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I guess I don't understand how +healing works...

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> @"Mahaedros.7085" said:

> been reading up and I still am not sure on when and how healing works in this game. Can anyone start from the beginning and explain how healing works?


Healing Power, which is what that stat adds to, is a property of your character. You start with zero, and the only way to obtain it is by putting on gear, food, traits, etc, with it on. So, after that you have a number for Healing Power, say 500.


When you do something that generates healing (eg: press your healing spell button), it calculates the amount of health restored using the formula:


healing = {spell base heal} + ( {healing power} * {spell healing power multiplier} )


So, for a concrete example, a Necromancer casts ["Your Soul Is Mine!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Your_Soul_Is_Mine!%22) which is a fairly simple skill.


From the wiki we see that it has a base heal of 4,555, and a healing power multiplier of 0.7, so for our example we calculate:


4,905 = 4,555 + ( 500 * 0.7 )


So, that spell will heal for 4,905 because of the additional healing power.


(This is literally identical to the way that damage calculations involve the regular power stat, by the way, just different stats involved.)

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> (This is literally identical to the way that damage calculations involve the regular power stat, by the way, just different stats involved.)


Hey SlippyCheese - do you know where we might find some kind of tables detailing these formulae? I have no idea how to calculate how much power/condi are affecting my output.

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Those are all on the wiki https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage#Damage_done


The individual pages for each skill/condition will have more details such as potential differences in PvP/WvW


Other things that will affect things are attack speed and after cast. Especially aftercast since that can result in skills taking much longer than the activation time would have you believe.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:


> > (This is literally identical to the way that damage calculations involve the regular power stat, by the way, just different stats involved.)


> Hey SlippyCheese - do you know where we might find some kind of tables detailing these formulae? I have no idea how to calculate how much power/condi are affecting my output.


in the wiki, where he got them:


> Passive: Cures a condition from yourself every few seconds.

> Active: Heal yourself.


> Healing: 8,150 (1.25)?

> Conditions Removed: 1

> Interval: 10s

That's a quote from the wiki for Signet of Resolve...

As you can see it has a base healing (at lvl 80) of 8.150 and a multiplier of 1,25, so the total healing would be 8150 +(1.25 *

If you hover the **?** next to the multiplier ti will show you the formula.

That skill in particular also has in the notes the complete healing formula. (With level modifiers). Not all skills have it.


Detailed information about healing, damage and condition damage, with in-depth formulas and descriptions can be found in each specific page. Then you just adapt the modifiers (base damage and multiplier) from each skill's page for the total effect.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Those are all on the wiki https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage#Damage_done


> The individual pages for each skill/condition will have more details such as potential differences in PvP/WvW


> Other things that will affect things are attack speed and after cast. Especially aftercast since that can result in skills taking much longer than the activation time would have you believe.


Great thx for info.

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