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Why was Xera nerfed?

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What is the point of this change?

"Reduced the cooldown of the Intervention skill in the Xera encounter."


Now you can just spam the special action key and make a trail of baubles lol. Might as well have removed the whole mechanic. Timing this special action key correctly was part of learning curve of the encounter which was not even all that hard considering the time frame was several seconds and largely telegraphed by visual and audio.

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They made it a lower cooldown because there was a "bug" if you had high DPS at 20% and 10%, and the same person got the bubble in a row, it wouldn't be off cooldown and it'd be a wipe. It's a good change, even if it makes the mechanic as a whole easier, it wasn't a hard one to begin with.

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> @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> They could've changed it then like the bombs at Dhuum where you cannot get a bomb for around 30s if u got the last one. Doesnt really affect gameplay tho as Grim said it was already easy.


this is the solution. anet don't think twice before changing something.

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> @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> They made it a lower cooldown because there was a "bug" if you had high DPS at 20% and 10%, and the same person got the bubble in a row, it wouldn't be off cooldown and it'd be a wipe. It's a good change, even if it makes the mechanic as a whole easier, it wasn't a hard one to begin with.

Could have been easily solved by giving an cooldown to getting the mechanic (as @"vaxjani.9073" pointed out it would not be the first mechanic with personal cooldown) instead of making the whole mechanic pointless. As always Anet chooses the most appaling option when it comes to making changes

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> > @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> > They could've changed it then like the bombs at Dhuum where you cannot get a bomb for around 30s if u got the last one. Doesnt really affect gameplay tho as Grim said it was already easy.


> this is the solution. anet don't think twice before changing something.


Yeah, im sure Anet didn't think at all when they found a solution that involved changing a single variable rather than programming in new functionality....


People complain we don't have wing 6 yet, well man-hours are limited, you have to choose what gets done.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> > > They could've changed it then like the bombs at Dhuum where you cannot get a bomb for around 30s if u got the last one. Doesnt really affect gameplay tho as Grim said it was already easy.

> >

> > this is the solution. anet don't think twice before changing something.


> Yeah, im sure Anet didn't think at all when they found a solution that involved changing a single variable rather than programming in new functionality....


> People complain we don't have wing 6 yet, well man-hours are limited, you have to choose what gets done.


THAT, Xera is an old boss, it doesn't matter if they nerf it, people already deemed it easy. Just like Matthias, at release it was like the hardest gw2's boss, now it's become easy peasy for pug groups, it's just the natural cycle. It's better to focus on new bosses and new wings.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> > > They could've changed it then like the bombs at Dhuum where you cannot get a bomb for around 30s if u got the last one. Doesnt really affect gameplay tho as Grim said it was already easy.

> >

> > this is the solution. anet don't think twice before changing something.


> Yeah, im sure Anet didn't think at all when they found a solution that involved changing a single variable rather than programming in new functionality....


> People complain we don't have wing 6 yet, well man-hours are limited, you have to choose what gets done.

They could just copy and paste the special action key cooldown reset from shattered observatorium as another possibility.


But all in all it is still questionably to change anything at all. If people do so super much DPS that they go so fast from 20% to 10% dps they abused epi bounce anyway (and not sure if its still possible anymore at all with the gliding exploit fixed). They just ruined a mechanic to please the 100th percentile of raiders who might encounter this with a 0.1*0.1= 1% chance.


> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > > @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> > > > They could've changed it then like the bombs at Dhuum where you cannot get a bomb for around 30s if u got the last one. Doesnt really affect gameplay tho as Grim said it was already easy.

> > >

> > > this is the solution. anet don't think twice before changing something.

> >

> > Yeah, im sure Anet didn't think at all when they found a solution that involved changing a single variable rather than programming in new functionality....

> >

> > People complain we don't have wing 6 yet, well man-hours are limited, you have to choose what gets done.


> THAT, Xera is an old boss, it doesn't matter if they nerf it, people already deemed it easy. Just like Matthias, at release it was like the hardest gw2's boss, now it's become easy peasy for pug groups, it's just the natural cycle. It's better to focus on new bosses and new wings.


Excuse me, this does not qualify as old content.We only have 5 raid wings and this is the endboss from the 3rd one. We do not have an item spiral or increasing level caps, so this content should in theory always stay relevant as long as the team in charge for doing the balance patches does a decent job.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > > @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> > > > They could've changed it then like the bombs at Dhuum where you cannot get a bomb for around 30s if u got the last one. Doesnt really affect gameplay tho as Grim said it was already easy.

> > >

> > > this is the solution. anet don't think twice before changing something.

> >

> > Yeah, im sure Anet didn't think at all when they found a solution that involved changing a single variable rather than programming in new functionality....

> >

> > People complain we don't have wing 6 yet, well man-hours are limited, you have to choose what gets done.

> They could just copy and paste the special action key cooldown reset from shattered observatorium as another possibility.


> But all in all it is still questionably to change anything at all. If people do so super much DPS that they go so fast from 20% to 10% dps they abused epi bounce anyway (and not sure if its still possible anymore at all with the gliding exploit fixed). They just ruined a mechanic to please the 100th percentile of raiders who might encounter this with a 0.1*0.1= 1% chance.


> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > > > @"vaxjani.9073" said:

> > > > > They could've changed it then like the bombs at Dhuum where you cannot get a bomb for around 30s if u got the last one. Doesnt really affect gameplay tho as Grim said it was already easy.

> > > >

> > > > this is the solution. anet don't think twice before changing something.

> > >

> > > Yeah, im sure Anet didn't think at all when they found a solution that involved changing a single variable rather than programming in new functionality....

> > >

> > > People complain we don't have wing 6 yet, well man-hours are limited, you have to choose what gets done.

> >

> > THAT, Xera is an old boss, it doesn't matter if they nerf it, people already deemed it easy. Just like Matthias, at release it was like the hardest gw2's boss, now it's become easy peasy for pug groups, it's just the natural cycle. It's better to focus on new bosses and new wings.


> Excuse me, this does not qualify as old content.We only have 5 raid wings and this is the endboss from the 3rd one. We do not have an item spiral or increasing level caps, so this content should in theory always stay relevant as long as the team in charge for doing the balance patches does a decent job.


For me, it's not the number of the wing which qualifies a content as old or new, it's the time (years/months) passed since that wing was released, nowadays only wing 5's bosses are "new" content (not for long).

Yes, in theory we shouldn't have an increasing level cap, but truth is...we have, we have people learning mechanichs which makes bosses easy, plus, for the specific case, Forsaken Ticket and w4 were released prior of PoF, and we know very well that new specializations mean increased level cap.

(Sorry if my english isn't perfect, I hope I have been clear)

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As long as we barely have enough raid content to fill one evening of the week with it and just one PvE legendary armor set, we should never think of or accept old wings as old content that can changed in whatever way in a hacky job. Especially if other encounters already have elegant solutions to the problem. I think its fair to expect that much from a company with 20m+ of revenue per quarter.

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It is not old content since it required for the only PVE legendary armor there is and people still clear it weekly. There is no content that makes it obsolete / not worth doing. And as long as there are not enough raid wings to need multiple evenings for clearing or better rewards for less effort I doubt that will change.

Btw Wing 3 was released on June 14th, 2016. Less than 2 years ago. Even by that definition it is not old content if you consider there are only two newer raid wings and each new one takes Anet 6+ months to release.

If anything dungeons are old content - made trivial by power creep, abandoned by the devs, hardly anyone runs them anymore, exotic item rewards and the skins are faster to get by pvp/wvw reward tracks.

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