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After home instance, Players Housing Island!

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I wouldn't put much faith in housing at this point. It felt like Sun's Refuge was being marketed as ANet-flavored housing, and it turned out rather disappointing. What reason is there to go there? I thought they might keep adding to it each release, but it looks like it's just going to be left to collect dust.

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Well i loved my Aion houses. The areas were graphically beautiful. I had a few by a lake in an alpine area. A couple were by waterfalls. I spent a lot of time, ingame money and love on them. Yes there was no one around, but i don't think it mattered, it was my own space that I could shut out and log out I might add, its annoying you can't log out of the GH here and not respawn back. I think I had 18 all told. Then the whole lot were taken off me in a moment of greed.

Now I would love an area like that, not an instance. An area I can see my house and walk into it. An area I can show off my pad. The idea of a norm house, all the snow and ice with a large roaring fire or a human house in one of those little water side villages does appear to me to a certain degree.

If arena net could promise me I would never lose my house then fine go ahead and get your gems store goodies from it. But I left Aion partly when all my hard work got thrown in my face, and for that reason I wouldn't want to go through the annoyance again.


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I would love player housing but there are a few things to consider.

1a. The number of houses that would be needed for everyone that wants a house to have one

1b. Where would you put all of these houses?

2. While giving people a space in the Guild Hall may sound like a good idea please remember that not everyone is in a Guild.

3. Decorations could be made with crafting. We have tailoring, leatherworking, armorsmith and weaponsmith and others that would work for this.


Make it instanced. It would be similar to a game that I played years ago. You enter a portal and it puts you outside of your house. The level of certain crafts decides the size of your house. You start with one room and as you reach certain levels you can add rooms. In that game there was a room that you could put portals in to go to select locations in game. You could also have trees, mining nodes and a garden outside. You could place cabinets inside for storage. You were able to choose who had access to your house. It could be friends, Guildmates or you could block everyone. Something like this would work because you wouldn't have to worry about finding room for everyone to have a house.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I guess its a popular thing to have in a **role playing** MMO.


By that logic then if I want to stand on my head and slay mobs, I should be allowed to because it's a **role playing** game and I want to role play it... I hope the anet devs spend a lot of time implementing this feature.


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > I am not even sure what exactly the OP is referring to by "Disneyland"?

> I used it just to rhymes with player-island, also because both are an attraction based on peoples hzving fun. But changed the title, I guess some players are confused by that. :/ :)


"Disneyland" and "island" don't rhyme just because they both end on "land". They have a completely different rhythm and emphasis, one on "-land", the other on "is-". So thanks for changing the title, it truly was confusing. :3


> Also as many said and resaid, the second option would be to add decos in home instance.


Home decoration would not be the same as player housing and I wouldn't really care about it, because nodes already make the instance look - how did you call it? - like "Disneyland". ;) I don't need player housing, but if we ever get it, it should be proper housing and not just decorating your home instance. I have had enough decorating our guild hall, why would I need a GH 2.0?

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > I guess its a popular thing to have in a **role playing** MMO.


> GW2 is an MMO**RP**G so....


"Role playing" is bold for a reason.


> @"Narnian.4856" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > I guess its a popular thing to have in a **role playing** MMO.


> By that logic then if I want to stand on my head and slay mobs, I should be allowed to because it's a **role playing** game and I want to role play it... I hope the anet devs spend a lot of time implementing this feature.



If standing on your head while slaying mobs gets asked enough, I would vouch for getting it added.


> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> Why people keep making suggestions for player housing and marriage?!


I was responding to this. Out of context it looks like I'm responding to the OP. its funny how confusing it is that I'm being ridiculed and then agreed with on the very thing I'm being ridiculed about.

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  • 1 year later...

I'd love a house system on GW2!! I'm a FFXIV player and the house system there is great, and one of the things the keep me from coming to gw2 definitely. House system is not only about RP!! BTW, the housing system on Aion was kinda silly and limited.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> I would not mind such a player housing in the game. The devs probably would mind since it sounds like a lot of work. But if you need to do quests and other things daily for them perhaps it can keep us a bit busy.


ESO does it and they sell it on the gem store. No matter how much work it is, once it's done, they can make money out of it by selling new locations.

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