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Content remaster - World Bosses, Maps Events, Daily, Fractals, Raids, Dungeons, Party Looking Tool

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I know there was many discussions on similar topics, but it seems not to change anything despite how many players are not satisfied by what’s happening with game right now.

Let me tell you how it looks like from my perspective...




**World bosses**

World bosses are one of the best content in game though they should be remastered like Tequatl was. Most of them are not challenging now and because of that they have poor rewards too.


Tequatl is good example because it took players some time to get to know how to kill it and even now, when map have few players it often fail. Reward - 2g/ daily is good comparing to other content, but of course if every boss will drop that reward it will be too much. Reward should be level based or difficulty based on each boss.

What’s more every boss should be on timer including temple bosses in Orr (as it was in past) - they should get boost too.




**Maps events**


There are so many great maps, which in past was populated by players but now there is no one there simply because rewards are so low. I will focus on Orr maps. In past there were trains of events on which players farmed. It was nerfed because ArenaNet was thinking that it was to much for farming. But comparing to today's maps it is acceptable so why don't give it back and boost rewards for all old maps to be similar to fresh ones? Result will be that soooo much more and players will play maps they love. Or people could change map every day and not get bored by doing same thing over and over every day... Some thing is about living world maps, which are almost dead right now.




**Meta events**


Player love them. HoT's maps on time of meta are always full so I wonder why in PoF there is almost no meta. For sure not such as in Hot.

Meta events in Orr was cool too. If you boost this temples of gods to be more difficult and give better reward people will be attracted to them once again. Many players will play it even for sentiment of old times ;)

Ohh yes there are bounties on PoF maps.. But again, after ten rounds it get boring - this should be addition to map no main content on it.




**Daily rewards**

There should be separate dailys for living world map because now they will never be in normal once, so they aren't be populated with players doing dailys - there are dead right now.




**Monthly rewards**

OK, just get it back. It was nice to have some extra things to do each month, progress of that was slower than dailys but attractive.

Really, just get it back.





What is bad:

* very boring,

* no or very small lore which are (mostly) detached from game lore,

* players play it because rewards are far more big than anywhere else

* almost no new fractals.


What is good in this:

* difficulty scale

* some of them present events from past of gw lore - which is awesome !


How to change:

* add new fractals focused on past stories of gw - that will add much to gw lore and get players familiar with it. (for example something about war between gods and Abbadon, with land before desolation, sulfurous wastelands?)

* do not add rewards for CM which can't be obtained from normal run, completion of CM should be rewarded with more of "normal" rewards than non-CM run provide (maybe CM should get like 1,7x more staff)

* if make dungeon better content (as described below) add some new dungeon token for fractals weapons and armors





What is bad:

* almost only for hardcore players

* no pug run can do it

* no difficulty scale

* too loosely connected to gw2 lore

* rewards like legendary armor which cannot be obtained in different way


What is good:

* additional content

* additional mechanics


How to change:

* make raids content which majority of players are capable of playing by scaling it difficulty:

* make it like normal fractals and CM mode for hardcore players (with much more of "normal run" rewards like 2x more)

* make raid for 10 people or 20 people which will decreased its difficulty and make it more guild friendly

* make it more connected to gw lore

* rewards like legendary armor should be accessible from other ways like fractals or even some achievement from world exploration and maps events/metas (which many, many player love)





I know that ANet doesn't want to divide its "focus" to it anymore, but come one.. fractals are pretty much same as dungeons, and they are in state of continuous developing... Dungeons are awesome content which make lore even better, they need some polish to be back, but its totally worth it.


What is bad:

* to simple

* no agony (which was so boosted by fractals) effects - it do not need be necessarily some as it is in fractals, can be used here in some different way

* no new dungeons connected to new expansions lore

* bad rewards compering to fractals

* no difficulty scale


What is good:

* every path has its lore

* its connected to gw lore

* tokens for weapons/armors etc as extra reward

* number of all paths in every dungeon is far more great that number of fractals


How to change:

* make normal and CM mode

* implements into it agony and other mechanics used in fractals, raids, world bosses

* make rewards same as for fractals

* add new dungeons and new paths connected to new expansions




**Party looking tool**


Of course there is LFG tool but it feels like its incomplete and ancient...

It is very good for open world, for events, world bosses etc but its not so good for looking for smaller team to do dungeons, fractals, raids or event character story.


Why do not make simpler one ? One that could connect players automatically, compering few attributes as agony resistance and other which are required to play selected content.

That will be great for casual dungeons, fractals.

Players should have possibility to choose which content they are interested in and this tool should find others interested in same. Then it can randomly choose one of selected content - similar to system which is working on pvp map selection. Simple and fast.

For CM fractals, dungeons and raids people can still use LFG or additional parameters should be added (such as role).



In my opinion that few changes will make gw2 more interesting with much more wider end game content to play and that will make old players to come back and play. ;)

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> very boring,

That's rather subjective

> no or very small lore which are (mostly) detached from game lore,

Debatable, especially the story of twilight oasis. Also since it focuses on the tale of Dessa and Arkk which is a side story, and cannon.

> players play it because rewards are far more big than anywhere else

From what I've heard, most do it just for the daily rewards, no one has farmed fractals, to my knowledge, since the fractal 40 change

> almost no new fractals.

LW is more important ;)



>What is bad:


> almost only for hardcore players

Was intended as such since dungeons failed in that regard

> no pug run can do it

Developers have stated it was never intended to be pug-able but proved to be easy enough to be pug-able.

> no difficulty scale

Challenge motes exist for certain bosses, that's a difficulty scale is it not? Also:





any discussion about adding difficulty scales to raids ultimately ends up as a discussion on rewards.

> too loosely connected to gw2 lore

I know someone that would beg to differ. Also raids were always intended to be a side story, i.e not connected to the current one. Anet is unlikely to change their stance on that.

> rewards like legendary armor which cannot be obtained in different way

PVP and WVW have legendary armor.


The lfg of other mmos assume that certain classes will fulfill a role. Classes in gw2 have no role to fill so how would you make that work? Also, how is it bad for fractals dungeons and raids? I've been pugging dungeons to finish my ta collector and hotw collector and it works just fine; up+forward, p1+2+3, aether exp 80 only

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> @"Sephylon.4938 " said:



>> no or very small lore which are (mostly) detached from game lore,

> Debatable, especially the story of twilight oasis. Also since it focuses on the tale of Dessa and Arkk which is a side story, and cannon.

As I said - mostly. if you read all you will know that past stories in frac are awesome for me, but there is just few. Ones with Arkk and Dessa is few too and in most is only single dialog of it.


> > players play it because rewards are far more big than anywhere else

> From what I've heard, most do it just for the daily rewards, no one has farmed fractals, to my knowledge, since the fractal 40 change

thats the thing I said xD More content should have such daily rewards. And come one please spear me some ridiculous examples of 5g in dungeon etc..


> > almost no new fractals.

> LW is more important ;)

I never said that isn't, but LW come into game AFTER expansion. So with expansion should come new dungeons and fractals.



> >Raids

> >What is bad:


> > almost only for hardcore players

> Was intended as such since dungeons failed in that regard


> > no difficulty scale

> Challenge motes exist for certain bosses, that's a difficulty scale is it not? Also:

I'm not even consider that as true difficulty scale, just addition for legendary backpack (I dont think anyone doing it for other reason)


> > rewards like legendary armor which cannot be obtained in different way

> PVP and WVW have legendary armor.

I'm talking about PvE.



> The lfg of other mmos assume that certain classes will fulfill a role. Classes in gw2 have no role to fill so how would you make that work? Also, how is it bad for fractals dungeons and raids? I've been pugging dungeons to finish my ta collector and hotw collector and it works just fine; up+forward, p1+2+3, aether exp 80 only

It will be more about automatic, fast connecting players wishes to play similar content, if you need example look for one i WoW - its so much better than LFG from gw.



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> @"Ryan.7583" said:

> >> no or very small lore which are (mostly) detached from game lore,

> > Debatable, especially the story of twilight oasis. Also since it focuses on the tale of Dessa and Arkk which is a side story, and cannon.

> As I said - mostly. if you read all you will know that past stories in frac are awesome for me, but there is just few. Ones with Arkk and Dessa is few too and in most is only single dialog of it.


> > > players play it because rewards are far more big than anywhere else

> > From what I've heard, most do it just for the daily rewards, no one has farmed fractals, to my knowledge, since the fractal 40 change

> thats the thing I said xD More content should have such daily rewards. And come one please spear me some ridiculous examples of 5g in dungeon etc..


> > > almost no new fractals.

> > LW is more important ;)

> I never said that isn't, but LW come into game AFTER expansion. So with expansion should come new dungeons and fractals.


Keep in mind, something as simple as a weekly news letter has the opportunity cost of new content.

> >

> > >Raids

> > >What is bad:

> >

> > > almost only for hardcore players

> > Was intended as such since dungeons failed in that regard


> > > no difficulty scale

> > Challenge motes exist for certain bosses, that's a difficulty scale is it not? Also:

> I'm not even consider that as true difficulty scale, just addition for legendary backpack (I dont think anyone doing it for other reason)


Cms are not even needed for that.


> > > rewards like legendary armor which cannot be obtained in different way

> > PVP and WVW have legendary armor.

> I'm talking about PvE.

There are 3+ other discussions about this topic, feel free to add to them there, unless you want to feel the circle talks of the usual culprits on this thread as well


> >

> > The lfg of other mmos assume that certain classes will fulfill a role. Classes in gw2 have no role to fill so how would you make that work? Also, how is it bad for fractals dungeons and raids? I've been pugging dungeons to finish my ta collector and hotw collector and it works just fine; up+forward, p1+2+3, aether exp 80 only

> It will be more about automatic, fast connecting players wishes to play similar content, if you need example look for one i WoW - its so much better than LFG from gw.


Automatic how? Last checked one I join an lfg, I can join whatever instance they're in. Unless you're talking about joining the instance from la or something.



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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> Somehow I don't have the impression that the OP has actually understood fractals, dungeons and raids.


Oh I understand, trust me. I just don't like how it looks like today. At the begging it seems to be better with such less content. Now we have large world with big content but it potential isn't fulfilled. It luck of few important feature, which I posted up there.


P.S. I encourage you to be more factual in future ;)

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Fractals and raids should remain as they are. They are doing frequent fractal updates and improvements. Dungeons could use rework, sure, but I dont think they should add agony in there. Keep that fractal specific. I want a distinctive difference between the two.


Raids are most definitely puggable - thats how I run most of mine!


World Boss reworks could be fun though.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Ryan.7583"

> >Now we have large world with big content but it potential isn't fulfilled.


> More to do with population and time of day than lfg.


It's not about population. Even if there were more people most of them will play maps which are most profitable. But there won't be because most of people are bored by doing every day the same. When every maps will be about same in case of profit, then population will divide and there will be less dead regions.


> > @"Ryan.7583" It will be more about automatic, fast connecting players wishes to play similar content, if you need example look for one i WoW - its so much better than LFG from gw.

> @"Sephylon.4938" said:Automatic how? Last checked one I join an lfg, I can join whatever instance they're in. Unless you're talking about joining the instance from la or something.


For example you can choose which fractals and dungeons path you want to play and system will connect you with other players which selected similar options, then teleport you to instance with them. There will be no need in scrolling LFG tree and catching team for some dung and then wait ages for full team or resign and try another path - now it takes ridiculous amount of time. Can and should be simplify like in other MMO's. Of course native LFG should remain for players which for some reasons prefers it.


> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> Fractals and raids should remain as they are. They are doing frequent fractal updates and improvements. Dungeons could use rework, sure, but I don't think they should add agony in there. Keep that fractal specific. I want a distinctive difference between the two.


> Raids are most definitely puggable - thats how I run most of mine!


> World Boss reworks could be fun though.


All I mean is that there should be some easy version of raid for people who just want to do it once or twice in light way, without training for hours - reward should be of course much smaller.


About agony yes and not. Sure it's nice as content specific attribute, but on the other hand when you spend so much time farming this agony res, why shouldn't it help you somewhere else? In some way it will make dungeons harder and then reward could be similar to one in fractals.

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> @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > > @"Ryan.7583"

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > Fractals and raids should remain as they are. They are doing frequent fractal updates and improvements. Dungeons could use rework, sure, but I don't think they should add agony in there. Keep that fractal specific. I want a distinctive difference between the two.

> >

> > Raids are most definitely puggable - thats how I run most of mine!

> >

> > World Boss reworks could be fun though.


> All I mean is that there should be some easy version of raid for people who just want to do it once or twice in light way, without training for hours - reward should be of course much smaller.


> About agony yes and not. Sure it's nice as content specific attribute, but on the other hand when you spend so much time farming this agony res, why shouldn't it help you somewhere else? In some way it will make dungeons harder and then reward could be similar to one in fractals.


Bleh. Not sold on the agony idea. I dont think dungeons should be gated or tiered like fractals are. Dungeons should remain as a fairly different concept.


Raids are already easy enough.

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> @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > > @"Ryan.7583"

> > >Now we have large world with big content but it potential isn't fulfilled.

> >

> > More to do with population and time of day than lfg.


> It's not about population. Even if there were more people most of them will play maps which are most profitable. But there won't be because most of people are bored by doing every day the same. When every maps will be about same in case of profit, then population will divide and there will be less dead regions.


That assumes everybody is a farmer that only cares about gold per hour does it not?


> > > @"Ryan.7583" It will be more about automatic, fast connecting players wishes to play similar content, if you need example look for one i WoW - its so much better than LFG from gw.

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:Automatic how? Last checked one I join an lfg, I can join whatever instance they're in. Unless you're talking about joining the instance from la or something.


> For example you can choose which fractals and dungeons path you want to play and system will connect you with other players which selected similar options, then teleport you to instance with them. There will be no need in scrolling LFG tree and catching team for some dung and then wait ages for full team or resign and try another path - now it takes ridiculous amount of time. Can and should be simplify like in other MMO's. Of course native LFG should remain for players which for some reasons prefers it.


So a system that will automatically know that you want to join a fractal and or dungeon group, and automatically put you on the lfg, or join you in an already existing group, without you having to push a button?


> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > Fractals and raids should remain as they are. They are doing frequent fractal updates and improvements. Dungeons could use rework, sure, but I don't think they should add agony in there. Keep that fractal specific. I want a distinctive difference between the two.

> >

> > Raids are most definitely puggable - thats how I run most of mine!

> >

> > World Boss reworks could be fun though.


> All I mean is that there should be some easy version of raid for people who just want to do it once or twice in light way, without training for hours - reward should be of course much smaller.



55 pages of a thread asking for this very topic, devolved into a "I want this" "then play the game mode" "no, change it for ~~me~~ the casuals"



37 pages of a thread asking for this very topic, devolved into a "I want this" "then play the game mode" "no, change it for ~~me~~ the casuals"


I predict this thread will be just another one of those if you keep asking for that here.




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> @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > Somehow I don't have the impression that the OP has actually understood fractals, dungeons and raids.


> Oh I understand, trust me. I just don't like how it looks like today. At the begging it seems to be better with such less content. Now we have large world with big content but it potential isn't fulfilled. It luck of few important feature, which I posted up there.


> P.S. I encourage you to be more factual in future ;)


No, it's fairly clear you don't understand the design and design goals of Fractals and Raids otherwise you wouldn't be saying their design goals are problems.


Raids are side stories, aimed at being the hardest group content in the game, yet you're saying they're faulty for doing exactly what they set out to do. Same thing for your fractals complaints....

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> @"Ryan.7583" said:

> **World bosses**

> World bosses are one of the best content in game though they should be remastered like Tequatl was.


I was going to respond only to the Fractals/Dungeons/Raids because that's the theme of this sub-forum but I guess I need to reply to all of them.

I wouldn't say that World Bosses are the best content, they are giant sacks of hit points that give a rare on completion. Remastering them will help for a little while, until the community learns how to beat them reliably, most often by using brute force through their mechanics.


> **Maps events**


They added map rewards which is a great system to get players to play on all maps. However, since most map rewards have a TP value, they become worthless, when it's easier to farm something else, get the gold, and buy what you want, instead of playing the content that gives you directly what you want, you have a problematic system. It's not an issue that can be easily solved.


> **Meta events**


The reason they don't add meta events on timers, is because the day is already full. Adding more would compete with older meta events. Plus many cried that Heart of Thorns was too heavy on timers and Arenanet listens to such complaints and makes the game worse.


> **Daily rewards**


There are already daily rewards on living world maps, they have their own separate daily category. What they could do is remove all the categories and add one or two. Today it's Bloodstone Fen, tomorrow it's Siren's Landing and so on. That way each living world zone will get its own "day" of importance.


> **Monthly rewards**


Monthly rewards, otherwise known as "an extra daily". No thanks, they added login rewards instead and that's better.


> **Fractals.**

> * almost no new fractals.


July 2016: Chaos Isles Fractal

November 2016: Nightmare Fractal

July 2017: Shattered Observatory

November 2017: Twilight Oasis


2 Fractals per year, 1 fractal per 6 months, isn't "almost no new fractals".

If the pattern remains, we'll get a new fractal by July 2018.


> **Dungeons**

Dungeons are dead, it's about time everyone understand that.


> **Party looking tool**

> Why do not make simpler one ?


"Simpler one" that makes a ton of new checks automatically to group players while now the checks are done by the players. I don't know how you missed the meaning of the word "simple"

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > Somehow I don't have the impression that the OP has actually understood fractals, dungeons and raids.

> >

> > Oh I understand, trust me. I just don't like how it looks like today. At the begging it seems to be better with such less content. Now we have large world with big content but it potential isn't fulfilled. It luck of few important feature, which I posted up there.

> >

> > P.S. I encourage you to be more factual in future ;)


> No, it's fairly clear you don't understand the design and design goals of Fractals and Raids otherwise you wouldn't be saying their design goals are problems.


> Raids are side stories, aimed at being the hardest group content in the game, yet you're saying they're faulty for doing exactly what they set out to do. Same thing for your fractals complaints....


Not to mention the dungeons part. When you know their state and history (especially the one of spaghetti code), it's obvious that _all_ of his suggestions to "improve" them are far removed from reality. Except for the agony part, there you don't even need to know anything about dungeons to know it's a bad idea.

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> World bosses are one of the best content in game though they should be remastered like Tequatl was. Most of them are not challenging now and because of that they have poor rewards too.


> Tequatl is good example because it took players some time to get to know how to kill it and even now, when map have few players it often fail. Reward - 2g/ daily is good comparing to other content, but of course if every boss will drop that reward it will be too much. Reward should be level based or difficulty based on each boss.

> What’s more every boss should be on timer including temple bosses in Orr (as it was in past) - they should get boost too.



Spam 1 bosses in higher level zones should get rework. Jungle wurm, shadow behemoth, Norn shaman and Centaur shamans are fine. Golem Mark 2, Taiga, Jormag, Sand Giant, Karka, Orr wizard need reworks to make them more challenging and give better rewards, sicne now it is press 1 and AFK.


> **Maps events**


> There are so many great maps, which in past was populated by players but now there is no one there simply because rewards are so low. I will focus on Orr maps. In past there were trains of events on which players farmed. It was nerfed because ArenaNet was thinking that it was to much for farming. But comparing to today's maps it is acceptable so why don't give it back and boost rewards for all old maps to be similar to fresh ones? Result will be that soooo much more and players will play maps they love. Or people could change map every day and not get bored by doing same thing over and over every day... Some thing is about living world maps, which are almost dead right now.



Orr maps were nerfed for a reason, no point in making them rain gold again.



> **Daily rewards**

> There should be separate dailys for living world map because now they will never be in normal once, so they aren't be populated with players doing dailys - there are dead right now.



SW is still being ran, DT never saw play, even before HOT



> **Monthly rewards**

> OK, just get it back. It was nice to have some extra things to do each month, progress of that was slower than dailys but attractive.

> Really, just get it back.



Had it before, was bad. No, thanks.



> **Fractals.**

> What is bad:

> * very boring,

> * no or very small lore which are (mostly) detached from game lore,

> * players play it because rewards are far more big than anywhere else

> * almost no new fractals.


> What is good in this:

> * difficulty scale

> * some of them present events from past of gw lore - which is awesome !


> How to change:

> * add new fractals focused on past stories of gw - that will add much to gw lore and get players familiar with it. (for example something about war between gods and Abbadon, with land before desolation, sulfurous wastelands?)

> * do not add rewards for CM which can't be obtained from normal run, completion of CM should be rewarded with more of "normal" rewards than non-CM run provide (maybe CM should get like 1,7x more staff)

> * if make dungeon better content (as described below) add some new dungeon token for fractals weapons and armors


Fractals are new bite sizes dungeons and they don't have to have lore, since it is just some location frozen in time.

Players play it for reward? Never heard of, right?

Oh stop it with Abbadon, we don't need more boss type fractals, give players regular trash fractals too. Last 3 out of 4 fractals were boss fractals - Chaos Isles, Shattered observatory and Nightmare

If CM gave same rewards (though a bit more of them) as regular ones, it would be useless to run it, even now CMs are not worth the effort if you are going for money, since there are way more effective ways to gain gold fast



> **Raids**

> What is bad:

> * almost only for hardcore players

> * no pug run can do it

> * no difficulty scale

> * too loosely connected to gw2 lore

> * rewards like legendary armor which cannot be obtained in different way


> What is good:

> * additional content

> * additional mechanics


> How to change:

> * make raids content which majority of players are capable of playing by scaling it difficulty:

> * make it like normal fractals and CM mode for hardcore players (with much more of "normal run" rewards like 2x more)

> * make raid for 10 people or 20 people which will decreased its difficulty and make it more guild friendly

> * make it more connected to gw lore

> * rewards like legendary armor should be accessible from other ways like fractals or even some achievement from world exploration and maps events/metas (which many, many player love)



Raids are hard for a reason - to carter to "hardcore" (still this game is casual, even "hardcore" players) crowd.

Legendary armors should be accessible by other means, but not Envoy armor. Raid armor should still look prettier have better visual effects.



> **Dungeons**



Dungeons are dead, deal with it.



> **Party looking tool**


> Of course there is LFG tool but it feels like its incomplete and ancient...

> It is very good for open world, for events, world bosses etc but its not so good for looking for smaller team to do dungeons, fractals, raids or event character story.


> Why do not make simpler one ? One that could connect players automatically, compering few attributes as agony resistance and other which are required to play selected content.

> That will be great for casual dungeons, fractals.

> Players should have possibility to choose which content they are interested in and this tool should find others interested in same. Then it can randomly choose one of selected content - similar to system which is working on pvp map selection. Simple and fast.

> For CM fractals, dungeons and raids people can still use LFG or additional parameters should be added (such as role).



Only thing, roles won't work. Ele, guard, drood, war, chrono can be listed as support, same classes can be used as dps, 3 or them, as tanks. Won't work.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > > > @"Ryan.7583"

> > > >Now we have large world with big content but it potential isn't fulfilled.

> > >

> > > More to do with population and time of day than lfg.

> >

> > It's not about population. Even if there were more people most of them will play maps which are most profitable. But there won't be because most of people are bored by doing every day the same. When every maps will be about same in case of profit, then population will divide and there will be less dead regions.

> >

> That assumes everybody is a farmer that only cares about gold per hour does it not?


No ofc it doesn't assume that :) but it's yesterday news that people will do things which will give them most profit - thats why rewards on all maps should be similar. That will get more people (even farming ones) play old maps which will make world more live - simple as that.




> > > > @"Ryan.7583" It will be more about automatic, fast connecting players wishes to play similar content, if you need example look for one i WoW - its so much better than LFG from gw.

> > > @"Sephylon.4938" said:Automatic how? Last checked one I join an lfg, I can join whatever instance they're in. Unless you're talking about joining the instance from la or something.

> >

> > For example you can choose which fractals and dungeons path you want to play and system will connect you with other players which selected similar options, then teleport you to instance with them. There will be no need in scrolling LFG tree and catching team for some dung and then wait ages for full team or resign and try another path - now it takes ridiculous amount of time. Can and should be simplify like in other MMO's. Of course native LFG should remain for players which for some reasons prefers it.

> >

> So a system that will automatically know that you want to join a fractal and or dungeon group, and automatically put you on the lfg, or join you in an already existing group, without you having to push a button?


seriusly? look how it works in Wow and you will get the idea..


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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > Somehow I don't have the impression that the OP has actually understood fractals, dungeons and raids.

> >

> > Oh I understand, trust me. I just don't like how it looks like today. At the begging it seems to be better with such less content. Now we have large world with big content but it potential isn't fulfilled. It luck of few important feature, which I posted up there.

> >

> > P.S. I encourage you to be more factual in future ;)


> No, it's fairly clear you don't understand the design and design goals of Fractals and Raids otherwise you wouldn't be saying their design goals are problems.


> Raids are side stories, aimed at being the hardest group content in the game, yet you're saying they're faulty for doing exactly what they set out to do. Same thing for your fractals complaints....


I said that I don't like it in way it is now - what don't you understand? ;p It is my and many other people opinion (as you can see even on this forum, where to be honest not many players come simply because they don't have time for that). End of story.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > **World bosses**

> > World bosses are one of the best content in game though they should be remastered like Tequatl was.


> I was going to respond only to the Fractals/Dungeons/Raids because that's the theme of this sub-forum but I guess I need to reply to all of them.

> I wouldn't say that World Bosses are the best content, they are giant sacks of hit points that give a rare on completion. Remastering them will help for a little while, until the community learns how to beat them reliably, most often by using brute force through their mechanics.


Still that is what people love and game is for people not other way.



> > **Maps events**


> They added map rewards which is a great system to get players to play on all maps. However, since most map rewards have a TP value, they become worthless, when it's easier to farm something else, get the gold, and buy what you want, instead of playing the content that gives you directly what you want, you have a problematic system. It's not an issue that can be easily solved.


Why don't make rewards larger, more competetive?


> > **Daily rewards**


> There are already daily rewards on living world maps, they have their own separate daily category. What they could do is remove all the categories and add one or two. Today it's Bloodstone Fen, tomorrow it's Siren's Landing and so on. That way each living world zone will get its own "day" of importance.


That's a good idea!



> > **Fractals.**

> > * almost no new fractals.


> July 2016: Chaos Isles Fractal

> November 2016: Nightmare Fractal

> July 2017: Shattered Observatory

> November 2017: Twilight Oasis


> 2 Fractals per year, 1 fractal per 6 months, isn't "almost no new fractals".

> If the pattern remains, we'll get a new fractal by July 2018.



With expansion we didn't get any content like frac or dungeon so yea 1 fractal per 6 month it's just not good enough.


> > **Dungeons**

> Dungeons are dead, it's about time everyone understand that.


It's about time to get them back.



> > **Party looking tool**

> > Why do not make simpler one ?


> "Simpler one" that makes a ton of new checks automatically to group players while now the checks are done by the players. I don't know how you missed the meaning of the word "simple"


Simpler for player, not developer ;)



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> >

> > **Fractals.**

> > What is bad:

> > * very boring,

> > * no or very small lore which are (mostly) detached from game lore,

> > * players play it because rewards are far more big than anywhere else

> > * almost no new fractals.

> >

> > What is good in this:

> > * difficulty scale

> > * some of them present events from past of gw lore - which is awesome !

> >

> > How to change:

> > * add new fractals focused on past stories of gw - that will add much to gw lore and get players familiar with it. (for example something about war between gods and Abbadon, with land before desolation, sulfurous wastelands?)

> > * do not add rewards for CM which can't be obtained from normal run, completion of CM should be rewarded with more of "normal" rewards than non-CM run provide (maybe CM should get like 1,7x more staff)

> > * if make dungeon better content (as described below) add some new dungeon token for fractals weapons and armors


> Fractals are new bite sizes dungeons and they don't have to have lore, since it is just some location frozen in time.

> Players play it for reward? Never heard of, right?

> Oh stop it with Abbadon, we don't need more boss type fractals, give players regular trash fractals too. Last 3 out of 4 fractals were boss fractals - Chaos Isles, Shattered observatory and Nightmare

> If CM gave same rewards (though a bit more of them) as regular ones, it would be useless to run it, even now CMs are not worth the effort if you are going for money, since there are way more effective ways to gain gold fast


Why fractal connected with abbadon must be boss type? It can be whatever you can think of.




> >

> > **Raids**

> > What is bad:

> > * almost only for hardcore players

> > * no pug run can do it

> > * no difficulty scale

> > * too loosely connected to gw2 lore

> > * rewards like legendary armor which cannot be obtained in different way

> >

> > What is good:

> > * additional content

> > * additional mechanics

> >

> > How to change:

> > * make raids content which majority of players are capable of playing by scaling it difficulty:

> > * make it like normal fractals and CM mode for hardcore players (with much more of "normal run" rewards like 2x more)

> > * make raid for 10 people or 20 people which will decreased its difficulty and make it more guild friendly

> > * make it more connected to gw lore

> > * rewards like legendary armor should be accessible from other ways like fractals or even some achievement from world exploration and maps events/metas (which many, many player love)

> >


> Raids are hard for a reason - to carter to "hardcore" (still this game is casual, even "hardcore" players) crowd.

> Legendary armors should be accessible by other means, but not Envoy armor. Raid armor should still look prettier have better visual effects.



Envoy can be accessible by raids only - thats ok. But raids should have "easy" difficulty to do it, so more players can enjoy content for which they paid. Thats all.



> >

> > **Party looking tool**

> >

> > Of course there is LFG tool but it feels like its incomplete and ancient...

> > It is very good for open world, for events, world bosses etc but its not so good for looking for smaller team to do dungeons, fractals, raids or event character story.

> >

> > Why do not make simpler one ? One that could connect players automatically, compering few attributes as agony resistance and other which are required to play selected content.

> > That will be great for casual dungeons, fractals.

> > Players should have possibility to choose which content they are interested in and this tool should find others interested in same. Then it can randomly choose one of selected content - similar to system which is working on pvp map selection. Simple and fast.

> > For CM fractals, dungeons and raids people can still use LFG or additional parameters should be added (such as role).

> >


> Only thing, roles won't work. Ele, guard, drood, war, chrono can be listed as support, same classes can be used as dps, 3 or them, as tanks. Won't work.


In other games it works, it's all about idea and some development.


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> @"Ryan.7583" said:

> Why don't make rewards larger, more competetive?



Because that wouldn't solve the problem with map rewards. The problem with them is that their rewards aren't specific but tied to the market. One month blood is really expensive, next month it's scales, what's gonna happen next? Re-balance how many of each you get based on the month?


> With expansion we didn't get any content like frac or dungeon so yea 1 fractal per 6 month it's just not good enough.



Fractals are outside the release schedule of expansions, that's not going to change.

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  • 8 months later...

> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ryan.7583" said:

> > Why don't make rewards larger, more competetive?

> >


> Because that wouldn't solve the problem with map rewards. The problem with them is that their rewards aren't specific but tied to the market. One month blood is really expensive, next month it's scales, what's gonna happen next? Re-balance how many of each you get based on the month?



If you want blood and other materials as rewards they can be changing daily - still this is no problem.


For me we have now to many different currencies, most of which are dead right now. This need refactor too.

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