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Proc combat skills.

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I've played other MMO's and one thing I miss which isn't featured much is proc burst damage skills.


Mesmers kind of have it with their illusions where you can stack 3 for a Shatter combo. But I would like to see more of it where it makes you suddenly switch out of your rotation. It can be like a trait which gives you a percentage chance if you have bleed on the target for an instant cast power shot. Some people don't like RNG (pvp players) which I understand but I like the sudden burst/big numbers hit you could do which also break rotations.


People that have played WoW will be very familiar with what I am talking about because their whole combat system is based of it. Reset cd's/instant cast procs based off DoTs or HoTs.


I think it would add a small but interesting addition to combat.

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I would argue its a idea concept thats not productive for a system where our functional equivalent to our skill rotation is built on entry and exit points. WoW does 2 things different that makes that idea work...... the idiotically huge disparity between average mob HP to average player damage output, and fact that the game doesn't require you to constantly respond to split second changes in combat that interrupt you regularly.


All that "extra crit proc" thing does is add more DPS over a longer period..... something that is neither noticeable/interesting, nor something easily responded to, unless it consistently results in a huge damage spike, or just a flat out 1-hit kill. For instance.... we have this mechanic in play on a smaller damage scale with things like Sigil of Air. But how often do you notice Sigil of Air procing, much less think to do something on top of it? Then theres Automated Medical Reponse; and its here the conflict starts to become hugely visible. The game requires you to pay close attention to action on the screen for specific tells that you're expected to react to. But things like AMR and Reset on conditions which aren't consistent in combat ends up forcing you to check you're skill bar constantly to spot the trigger...... that simply does not work right. WoW gets away with it, because you spend more time monitoring the UI rather then the battle. Its also a trait they've been trying to push for with early raids being more passive; and Raiders eventually getting bored with it once all their combat rotations are committed to memory.


The game simply internalizes combat cadence well enough that players can eventually learn the timing by repetition. Spend enough time in a build, and you can already know the status of a skill at any point without having to constantly check on it. What the game needs is a reward for being able to weave a rotation around the situation found in combat.... modify how you use your skills and force triggers to adapt to a fight. Not constantly distract the player to respond to changes in the UI, and taking attention away from active defense.

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You can do this with the Guardian trait Radiant Fire and Torch 4. When the trait procs it will give you extra activations of the flipped skill while the base skill is on cooldown. It's my favorite part of playing Firebrand as it does add that extra layer of interactivity.

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> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> You can do this with the Guardian trait Radiant Fire and Torch 4. When the trait procs it will give you extra activations of the flipped skill while the base skill is on cooldown. It's my favorite part of playing Firebrand as it does add that extra layer of interactivity.


Yeah that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about - a crit proc. I had no idea this combo existed. Also it would be nice to have some kind of visual effect that goes with the proc to give you that extra sense of a power boost.

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