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Please get rid of Minimum Player Req for WvW Guild Missions

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > You listed all of those things that you can essentially do in WvW solo. Don’t you think that’s why there is a player requirement compared to PvE where the group requirement is due to the mechanics of the mission itself?

> > >

> > > Guild Bounties, for example, don't need a minimum amount to be representing the Guild to qualify, this only really works with the single target bounty however.

> > > You can 'solo' a Guild bounty but still get help by waiting for *another guild* to come along and then start the missions themselves.

> > > I've 'solo'd' a Hard Guild Race, by finding one in which was either completed or nearly completed by a big guild, popped my guild mission, finished it and claimed it. Having WvW missions to have a minimum Guild member requirement is arbitrarily lopsided compared to how you can complete most PvE Guild Missions. in short, it doesn't make any sense to have this requirement in the first place. The same for easy PvP missions too, why is the minimum requirement of 3 in a Guild PvP team neccessary, when most of them are out of reach from just solo play? It's a redundant stipulation.

> > >

> > > > You mean it prevents players who prefer to solo and just want more group content adjusted for them from being able to participate? Sure. I can understand that.

> > >

> > > You can solo most PvE missions, why should WvW and PvP have a minimum Guild member requirement?

> >

> > Guild bounties are champions which most players will not be able to solo. It’s kind of expected that you’ll have three or more players with you.



> Those players don’t need to be representing the same guild as you to qualify for finishing the mission.



> > Races require at a handful of players to complete. Yes, you can find a map that is already 15/15 and then get full credit but this is due to the limitation of not having guild races instanced and tracking each guild’s progress separately when it appeared to be coded as a simple group event.


> And those players don’t need to be representing the same guild as you to qualify for finishing the mission either.


> Thank you for not answering the question. So why are WvW and PvP missions stuck with the redundant stipulation of a minimum number of representing Guild Members, yet other, PvE missions don’t have it? We’ve covered the fact that some Hard PvE missions and most easy PvE missions can be completed “solo”, sometimes with the help of **random players**, yet WvW/PvP has another requirement.


> This thread isn’t about making the missions easier, it’s to remove the arbitrary requirement that they have, that PvE missions don’t have.


I’m not sure what guild representation has to do with someone’s ability to solo guild missions such as bounties.


I did answer the question. You’re just ignoring the answer.


And yes, this thread is about making them easier for solo players as the WvW ones would then be pretty much soloable.

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The requirement for 3 guildies on some wvw missions is annoying. I play ocx times & most of the time there is only myself & 1 other g member in wvw so we can't do any of these missions. I can however do the puzzle mission solo or with my other g member, and I can solo the 5 target trek. The requirement for 3 is inconsistent.

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Another issue is that most PvE guilds have players on multiple servers. Getting 3 people together on the same WvW server at the same time, etc. is next to impossible for some guilds even if they have a lot of guild members. This requirement just discourages those guilds from playing WvW.

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In WvW, the guild missions REQUIRE you to have a minimum of 3 guild members on the same server, doing the same exact thing all while representing the same guild.


PvE missions do not have this requirement.


Even the Skratch sentry Defense challenge, which is a 3 way defense PvE Guild Mission doesn't have a minimum requirement to the number of guild members in the mission while the mechanics of the mission almost make it necessary to have 3 guild members, it's still doesn't mean you are required to have them. WvW guild missions REQUIRE 3 guild members.


I, along with many others here are not advocating for making the guild missions easier in any way. We're not advocating for changing the missions except for the removal of the 3 guild member requirement.


The disparity in the number of guild missions able to be done solo or by a duo is huge.


PvE guild missions able to be completed solo or by a duo: Easy trek, medium trek, hard trek, easy bounty, medium bounty, hard bounty, easy race, medium race, hard race, PvE opportunities trek, PvE opportunities bounty, PvE opportunities race. While it's technically possible to solo or duo a PvE challenge or puzzle most have mechanics that make it impossible. Puzzles usually require at least 6 to complete with 12 being the optimum depending on the Puzzle.


WvW guild missions able to be completed solo or by a duo: WvW challenge (Obsidian Sanctum JP) That's it, ONE!!


Guild treks are able to be done solo with no problem. It depends on the mix you get each time you activate it as to how easy it can be done. Even before mounts which make the easy and medium able to easily be done solo, I did a number of hard treks solo or with one other guild member.


While the Medium and Hard guild bounties and Medium and hard guild races are possible to be done solo or by a duo, they can easily be completed by waiting in the area and wait for a guild to show up and activate the same race and then complete it and get credit for your guild. Bounties can be done by asking in map chat and thanks to some of the wonderful people in the various maps, the bounties can be done with only 1 guild member. Yes, you still have to find the different bounties, you still have to kill the different bounties, but with map help you can complete them solo.


WvW missions can have an entire map queue of people (80+) help you with a guild mission but if you don't have 3 guild members in the event, you can't complete the mission. This disparity is all we're asking to be changed.


Guild mission have both a number of objectives to be reached in a time limit. We're not asking for those to be changed in any way. A capture event of 10 sentries in the current time limit (which I think is 11 minutes) will still be very hard for a person to complete solo but at least with the removal of the minimum number requirement it would be possible.


The other thing that makes WvW guild missions harder is the unknown enemy activity when you try to complete them. PvE missions have a static, same way every time, design, the bounty will walk in this direction on this route, the trek location will be in this spot every time. The in-game wiki has all those things listed and can easily be utilized during the mission. WvW mission are dependent on the response of the other servers when you try to complete your mission(s). Even the one WvW guild mission able to be completed solo can be impossible if there are a number of enemies in the puzzle intent on stopping you. We are not asking for those things to change.


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> @"Bunter.3795" said:

> In WvW, the guild missions REQUIRE you to have a minimum of 3 guild members on the same server, doing the same exact thing all while representing the same guild.


> PvE missions do not have this requirement.


That’s because the PvE missions themselves generally require more than just yourself to complete them. Most of the WvW missions can easily be done solo with a bit of luck.


> Even the Skratch sentry Defense challenge, which is a 3 way defense PvE Guild Mission doesn't have a minimum requirement to the number of guild members in the mission while the mechanics of the mission almost make it necessary to have 3 guild members, it's still doesn't mean you are required to have them. WvW guild missions REQUIRE 3 guild members.


This is a good example of why PvE missions don’t have a requirement on numbers participating. You cannot complete this mission with less than three players.


> I, along with many others here are not advocating for making the guild missions easier in any way. We're not advocating for changing the missions except for the removal of the 3 guild member requirement.


You’re advocating for them to be easier to complete by solo and duo players.


> The disparity in the number of guild missions able to be done solo or by a duo is huge.


> PvE guild missions able to be completed solo or by a duo: Easy trek, medium trek, hard trek, easy bounty, medium bounty, hard bounty, easy race, medium race, hard race, PvE opportunities trek, PvE opportunities bounty, PvE opportunities race. While it's technically possible to solo or duo a PvE challenge or puzzle most have mechanics that make it impossible. Puzzles usually require at least 6 to complete with 12 being the optimum depending on the Puzzle.


A lot of what you listed cannot be completed by duo players and definitely by solo players. Hard bounty? Seriously? Are you saying that two players can find and kill a bounty at an average of 3 min each? Hard trek? Doing medium trek solo is extremely difficult, if not impossible, and you’re expecting to do a hard trek? For medium bounties, it’ll depend on what you get.


Races are not soloable in the sense that the average solo player can’t complete it within the time limit. Likely not possibly with two average players either. Guilds are only able to get credit for another guild’s work because of the revamp they did to guild missions just before HoT. I’m not sure why they weren’t made instanced and I’m pretty sure coding each guild to have their own completion counter would have required a lot of work that they didn’t want to spend on.


> WvW guild missions able to be completed solo or by a duo: WvW challenge (Obsidian Sanctum JP) That's it, ONE!!


Because it’s a JP. I’m not even sure why that’s a guild mission in the first place. The only teamwork involved would be mesmers to carry people.


> Guild treks are able to be done solo with no problem. It depends on the mix you get each time you activate it as to how easy it can be done. Even before mounts which make the easy and medium able to easily be done solo, I did a number of hard treks solo or with one other guild member.


Only the easy guild treks can be done solo. I can BS on you being able to solo hard treks. Or are you just referring to personal credit?


> While the Medium and Hard guild bounties and Medium and hard guild races are possible to be done solo or by a duo, they can easily be completed by waiting in the area and wait for a guild to show up and activate the same race and then complete it and get credit for your guild. Bounties can be done by asking in map chat and thanks to some of the wonderful people in the various maps, the bounties can be done with only 1 guild member. Yes, you still have to find the different bounties, you still have to kill the different bounties, but with map help you can complete them solo.


Doubtful the average player can solo or duo medium/hard races. The reason I use average is similar to the reason that the average player cannot solo all of the HoT HP’s and yet some players have been able to.


There’s not enough time to find multiple bounties and get random players over to help you. You may be able to pull that off on medium but not on hard. You’re also technically not doing it solo/duo at that point, are you?


> WvW missions can have an entire map queue of people (80+) help you with a guild mission but if you don't have 3 guild members in the event, you can't complete the mission. This disparity is all we're asking to be changed.


Have the map help you escort dolyaks, kill sentries, cap camps, and so on does you no good if they’re not in your guild to give you credit for it.


It’s a guild mission so there’s a participant requirement as most of those missions can be done solo compared to the PvE ones which typically require multiple people.


> Guild mission have both a number of objectives to be reached in a time limit. We're not asking for those to be changed in any way. A capture event of 10 sentries in the current time limit (which I think is 11 minutes) will still be very hard for a person to complete solo but at least with the removal of the minimum number requirement it would be possible.


You’re assuming that Anet intended for guild missions to be completed solo. Considering that most of the PvE ones were not originally designed that way, and that they specifically put the three player requirement on the WvW ones, I’d say the answer would be a no.


Capturing 10 sentries is possible if EotM counts as there are so many.


> The other thing that makes WvW guild missions harder is the unknown enemy activity when you try to complete them. PvE missions have a static, same way every time, design, the bounty will walk in this direction on this route, the trek location will be in this spot every time. The in-game wiki has all those things listed and can easily be utilized during the mission. WvW mission are dependent on the response of the other servers when you try to complete your mission(s). Even the one WvW guild mission able to be completed solo can be impossible if there are a number of enemies in the puzzle intent on stopping you. We are not asking for those things to change.



Yes, WvW missions have more unpredictability but that doesn’t mean the objectives themselves are any more difficult as a result.


In any case, we’ve gotten to the point that we’re repeating ourselves. I’m on one side of the issue and others in this thread are on the other. It’s up to Anet to decide if changes should be made or not now.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> /signed


> Another issue is that most PvE guilds have players on multiple servers. Getting 3 people together on the same WvW server at the same time, etc. is next to impossible for some guilds even if they have a lot of guild members. This requirement just discourages those guilds from playing WvW.


Why would a PvE guild be doing WvW guild missions? In the future this will be less of an issue as the guild can just get assigned to a world together.

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> @"Bunter.3795" said:

> Ayrilana, you miss the point. No PvE guild missions have a requirement on the number of guild members be there to complete the mission. Some, namely challenges, have a requirement due to the actual mission mechanics to have more guild members there but it is not a requirement to have a minimum number.

Actually this is incorrect...For challenges, if you complete the mission with less than six repping your guild you get commendations but no favor, regardless of minimum people required or not.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > /signed

> >

> > Another issue is that most PvE guilds have players on multiple servers. Getting 3 people together on the same WvW server at the same time, etc. is next to impossible for some guilds even if they have a lot of guild members. This requirement just discourages those guilds from playing WvW.


> Why would a PvE guild be doing WvW guild missions? In the future this will be less of an issue as the guild can just get assigned to a world together.


Not all players in PvE guilds just PvE. Not all players in WvW guilds just WvW. I'm sure you know that, so why are you saying people in PvE guilds are NOT allowed to WvW? Why do you want to exclude people from playing the game? Or force them to chose only one mode? That's not winning or profitable strategy.


This is a simple and obvious request for something that would help get even more people into WvW. And the requested change is consistent with ANET's stated philosophy.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > /signed

> > >

> > > Another issue is that most PvE guilds have players on multiple servers. Getting 3 people together on the same WvW server at the same time, etc. is next to impossible for some guilds even if they have a lot of guild members. This requirement just discourages those guilds from playing WvW.

> >

> > Why would a PvE guild be doing WvW guild missions? In the future this will be less of an issue as the guild can just get assigned to a world together.


> Not all players in PvE guilds just PvE. Not all players in WvW guilds just WvW. I'm sure you know that, so why are you saying people in PvE guilds are NOT allowed to WvW? Why do you want to exclude people from playing the game? Or force them to chose only one mode? That's not winning or profitable strategy.


> This is a simple and obvious request for something that would help get even more people into WvW. And the requested change is consistent with ANET's stated philosophy.


A guild can only do one set of guild missions per week. They don’t have the option to do both PvE and WvW missions. A PvE guild would likely have it set to PvE so they wouldn’t get WvW missions.


I disagree that it would get more players into WvW. It would have a negligible impact.

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I'd like it if they were removed across the board. The only contention I'd have would be that your guild needs to *claim* towers and keeps to be eligible for "hold X objective until it reaches T1".


Honestly guild missions seem like a weird artifact to me and I wouldn't be sad to see them entirely reworked.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > /signed

> > > >

> > > > Another issue is that most PvE guilds have players on multiple servers. Getting 3 people together on the same WvW server at the same time, etc. is next to impossible for some guilds even if they have a lot of guild members. This requirement just discourages those guilds from playing WvW.

> > >

> > > Why would a PvE guild be doing WvW guild missions? In the future this will be less of an issue as the guild can just get assigned to a world together.

> >

> > Not all players in PvE guilds just PvE. Not all players in WvW guilds just WvW. I'm sure you know that, so why are you saying people in PvE guilds are NOT allowed to WvW? Why do you want to exclude people from playing the game? Or force them to chose only one mode? That's not winning or profitable strategy.

> >

> > This is a simple and obvious request for something that would help get even more people into WvW. And the requested change is consistent with ANET's stated philosophy.


> A guild can only do one set of guild missions per week. They don’t have the option to do both PvE and WvW missions. A PvE guild would likely have it set to PvE so they wouldn’t get WvW missions.


> I disagree that it would get more players into WvW. It would have a negligible impact.


True but there is at least 1 WvW thing a week, even if you select focus on PvE.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > And yes, this thread is about making them easier for solo players as the WvW ones would then be pretty much soloable.


> WvW objectives do not become easier when one person does them as opposed to three. They become easier if multiple people do them.




Unless something has a specific requirement and removing that requirement then makes it easier.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > /signed

> > > >

> > > > Another issue is that most PvE guilds have players on multiple servers. Getting 3 people together on the same WvW server at the same time, etc. is next to impossible for some guilds even if they have a lot of guild members. This requirement just discourages those guilds from playing WvW.

> > >

> > > Why would a PvE guild be doing WvW guild missions? In the future this will be less of an issue as the guild can just get assigned to a world together.

> >

> > Not all players in PvE guilds just PvE. Not all players in WvW guilds just WvW. I'm sure you know that, so why are you saying people in PvE guilds are NOT allowed to WvW? Why do you want to exclude people from playing the game? Or force them to chose only one mode? That's not winning or profitable strategy.

> >

> > This is a simple and obvious request for something that would help get even more people into WvW. And the requested change is consistent with ANET's stated philosophy.


> A guild can only do one set of guild missions per week. They don’t have the option to do both PvE and WvW missions. A PvE guild would likely have it set to PvE so they wouldn’t get WvW missions.


> I disagree that it would get more players into WvW. It would have a negligible impact.


I've done a WvW mission straight after doing the PvE ones... Funny thing, I was on a different server, but still got credit when the mission was done (I just soloed the camps or whatever the requirement was). Not sure if it was 2 ppl on the other server or 3.

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> @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > > /signed

> > > > >

> > > > > Another issue is that most PvE guilds have players on multiple servers. Getting 3 people together on the same WvW server at the same time, etc. is next to impossible for some guilds even if they have a lot of guild members. This requirement just discourages those guilds from playing WvW.

> > > >

> > > > Why would a PvE guild be doing WvW guild missions? In the future this will be less of an issue as the guild can just get assigned to a world together.

> > >

> > > Not all players in PvE guilds just PvE. Not all players in WvW guilds just WvW. I'm sure you know that, so why are you saying people in PvE guilds are NOT allowed to WvW? Why do you want to exclude people from playing the game? Or force them to chose only one mode? That's not winning or profitable strategy.

> > >

> > > This is a simple and obvious request for something that would help get even more people into WvW. And the requested change is consistent with ANET's stated philosophy.

> >

> > A guild can only do one set of guild missions per week. They don’t have the option to do both PvE and WvW missions. A PvE guild would likely have it set to PvE so they wouldn’t get WvW missions.

> >

> > I disagree that it would get more players into WvW. It would have a negligible impact.


> I've done a WvW mission straight after doing the PvE ones... Funny thing, I was on a different server, but still got credit when the mission was done (I just soloed the camps or whatever the requirement was). Not sure if it was 2 ppl on the other server or 3.


Yeah. Come to think of it I think there’s a WvW and an sPvP one even if the guild is set for PvE. That’s great though that you were able to complete it even though people were on another server. Perhaps they could have been on a different map. Who knows?

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > > /signed

> > > >

> > > > Another issue is that most PvE guilds have players on multiple servers. Getting 3 people together on the same WvW server at the same time, etc. is next to impossible for some guilds even if they have a lot of guild members. This requirement just discourages those guilds from playing WvW.

> > >

> > > Why would a PvE guild be doing WvW guild missions? In the future this will be less of an issue as the guild can just get assigned to a world together.

> >

> > Not all players in PvE guilds just PvE. Not all players in WvW guilds just WvW. I'm sure you know that, so why are you saying people in PvE guilds are NOT allowed to WvW? Why do you want to exclude people from playing the game? Or force them to chose only one mode? That's not winning or profitable strategy.

> >

> > This is a simple and obvious request for something that would help get even more people into WvW. And the requested change is consistent with ANET's stated philosophy.


> A guild can only do one set of guild missions per week. They don’t have the option to do both PvE and WvW missions. A PvE guild would likely have it set to PvE so they wouldn’t get WvW missions.


> I disagree that it would get more players into WvW. It would have a negligible impact.


Actually, setting your guild missions to random/mixed which could very well give you either wvw or pve missions gives as well as a bonus to favor is usually favored by people who are suffering for favor coz of the favor boost if the minimum people requirement would be removed for pvp and wvw missions (several pvp missions can be solo'd as well I've been on pvp 'teams' where one person earned all the top stats needed for the mission). In fact, this setting (mixed missions) was stubbornly favored by the guild master of the last guild I built for a long time when I told him that it was ridic since no one did missions with us and we missed so much favor and I could solo the pve ones with my other guild.

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Sidenote concerning Servers


> @"Faffin.6741" said:

> I've done a WvW mission straight after doing the PvE ones... Funny thing, I was on a different server, but still got credit when the mission was done (I just soloed the camps or whatever the requirement was). Not sure if it was 2 ppl on the other server or 3.


If you participated in the same activity (taking a camp) it registers that you have capped a camp. Your effort does not count towards the requirement for the guild mission though. On the other sever your guildies took three camp and those counted toward the requirement.


This already shows how strange the WvW guild missions are, because If you are allied servers and one person is from server A and two others are from server B and yu do the same event... it will not count!.


My point on the "it should not be solo-able" argument:


WvW missions have two layers of difficulty, time and amount of objectives (+ ally / enemy interference, but that's what I am keeping out right now)

The time factor alone makes it difficult to do the tasks, because there are respawn times and Rightous Indignation also happening.

Lets take a look at the obvious candidate - the sentry point capture


Easy - 3 caps (15 min)

Medium - 5 caps (15 min)

Hard - 10 caps (15 min)


Status Quo: The easy one requires three people (on the same server) to cap the sentry at the same time, which should be easy , even if you don't have sentries close by (e.g. Alpine ruins + the SC crossroads one). You have some leeway to run to a 4th spot. The medium one gets a lot more difficult: you have to reach five different sentries in the 15 min, which means you have to cap a sentry every 3 min. Having 5 enemy sentries on one map is pretty rare, unless you invade a map dominated by the enemy (e.g. in an off-hour).

What if there was no min requirement:

This is how the Medium mission would change. The three guildies could split up, infiltrate the map and spread out. This way, the travelling time gets reduced and the five sentries do not have to be so close together. The chances of getting five locations are a lot better, still require skill and cooperation and playing together. That's what would even get non-WvW guildies to participate, because they could be the wingman for the more experienced players on medium and hard missions.


The point of not having a minimum requirement is not to get stuff easy, but to have an incentive to do them at all.

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I find the three-player requirement totally absurd for things like Sentries and Dolyaks. What coordinated WvW group would send three people to escort a single dolyak or kill off a sentry? That's pretty explicitly solo work, so a single guild member should suffice for a guild mission to do those things.


Anything but the Easy ones require spreading out over several spots as one unit (1, 3 or even 10 running together) can't fulfil the time requirement anyway.

Spreading out to multiple objectives at once? Sounds like the kind of coordination that's perfect for a guild mission.

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Why are those in favor of a three person requirement so against someone being able to solo the wvw missions? What does it matter to you whether one person from a guild that you are not part of completes a mission or three people do? Why do you even care?

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > And yes, this thread is about making them easier for solo players as the WvW ones would then be pretty much soloable.

> >

> > WvW objectives do not become easier when one person does them as opposed to three. They become easier if multiple people do them.

> >

> >


> Unless something has a specific requirement and removing that requirement then makes it easier.


That's not difficulty that provides depth and challenge to the content. It's complexity for its own sake. If that complexity is needed, why not make the minimum number of players required to _create_ a guild be three? Why stop there? Why not five? More? The same argument for guilds of one (player convenience) works for guild missions of one.

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I dont think the player requirement should go away without some counterbalancing changes.



We need to realise that guild races, bounties and even guild puzzles and challenges can invite none-guild members to help them out.(regardless of instance really) Also guild races and bounties dont have a limitation of not being in instances, is pretty much a intended feature. It is so that players help eachother out.


The problem there lies in: You cant invite people to your party in WvW (or PvP) the same even though the activity itself is equally teambased.


Same as with capturing a guild hall for a solo guild, you can invite or work together in any PvE guild mission in the same matter. Of course not many people figure out the rather unintuitive grouping mechanism of guildinstances, but its there for guild missions since the beginning so that players work together.


and thats what the guild system should do. It doesnt need to remove the requirement, it should just be possible to invite people who arent in the guild to help out.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> A guild can only do one set of guild missions per week. They don’t have the option to do both PvE and WvW missions.

Of course they do have that option. They can set the guild missions to _not_ be restricted by content type, in which case they'd be getting them from all pools (and get 10% greater favour for them).

(besides, you alwasy get that one SPvP and WvW mission each even if you set missions to PvE specific)



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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> I dont think the player requirement should go away without some counterbalancing changes.



> We need to realise that guild races, bounties and even guild puzzles and challenges can invite none-guild members to help them out.(regardless of instance really) Also guild races and bounties dont have a limitation of not being in instances, is pretty much a intended feature. It is so that players help eachother out.


> The problem there lies in: You cant invite people to your party in WvW (or PvP) the same even though the activity itself is equally teambased.


And why can't you invite people to your party in wvw? this makes no sense. For the 3 man requirement I've invited tons of randos to my party.



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