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Necro sustain (PvP, WvW)


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Necromancer's sustain is divided in 2 part that need to be used at the same time:

Health part: heal skill, regen, vampiric effect... etc.

Life force part: any skill/trait that generate and use life force.


Dependant on the situation you can outlast a druid.

Life siphon effect seem bad because they are balanced around the fact that you can optimize your skillset to achieve a high level of sustain with those little numbers.


If you aim at personnal survivability when you talk about "sustain" and want to focus on your main health pool, take blood magic and fill your utilities with minions (mainly for PvE). If you want to focus on your "life shield" you won't be wrong if you take blood magic but a good way to maximize your sustain throught shroud is to focus on soul reaping and take spectral skills (mainly zerg WvW). And, lastly, you can also take blood magic and Wells (traited) as utilities (PvP I guess).


If you aim at support, take blood magic again and scourge while focusing on barrier.


Sustain is the only thing that anet gifted to the necromancer, it's not quite as good as a good old damage mitigation (dodge/aegis/block/invuln) but you can somehow make it work to the point that other professions think that the necromancer have much more survivability than them.

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you don't have sustain - take it

your survive until you have hp and shroud/shields , then you will be dead.


in spvp try to use amulets with some toughness, your basic hp +180 vitality from trait are enough.


in wvw you outsurvive other classes with stat stacking :


* Celestial gear -alot toughness/vitality with power/condi damage

* Trailblazer gear - alot toughness/vitality with condi damage

* Marauder gear - huge amount of vitality with power damage)


and % damage reduction:


* trait: Blood as Sand — Reduce incoming damage for each sand shade you have active.

* trait: Corrupter's Fervor — Inflicting a condition on a foe grants stacking toughness and reduced incoming condition damage.

* Death Shroud (halves direct damage taken when in shroud provided the original damage doesn't deplete your life force).

* food: Bowl of Curry Mussel Soup/Oysters with Spicy Sauce /Fried Oyster Sandwich.

* boon: The Protection boon reduces damage received by the defender by 33%.

* runes: Superior Rune of the Scrapper (Rank 6) — Damage reduced by 7% when within 600 units of an enemy.


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Necro sustain comes from 4 places.

* Healing

* Shroud and LF generation

* Debilitating conditions like blind, chill, weakness, cripple, bind, and fear. Poison, torment, bleeds, and corruptions indirectly help even the odds, too.

* Condition management skills and traits like Plague Signet.


Healing and shrouding are obvious but still leave Necro squishy. Even without the condition damage equipment stat, conditions are vital for survival.

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Necro has no sustain. As in duelist/far pusher 1v2 sense.

It has decent sustain if paired up with a dedicated support for 2v2 and higher battles.


The main problem are "clunky extra requirements".

we mostly NEED TO HIT a target in order to gain ANYTHING.


So beside the fact that our sustain weapon dagger, had its healing go from 2k --> 5k in 5 years, its still an UNRELIABLE skill, compared to ele dagger water#2 which heals by hitting air. Were designed NOT to disengage, so any cool 1v2 montage while low hp cant be made on necro.


I find the powercrrep on evades and ease of runaway mechanics more annoying.

For self heals id mostly just want a standardized consistent lifeforce ammount, like 50% on respawn or OOC, just like rev.

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I agree, Flumek. A big weakness with all Necro builds is the relative ineffectiveness of action restriction conditions and control effects. I thought Arenanet's intent was to punish players that got too close but there are a lot of counters to engaging Necro's in mele.


I am fine being stun-locked, pew-pewed from range, and back-stabbed from stealth for counterplay but it seems like AoE condi pressure is the best play in melee. At least part of that is due to MH dagger.


If Arenanet is going to have Necro MH dagger be a power-sustain weapon, then I would like it to do something like casting Tainted Shackels or a 0.25 second bind on the third hit in the AA chain.

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I think Necro sustain would be good if it had the mobility to escape/chase down people. The biggest weakness it has when it comes to sustain is that it gets melted by ranged with very little it can do about it. High mobility classes are Necos BIGGEST weakness. No way to lock anything down. No way to chase. No way to escape.

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