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Orichalcum ore price drop too low! Please remove nodes from new maps.


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> @Nilkemia.8507 said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > Why did you decide to introduce orichalcum ore nodes in the new maps? the ore price was fair at about 2 silver, now it has dropped to 1 silver and it continues to drop even lower. I bought 60 stacks of orichalcum for about $2 silver about 2 years ago, and during this the price of ore remained fairly the same, now my investment dropped by half the price. Why do you feel the need to ruin the economy? Why did not you introduce hardened leather instead? the price of leather is outrageous.


> Because these zones are Lv80 if I'm not mistaken, and seeing as all Lv80 zones have orichalcum nodes present (Core Tyria, HoT zones, LWS3 and so on), it would make no sense to suddenly exempt them from these zones, especially not for a reason as petty as yours.


I think he means in the numbers that are present compared to other regions.

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> Probably not the nodes. A LOT of returning players wanting gold so they sell their stocks. Orichalcum isn't everywhere, it's just more common.


Or people with ori on hand are choosing to mass sell before the value drops too far. Seeing that many nodes in the. Ew zones told me that supply had a good chance to spike pretty heavily. I dont really need the gold right now so I am not going to panic sell, but I do hope that there are some new mat sinks incoming.

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I'm thinking that core Tyria maps may become more populated for their harvest nodes. All you need is to do event meta chains like the Harathi, Ogre Wars, the Mordrem Champ train in Iron Marches, there must be others.


Also keep in mind that in a month enough people may quit again that there nodes regain some value.


With that said Ancient Sapplings and Orich should be cut in half on the New maps because they're dropping like confetti.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Chadramar.8156 said:

> > I have subzero sympathy for TP flippers, so good development as far as I'm concerned.


> (Besides that, it's flippers who help prices reach equilibrium more quickly and who sink tons of gold out of the economy. They make a lot of gold *and* provide a benefit to the rest of us.)



This is actually the first time i have seen in these forums that someone actually give (deserved) praise to us flippers. Stating that flipping the trader is bad for economy couldnt be more wrong. Its the exact opposite.


Regarding the OP post i dont understand the problem. I flip, speculate and hoard stuff and if you do one of these things it should be obvious that before each major release one should have a stop/loss strategy. I personally sell everything i dont have any info about or negative info about. In preview i realized that ori would take a drop due to:

1. Increase of numbers of players

2. Increase of number of nodes

So i sold my ori.

I also saw some other stuff that i thought would have an increase of demand and i bought those.


That is actually how an economy work and dropping prices on ori isnt a sign of a poorly working economy, its the opposite.


I feel sorry for OP though that his mats lost in value but why buy 60 stacks in the first place if you are not doing a long term speculation? Something that in almost all games is extremely difficult to do since there is an infinite potential supply in games, unlike the real world. Sooner or later the developer will increase supply and prices will drop, it is that simple.

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Buhm buhm people that live and breath and play the Trading Post 24/7 gets screwed over with every Expansion..


people that actual play the game and not work on the TP like a freaking Job the Expansion makes their life easier.. and cheaper...


Market flippers can go and burn as much as i care....

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