMO adds new skills to every class with every expansion, they just add them as the skills for the new level cap instead of packaged in a specialization, and those same MMOs often add those skills while introducing at least one entirely new race or class, which we don't get. And then add to that how most of the features we've received in expansions (guild halls, mounts) are things most MMOs have in their vanilla version and you start to get a better picture of how slowly this game is rounding out. Cripes sakes people have some bloody expectations, I swear sometimes our playerbase acts like a whipped dog.

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> Every single other MMO adds new skills to every class with every expansion


Oh, I wish this statement was true...WoW actually REMOVES skills and class mechanics each expansion now. Can't play this boring and dumbed down game anymore because of this. :(

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