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Spiritwood Planks and Fractals

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> @"Sutepun.9450" said:

> Is there a reason that Fractal reward chests don't include Spiritwood Planks in their drops?


I'm sure there's a reason, but, near as I can tell, ANet didn't say when the rewards were updated to include the other three refined ascended mats and they haven't said whenever we've asked since.


tl;dr why? reasons

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> To not make them worthless like living story did.

Then we'd have to shift that question to asking why out of all the ascended materials only spiritwood deserves that kind of "protection".


(notice, the OP question is not about why there are no ascended materials in reward chests. There _are_. It's about why spiritwood is treated differently here.)

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