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Gw1 Why it is genius and gw2 just meh.

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That's fine .. you complain about nostalgia for a game that actually still exists that people can play. I'm sure that's the best use of your time on GW2 forums.


I have no problem with people that like GW1 ... this isn't about that; its about the silliness of complaining that game 1 isn't game 2, which happen to share so few elements between them only the most desperate people would attempt to compare them. Kick in the fact that game 1 was never intended to be anything like game 2. For the hat trick, GW2 doesn't seem to be doing all that bad by not being GW1 part 2. Seems to me the OP doesn't really have a point other than a poorly-thought out complaint that he didn't get the game he wanted.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> That's fine .. you complain about nostalgia for a game that actually still exists that people can play. I'm sure that's the best use of your time on GW2 forums.


> I have no problem with people that like GW1 ... this isn't about that; its about the silliness of complaining that game 1 isn't game 2, which happen to share so few elements between them only the most desperate people would attempt to compare them. Kick in the fact that game 1 was never intended to be anything like game 2. For the hat trick, GW2 doesn't seem to be doing all that bad by not being GW1 part 2. Seems to me the OP doesn't really have a point other than a poorly-thought out complaint that he didn't get the game he wanted.


Okay, so I say this once more:

You can play an existing game only for so long, before you have seen everything. People want NEW experiences with GW1 gameplay. Thats a whole different thing. One I have pointed out repeatedly by the way.

Also, something I explained several times as well by now, when you love a gae, and the developer decides to make a sequel, you'd be happy at first. fast forward to finding out that the game is nothing like the game you liked before, and what do you expect to happen? People going their way, saying "thats life!" and be finde with it?

Thats not how human behaviour works. Of course some people will be disapponted. And the fact, that people are disappointed even 6 years later speaks for itself on how much of an impact GW1 had.

Also: "For the hat trick, GW2 doesn't seem to be doing all that bad by not being GW1 part 2."

Of course it does well. Wider audience to to deliberate change of genre AND more people playing games now that 15 years ago, mixed with new monetization practices of course it does well.


"Seems to me the OP doesn't really have a point other than a poorly-thought out complaint that he didn't get the game he wanted."

Even that is wrong. The video explains quite nicely, what made GW1 stand out to some people. Elaborated it's strenghts. Like I said earlier (again...), his choice of words could have been better. But the essence of what he tries to deliver (Why GW1, in his opinion, is a better experience than GW2) shines through, unless you deliberatly decide to ignore it in order to attack him ad hominem.


Long story short: You call said complaints silly, I call them a logical consequence.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> The ONLY reasons guild wars 1 beats guild wars 2 is because of its ability to allow build customization, and the plot. Guild wars 2 has the worst storyline I have ever seen and its writing has been poor(Prior to PoF which even then was not that great). There is little sense of urgency and little to care about in the world of tyria in the sequel because the game equates to "Hello kitty online".


> They tried so hard to grab at every demographic of gamer that they really made a game that is kind of like a "Jack of all trades". You want a moba? Play pvp in the mists. You want realm vs realm, wvw. You want pve open world content well we got that, we also have dungeons (Albeit crappy) and now we have raids. The game was designed to grab at so many things that it really has NOTHING unique to it at all. Even the classes have been watered down and made so that they feel relatively the same so you can just pick one up and roll with it and be half decent even if you have never touched one before. (I just picked up a messmer and I have NEVER played one prior to this whimsical moment and Im really good at it, and hell I barely knew anything about the class. It's kitten easy.)


> Guild wars 1 was not the case, you not only had to learn your class and figure out the build for yourself but you also had to figure out what syngerized with the skills you wanted to use. You could be a minion master necro and your minions looked cool, and felt cool and it was neat to have a mini army following you around and fighting for you which is lost on guild wars 2? The themes were darker and the storylines were pretty well polished with good character development for the villians as well the heroes you fought alongside. (Which is why shiro is kind of a fan favorite he had a crap ton of development through his campaign, and nightfall.) They also made each race feel EXTREMELY unique with the charr having cool armor that fit their appearance, the norn turned into werebeasts whenever they entered combat and were kitten as hell which again is lost on guild wars 2.


> You can't compare the two on gameplay because guild wars 1 is dated, guild wars 2 has better and more fluid combat and its got a crap ton of effects but those shiny graphics don't make it a better game they just make it more pleasing to the eye. In reality Guild wars 1 was closer to an rpg than its sequel at this point, this game feels more like an action based - mmo. Not an mmorpg.


I do not agree with you on the story, you do not need game of thrones deceptive writing for something to be a good story, its how a story is told like via voice acting and etc, I agree the urgency is a little delayed, especially the core story, but people are way to reliant on dark themes, twists and turns these days, they overdid them so much now that they are just as predictable as the good vs evil stereotype of story lines.

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> @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > The ONLY reasons guild wars 1 beats guild wars 2 is because of its ability to allow build customization, and the plot. Guild wars 2 has the worst storyline I have ever seen and its writing has been poor(Prior to PoF which even then was not that great). There is little sense of urgency and little to care about in the world of tyria in the sequel because the game equates to "Hello kitty online".

> >

> > They tried so hard to grab at every demographic of gamer that they really made a game that is kind of like a "Jack of all trades". You want a moba? Play pvp in the mists. You want realm vs realm, wvw. You want pve open world content well we got that, we also have dungeons (Albeit crappy) and now we have raids. The game was designed to grab at so many things that it really has NOTHING unique to it at all. Even the classes have been watered down and made so that they feel relatively the same so you can just pick one up and roll with it and be half decent even if you have never touched one before. (I just picked up a messmer and I have NEVER played one prior to this whimsical moment and Im really good at it, and hell I barely knew anything about the class. It's kitten easy.)

> >

> > Guild wars 1 was not the case, you not only had to learn your class and figure out the build for yourself but you also had to figure out what syngerized with the skills you wanted to use. You could be a minion master necro and your minions looked cool, and felt cool and it was neat to have a mini army following you around and fighting for you which is lost on guild wars 2? The themes were darker and the storylines were pretty well polished with good character development for the villians as well the heroes you fought alongside. (Which is why shiro is kind of a fan favorite he had a crap ton of development through his campaign, and nightfall.) They also made each race feel EXTREMELY unique with the charr having cool armor that fit their appearance, the norn turned into werebeasts whenever they entered combat and were kitten as hell which again is lost on guild wars 2.

> >

> > You can't compare the two on gameplay because guild wars 1 is dated, guild wars 2 has better and more fluid combat and its got a crap ton of effects but those shiny graphics don't make it a better game they just make it more pleasing to the eye. In reality Guild wars 1 was closer to an rpg than its sequel at this point, this game feels more like an action based - mmo. Not an mmorpg.


> I do not agree with you on the story, you do not need game of thrones deceptive writing for something to be a good story, its how a story is told like via voice acting and etc, I agree the urgency is a little delayed, especially the core story, but people are way to reliant on dark themes, twists and turns these days, they overdid them so much now that they are just as predictable as the good vs evil stereotype of story lines.


Guild wars 2 story is crap even from a perspective of any other form of narrative, Hell id go as far as to say an episode of current spongebob has more weight and meat to it than this shit. Im not asking for a "Game of thrones" type thing, especially considering I Dont much care for game of thrones as a whole due to the type of weird shit that is done within that franchise as a whole. Im tired of the "God like" beings whom we cannot fight directly and the world ending threats because litterally we have gone from one to the next, there is no sense of urgency (Outside of the whole jokko taimi fiasco ). The characters are not likable at all, braham is an idiot. Majory and kasmer are useless and the only three who make a difference, rytlock, canach and taimi are always in the spotlight.


I honestly want some more mortal threat that requires more than just "Lets unite and fight the dragon!" or "I need to stop balthazar who has become abbadon 2.0", Id like some conflict on a relatable level with a character who has growth. So Far our villains are so detached that we can't relate to them at all and they wont be remembered as anything more than "X challenge =X Achievement ". I mean really the motivation of the dragons is acceptable as they are forces of nature and beyond our understanding, I can accept that as a whole because its like they are living hurricanes and all we can do is try to mitigate them. But balthazar had the dumbest story tied to him, there was nothing really to it other than him being a spoiled child. If they are going to take us down the power fantasy route then they need to go all in and just make us the "Be all and end all", make it so anything less than the dragons or a god would cower in fear from our very presence. We have taken down two elder dragons, a god and probably soon to be jokko as well? We are most likely the most powerful being in our universe outside of the Six, and they bounced taking their shenanigans with them plus we have auerene who is even more of a giant set of plot armor.


There is no urgency, there is no sense of anything other than "Ooooh content, finally." Other games have done much better with their plot and it's a shame since Guild wars has arguably one of the best and simplest universes to play with. It's not like wow where we have a shit ton of a magic, with deities tied to all of them and demons inbetween with some weird old god shennaigans going on in the background. We have the six, who are aliens of immense power who brought humans (Also aliens) to tyria and the various races of tyria. Norn have their spirits, charr got their ferocity and asura study magic as a whole and try to understand it down to a molecular level because they want to know it completely. The sylvari.... well... they just are here for the sake of it at this point since their creator is dead and they were made from the jungle dragon itself as an extension of its will.


Sadly we all must act like a human, our race does not matter... in the long run in the plot we ourselves do not matter.

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> @"Greyraven.4258" said:

> For me it's community...GW2 is probably the most accepting inclusive community in gaming today...GW1, was often times a very toxic cesspool.


i did allot more in GW1 with players then i did in GW2, GW1 is overall allot more friendly......well, until they added titles.....which is the reason why GW2 sucks in terms of friendliness.

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GW1 was more fun for theory crafting builds and you could hyper focus on themes or specific types of abilities like interrupt builds, bunny thumper, and such1. The combat wasn't action oriented but more so classic rpg style which made the game more about pre planning, strategy, and building a character, while GW2 is more so how you use the build on the battlefield, with a lot less options of what build to bring.

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> @"Alehin.3746" said:

> ITT: g1 is good, gw2 is bad, but i don't know why i play gw2 instead of gw1 ?


Pretty much this ... if the OP likes GW1, what the hell is he doing here in a GW2 forum complaining about how much better GW1 is than GW2 ... ???? because people that play GW2 are going to what? Rebel and leave GW2 to make a statement? TO compel Anet to make another GW game to further thin out the ranks and cannibalize a currently profitable GW2?

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I'm the opposite, I don't like GW1 because everything is instanced and my character is useless without heroes. I prefer GW2 because it has a real open world, story missions and exploring are soloable (I finally don't rely on NPCs, my characters actually feel strong and useful) and there's plenty of group content (meta events, fractals, raids, etc). I played GW1 for a few months and I've been playing GW2 since beta so it's easy to see which game I prefer. :D


While GW1 was limited in many ways compared to its successor, it definitely had the better, more consistent art design (less cheese/flashy/crazy stuff but more simple, classy designs), and much better writing (e.g., story consistency, logic, and dramatic structure), also very apparent in the dialogue (which was beautiful and classy, unlike the current, crappy colloquial kiddy nonsense thrown at us).

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > ITT: g1 is good, gw2 is bad, but i don't know why i play gw2 instead of gw1 ?


> Pretty much this ... if the OP likes GW1, what the hell is he doing here in a GW2 forum complaining about how much better GW1 is than GW2 ... ???? because people that play GW2 are going to what? Rebel and leave GW2 to make a statement? TO compel Anet to make another GW game to further thin out the ranks and cannibalize a currently profitable GW2?


- There aren't any GW1 forums

- In case you didn't notice devs are actually answering to GW1 related questions on this forums. Better yell at them for staining your precious GW2 forums with the dirty GW1 ugliness!

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > > ITT: g1 is good, gw2 is bad, but i don't know why i play gw2 instead of gw1 ?

> >

> > Pretty much this ... if the OP likes GW1, what the hell is he doing here in a GW2 forum complaining about how much better GW1 is than GW2 ... ???? because people that play GW2 are going to what? Rebel and leave GW2 to make a statement? TO compel Anet to make another GW game to further thin out the ranks and cannibalize a currently profitable GW2?


> - There aren't any GW1 forums

Genius games don't need forums, "meh" games do because people need to complain about it. Xd


> - In case you didn't notice devs are actually answering to GW1 related questions on this forums. Better yell at them for staining your precious GW2 forums with the dirty GW1 ugliness!


We did notice, we're just pointing out how the "guys gw1 is so gooood LOOOOOOOOL but i play gw2 instead" thing is weird.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > > ITT: g1 is good, gw2 is bad, but i don't know why i play gw2 instead of gw1 ?

> >

> > Pretty much this ... if the OP likes GW1, what the hell is he doing here in a GW2 forum complaining about how much better GW1 is than GW2 ... ???? because people that play GW2 are going to what? Rebel and leave GW2 to make a statement? TO compel Anet to make another GW game to further thin out the ranks and cannibalize a currently profitable GW2?


> - There aren't any GW1 forums

> - In case you didn't notice devs are actually answering to GW1 related questions on this forums. Better yell at them for staining your precious GW2 forums with the dirty GW1 ugliness!


*insert THANK YOU gif here*

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I like gw1 because it is about team play (in the beginning before heroes :D) while gw2 pve is mainly single player content and the whole story is concepted against groups.


In addition gw1 fights are all about tactic and analysing the enemy group and builds!, while gw2 is just copy best build for your character and copy the best skill rotation. There is nearly no reaction on the playstyle of the enemy.

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> @"Aleksander Suburb.4287" said:

> I like gw1 because it is about team play (in the beginning before heroes :D) while gw2 pve is mainly single player content and the whole story is concepted against groups.


> In addition gw1 fights are all about tactic and analysing the enemy group and builds!, while gw2 is just copy best build for your character and copy the best skill rotation. There is nearly no reaction on the playstyle of the enemy.


And yet in pve GW1 you could steamroll your way through almost all content with almost any henchmen compsition. So much for tactics and gruop plays.

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> @"Aleksander Suburb.4287" said:


> In addition gw1 fights are all about tactic and analysing the enemy group and builds!, while gw2 is just copy best build for your character and copy the best skill rotation. There is nearly no reaction on the playstyle of the enemy.


As much as I love GW1, but isn't that basically the same in both games? The is a much bigger variety of Builds and Team builds in GW1, but generally speaking, you tried to come up with the best builds or copy them as well.

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They are relatively equal despite their differences. GW1 wasn’t really all that fun in pve until heroes were added towards the end of the games life cycle. It still had tons of positives in pve but heroes really pushed it to another level.


The one thing that really stood out for gw1 was skill hunting. Can’t really think of any other game that had that component. Don’t know how many hours I spent on the wiki looking for neat skills to hunt down. And this is something Anet can add if they choose to do so but it will be more limited because there are more balancing factors in an MMO versus whatever you want to call GW1

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> @"piitb.7635" said:

> They are relatively equal despite their differences. GW1 wasn’t really all that fun in pve until heroes were added towards the end of the games life cycle. It still had tons of positives in pve but heroes really pushed it to another level.


> The one thing that really stood out for gw1 was skill hunting. Can’t really think of any other game that had that component. Don’t know how many hours I spent on the wiki looking for neat skills to hunt down. And this is something Anet can add if they choose to do so but it will be more limited because there are more balancing factors in an MMO versus whatever you want to call GW1


The New Player Experience did introduce an element of skill hunting. Overall it was not well received!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are many things in gw1 that they unnecessarily changed in gw2 for the worse:


1. In gw1, pve combat was simulated pvp combat with enemies fighting as if they were exactly like AI-controlled players; it felt very much like gw2 wvw skirmishes although with opponents of maybe questionable skill level. In gw2, pve combat was HP sponge bosses and useless trash mobs that attacked in slow motion and occasionally telegraphed a one-shot attack that needed to be dodged; this was so boring that they needed to add external mechanics to fights to spice them up, but that just made them feel more like a platformer game than an RPG. Also, later gw1 pve content evolved with player skill because the sneaky devs would take the latest player meta builds to use for AI opponents in new content.


2. It was easier to play as a guild in gw1 than gw2. In gw1, I played 1/3 of the time solo, 1/3 of the time with 1-2 other players, and 1/3 of the time with a full party of players. I could do this for all of the pve content in the game because of heroes and henchmen. In gw2 all 5-man content required exactly 5 players, often requiring pugging or having guild members sit out the run.


3. Again, it was easier to play as a guild in gw1 than gw2. In gw1, all titles were character-bound. In gw2, all titles were account-bound. Character-bound titles in gw1 were more conducive to group play since players would tend to have alts that had yet to do things. Account-bound titles in gw2 made things one and done. (GW1: "Anyone want to do Eternal Grove HM?" "Sure, my ranger needs to do that.") (GW2: "Anyone want to do XYZ?" "No, I finished that ages ago.")

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> @"Tasty Pudding.3764" said:

> There are many things in gw1 that they unnecessarily changed in gw2 for the worse:


> 1. In gw1, pve combat was simulated pvp combat with enemies fighting as if they were exactly like AI-controlled players; it felt very much like gw2 wvw skirmishes although with opponents of maybe questionable skill level. In gw2, pve combat was HP sponge bosses and useless trash mobs that attacked in slow motion and occasionally telegraphed a one-shot attack that needed to be dodged; this was so boring that they needed to add external mechanics to fights to spice them up, but that just made them feel more like a platformer game than an RPG. Also, later gw1 pve content evolved with player skill because the sneaky devs would take the latest player meta builds to use for AI opponents in new content.


> 2. It was easier to play as a guild in gw1 than gw2. In gw1, I played 1/3 of the time solo, 1/3 of the time with 1-2 other players, and 1/3 of the time with a full party of players. I could do this for all of the pve content in the game because of heroes and henchmen. In gw2 all 5-man content required exactly 5 players, often requiring pugging or having guild members sit out the run.


> 3. Again, it was easier to play as a guild in gw1 than gw2. In gw1, all titles were character-bound. In gw2, all titles were account-bound. Character-bound titles in gw1 were more conducive to group play since players would tend to have alts that had yet to do things. Account-bound titles in gw2 made things one and done. (GW1: "Anyone want to do Eternal Grove HM?" "Sure, my ranger needs to do that.") (GW2: "Anyone want to do XYZ?" "No, I finished that ages ago.")


Gw2 combat with dodged jump was a mistake gw1 s combat was better in everyway

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