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Gimp builds and balance


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If the purpose of gw2, as a service provider, as a game, is to make an environment from which fun can be attained, gimp builds such as p/p deadeye shouldn’t exist. In what reasonable mind should there be a scenario where a class can simply spam one button and deal 30k, 40k damage? This is especially egregious with it being the case that this is from range. It is a lapse in judgement, in logic, to allow a build that removes effort, thus removes competition, to exist in an environment that is supposed to be competitive. I do not car if it’s easy to kill a deadeye. I’m not saying it’s invincible and infallible. I’m saying that it is nothing short of stupid to allow this build to exist in an environment where people ultimately seek fun. I’m not just asking for the removal of p/p dead eye, I’m asking for the complete destruction of p/p. There is no net gain from this build existing. For each person who plays p/p and has fun, there are 10 who don’t. If your content doesn’t not provide the service it is intended to provide, it will fail.

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> @"Poelala.2830"

Couldn't you have just looked up one of the many "I can't handle P/P" threads and contributed there?

We get it, scourge get shafted by DE most of the time - that's why it's a counter.

However DE is susceptible to being destroyed by so many other builds and scourge in general has a greater impact on a wider variety classes.

Yet another thread to match all the others: "Thief/Soulbeast hits too hard", "FB/Druid sustains too well", "Spellbreaker OP", "Holo stuns too much", "Mesmer dodges everything", "Scourge applies too many condis", "Rev and Ele..... never mind".



Just so you know - this was the funniest line:

> I’m not just asking for the removal of p/p dead eye, I’m asking for the complete destruction of p/p.

Yes, I'm sure devs will get onto that straight away. :wink:

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > TLDR: Don't allow builds I can't figure out how to counter or your game will die Anet... DIE!!!!!!


> No? Don’t allow builds that destroy competitiveness by relying solely on spam and cheap play.


Bro what tier are you in? Silver? I hardly ever see p/p thiefs in gold because it can easily be countered with reflects. Daredevil is so much better than a p/p thief.

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > TLDR: Don't allow builds I can't figure out how to counter or your game will die Anet... DIE!!!!!!

> >

> > No? Don’t allow builds that destroy competitiveness by relying solely on spam and cheap play.


> Bro what tier are you in? Silver? I hardly ever see p/p thiefs in gold because it can easily be countered with reflects. Daredevil is so much better than a p/p thief.


I don’t concern myself with perpetually dead seasons such as ranked. This does not delegitimize my statements.

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > TLDR: Don't allow builds I can't figure out how to counter or your game will die Anet... DIE!!!!!!

> > >

> > > No? Don’t allow builds that destroy competitiveness by relying solely on spam and cheap play.

> >

> > Bro what tier are you in? Silver? I hardly ever see p/p thiefs in gold because it can easily be countered with reflects. Daredevil is so much better than a p/p thief.


> I don’t concern myself with perpetually dead seasons such as ranked. This does not delegitimize my statements.



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Its a build (s) that have obvious counters. Imo its a l2p. Build will carry them so far. Im more of a "learn to deal with it or dont complain" kinda person. If you are one to refuse to tweak your build to accommodate your survival, or not care enough to learn, thats a personal issue that does invalidate your arguement. If you dont know how to, ppl will be more than willing to help tweak your build or teach you how to counter such event.


I can gear up my P/P build and spar/practice with ya if you are NA to help you out .

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> "Rev and Ele..... never mind".

Lol. This had me laughing.


> @"BMW.2951" said:

> Bro what tier are you in? Silver? I hardly ever see p/p thiefs in gold because it can easily be countered with reflects. Daredevil is so much better than a p/p thief.


I still see P/P Thieves all the time in Plat games. Some of them are actually pretty decent, but that is rare.


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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> Its a build (s) that have obvious counters. Imo its a l2p. Build will carry them so far. Im more of a "learn to deal with it or dont complain" kinda person. If you are one to refuse to tweak your build to accommodate your survival, or not care enough to learn, thats a personal issue that does invalidate your arguement. If you dont know how to, ppl will be more than willing to help tweak your build or teach you how to counter such event.


> I can gear up my P/P build and spar/practice with ya if you are NA to help you out .


I have no insecurities on my ability to play. I’m excellent at warrior and can kill any deadeye build with ease on that. But I shouldn’t have to rely on that.

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> > @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > TLDR: Don't allow builds I can't figure out how to counter or your game will die Anet... DIE!!!!!!

> >

> > No? Don’t allow builds that destroy competitiveness by relying solely on spam and cheap play.


> Bro what tier are you in? Silver? I hardly ever see p/p thiefs in gold because it can easily be countered with reflects. Daredevil is so much better than a p/p thief.


Poe is a very good duelist on Warrior. I have no idea how he does in Conquest though.

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > Its a build (s) that have obvious counters. Imo its a l2p. Build will carry them so far. Im more of a "learn to deal with it or dont complain" kinda person. If you are one to refuse to tweak your build to accommodate your survival, or not care enough to learn, thats a personal issue that does invalidate your arguement. If you dont know how to, ppl will be more than willing to help tweak your build or teach you how to counter such event.

> >

> > I can gear up my P/P build and spar/practice with ya if you are NA to help you out .


> I have no insecurities on my ability to play. I’m excellent at warrior and can kill any deadeye build with ease on that. But I shouldn’t have to rely on that.


Yeah...not all classes can beat every classes at the same skill level. Hence the term "counter". Equal skill level a war should beat a thief. If you are playing SB, even more so of a counter thanks to Full Counter (no pun intended).

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > You play scourge right? Every class has a counter ;)


> No I don’t.


Then what class do you play?


Dead Eyes are rather easy to deal with, especially 3 spamming builds.


To list a few:

- Elementalist has Magnetic Auras

- Rev is Rev, should beat the DE even with a hammer build or Unrelenting Assualt should cancel out the Pew Pew (as with any skill that places you behind the caster)

- Engi has Holomode, reflection domes and whack amount of passive sustain + decent cleave + reveals

- Warrior can trait to reflect on blocks

- Necro has that poison cloud that destroys projectiles for 12s every 24s, also using portal behind the caster resets Unload (wasted initiative leaves them open, also no initiative gain for them for not full casting unload)

- Mesmer has reflects and is a Mesmer, should win this by default.

- Ranger has projectile destruction AND completely out ranges the Thief, many other tools available such as Taunt and Reveal.

- Guardian has DH and Core medi build, core build offers enough power to nuke the thief while DH traps have pretty much always countered thieves. There's also a tonne of reflects and blocks and projectile blocking going on (like shield) then you have that tome where you can spam a reflecting dome on point for 30s

- Thief can win by being the better thief and playing S/D or D/P.


I just listed a way to counter P/P thieves on every class, there's more possible options but it's up to you to learn how to adapt to beating P/P builds... Complaining is always easier but it's up to you what you do.



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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> Its a build (s) that have obvious counters. Imo its a l2p. Build will carry them so far. Im more of a "learn to deal with it or dont complain" kinda person. If you are one to refuse to tweak your build to accommodate your survival, or not care enough to learn, thats a personal issue that does invalidate your arguement. If you dont know how to, ppl will be more than willing to help tweak your build or teach you how to counter such event.


> I can gear up my P/P build and spar/practice with ya if you are NA to help you out .


its not a l2p question or question or shit, p/p an other spam or one shot builds are so destructives at +1 you are fighting some dude and the p/p kitenn apears and just spaming 3 with no other fuking skill decides the whole combat.

this have of builds have to disapear or get a big tweak that the fuking might staking go out of the spamable 3

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > Its a build (s) that have obvious counters. Imo its a l2p. Build will carry them so far. Im more of a "learn to deal with it or dont complain" kinda person. If you are one to refuse to tweak your build to accommodate your survival, or not care enough to learn, thats a personal issue that does invalidate your arguement. If you dont know how to, ppl will be more than willing to help tweak your build or teach you how to counter such event.

> >

> > I can gear up my P/P build and spar/practice with ya if you are NA to help you out .


> I have no insecurities on my ability to play. I’m excellent at warrior and can kill any deadeye build with ease on that. But I shouldn’t have to rely on that.


Warrior complaining bout the too easy to Play P/P thief.. am i really the only one who thinks thats funny?

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> So confused. Why do people assume I play scourge? I’ve never played scourge.


because you should be complaining about unkillable SB on side node or scourge and FB on mid

not p/p teef prioritize the the true toxic game play

SB heal without using any thing

scourge kill you with out using his weapon some times

if Anet do somthing about that then we can go after teef



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> @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > Its a build (s) that have obvious counters. Imo its a l2p. Build will carry them so far. Im more of a "learn to deal with it or dont complain" kinda person. If you are one to refuse to tweak your build to accommodate your survival, or not care enough to learn, thats a personal issue that does invalidate your arguement. If you dont know how to, ppl will be more than willing to help tweak your build or teach you how to counter such event.

> >

> > I can gear up my P/P build and spar/practice with ya if you are NA to help you out .


> its not a l2p question or question or kitten, p/p an other spam or one shot builds are so destructives at +1 you are fighting some dude and the p/p kitenn apears and just spaming 3 with no other kitten skill decides the whole combat.

> this have of builds have to disapear or get a big tweak that the kitten might staking go out of the spamable 3


At risk of starting an argument, it is classified as l2p. P/P has its obvious flaws and learning to use it to your advantage is key (as fighting against any build). P/P unload spam runs out of initiative...fast. Once you block/dodge/reflect/evade the initial 3/4 unloads, they have little to nothing left. Learning to bait out all their initiative is a l2p. Knowing that is what you need to do to survive the initial waves is a l2p. That's the literal definition of it.


Is it strong? Yes. Is it OP? No (as you can only do so much thanks to initiative). Can you beat them? Yes.


Call it what you will, however it is what it is. If you need help, im sure people here can give you more tips or help you with your build to better assist you against them.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > Its a build (s) that have obvious counters. Imo its a l2p. Build will carry them so far. Im more of a "learn to deal with it or dont complain" kinda person. If you are one to refuse to tweak your build to accommodate your survival, or not care enough to learn, thats a personal issue that does invalidate your arguement. If you dont know how to, ppl will be more than willing to help tweak your build or teach you how to counter such event.

> > >

> > > I can gear up my P/P build and spar/practice with ya if you are NA to help you out .

> >

> > its not a l2p question or question or kitten, p/p an other spam or one shot builds are so destructives at +1 you are fighting some dude and the p/p kitenn apears and just spaming 3 with no other kitten skill decides the whole combat.

> > this have of builds have to disapear or get a big tweak that the kitten might staking go out of the spamable 3


> At risk of starting an argument, it is classified as l2p. P/P has its obvious flaws and learning to use it to your advantage is key (as fighting against any build). P/P unload spam runs out of initiative...fast. Once you block/dodge/reflect/evade the initial 3/4 unloads, they have little to nothing left. Learning to bait out all their initiative is a l2p. Knowing that is what you need to do to survive the initial waves is a l2p. That's the literal definition of it.


> Is it strong? Yes. Is it OP? No (as you can only do so much thanks to initiative). Can you beat them? Yes.


> Call it what you will, however it is what it is. If you need help, im sure people here can give you more tips or help you with your build to better assist you against them.


bla bla bla,thing is not about dueling p/p, thing is about how destructive as a +1 is p/p, when you are +1 by a enemy p/p you are destroyed you can bait or shit, you are figting anothe that consumed great part of your resouses and atention and you get destroyed by a moron who plays only with one key



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