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To say that I spent the past 4 days or so returning to Smite while waiting for the next living story episode and can honestly say I would rather do the same event 1000 times in this game with you people than spend 10 minutes in one match with the people in that game.


It's a really neat idea and they have great artists, but wow those are some of the rudest people I have ever met. I thought World of Warcraft had the worst community, but Smite really takes the whole bakery.


So, to the developers that create amazing artwork, a non-hot mess of an interface, easy accessibility to important features, forum moderators whom everyone may not agree with from time to time are passionate and dedicated to creating a positive atmosphere, and to the many diverse players that log in and find their fun in whatever game mode they choose, thank you.


This experience has inspired me to want to the more helpful in-game to all of the new players (are there really that many?) and to cherish that even though there are bad experiences with certain players and in certain game modes, the good still far outweigh the bad.


I encourage all of you to do the same, to continue creating such a positive experience in a world so far from what we have that for some people may be their only way of connecting to other people or escaping what awaits us in the real world.



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I was playing WoW yesterday. Started fighting an elite (boss) for a world quest, then a paladin came up to help me finish him off. I died. The paladin mounted up, rode over to me, started to rez, but stopped the cast, mounted back up, and rode away. I said "Thanks for the rez." His response was "Your (you're) not my concern." Seriously? He was five seconds into the cast, just to cancel it. I logged out and came back here, to a game that encourages community.


I find WoW to be fun, but that attitude, which more prevalent than a helpful one, is enough to keep me from treating that game like anything but a single player game. I guess I shouldn't have expected any kind of help, ever. I blame GW2 players for being so nice, I always get a rez when I need it. It's your fault, guys, you ruined other games for me with your help, and good attitudes.

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Its not really bad people... If you look at GW2's PvP community only, it's more toxic (IMHO) than League of Legends, which is infamous for it's salty toxic community. With a lot more throwing and cheating (because in LoL reports matter, and people do get punished for throwing games).


PvE in GW2 is designed to encourage people cooperating, which is what creates this bubble of happiness for the PvE community, which, i'll grant you is pretty great! GW2 PvE is designed to be an experience, to be played, replayed, explored and enjoyed, other games design their PvE, especially Open World, as something to be won, you compete for resources, for kills, as a stepping stone for end-game, which is either competing with other players in World v World, Guild Wars, Faction v Faction, simple PvP or Raids, which in most games still have you compete (roll) for loot, and risk some guy "ninja-rolling" for gear he doesn't need and getting it.

That difference is what creates the different communities. In GW2's PvE you're encouraged to cooperate and help each other at all times, so people are relaxed and allowed to be friendly. In GW2's PvP modes the community changes a lot because there's competition, and people are in "survival mode", which is the case for MOBAs, a purely competitive PvP game type, and the case for a lot of MMORPGs.


Even in League fo Legends, if you play coop vs AI people will in general be friendlier than in unranked or ranked, because there's no stakes, maybe some are there for the e-peen of getting 30 kills vs bots, and those will be a-holes, but in general, play coop and people will be more relaxed, again because there's nothing at stake, people play that for a easy win of the day, or to get a grip on champion mechanics before playing actual pvp modes, so no one's there to compete.

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