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My opinion about raids

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > > > > > > I cant say much on Wing 5 but that's because i haven't gone into wing 5 since my static is bored of GW2. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not designed in a very similar way which allows you to talk to the NPC/explore to get the majority of the story.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > What? a veteran raider like yourself can't just make a squad and go do a raid with 10 random people like raiders suggest casual do to learn raids?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > He definitely could. He just chose not to do it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I don't know, given how much Raiders, notably both you and Tex, extolled upon how much you love raids and how in some cases even made the claims that it was Raids that kept you playing, it seems off that any of you wound't be playing it if you could.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I mean, I would fully understand if you were meh about them.. but both of you are very passionate about them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So it's not lining for me that anyone would activity chose **not** to play content they loved and were passionate about, as I play the content I enjoy, you will always find me doing the things in game that I have praised on the forums, no matter who else in my guild or circle of friends is on, even if that means I have pure pug some of the content.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So.. for the sale of enlightenment, so that I can understand this better, @"TexZero.7910" can you explain to me why the sudden choice to not raid, when you could?

> > > > >

> > > > > It has its logic and I've seen many raiders do like him. I, myself, have sometimes.

> > > > >

> > > > > Loving raids does not necessarily mean that you will do ALL the raids, and loving raids does not necessarily mean that you will raid no matter what. A lot of raiders only raid if it's with their people, their guild, their static. Not everyone is willing to pug and there are reasons for that.

> > > > >

> > > > > When W5 was released I did not do anything there until I did it with my static or my guild. I did not want to pug it, for a variety of reasons including me not being comfortable pugging certain bosses. It happens to be with Xera and it happens, too, with Dhuum. In fact, I killed Soulless Horror the 3rd week after the release and I killed Dhuum around 2 months after the release of the wing. Just because I didn't want to pug it. And, I can assure you, I absolutely love raids.

> > > > >

> > > > > In fact the first time I pugged W5 was last week. I pugged the first 3 encounters, then decided to give Dhuum a try even though I felt nervous because it was going to be the first time I tanked that boss with pugs. I got it with a very nice group, and had a blast because we had an SC member and some funny things happened. Maybe this week I'll try, too. I'm not quite sure yet.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want the reasons why this kind of things happen, well, the list can be quite long and depends a lot on the specific player.

> > > >

> > > > Now imagine all the people who don't have a static.. how hard would it be for them to raid.. even if they wanted to, when you would not even try to step outside your static till what.. 3 years and I have no idea how many raids later before you would be willing to pug.

> > > >

> > > > When people ask why raids were badly designed this is why.. their social anxiety issues, even people who may like the content itself are driven away due to the social issues of needing to pug and learn the encounter among strangers.

> > > >

> > > > Can you seriously tell me you would have raided if you didn't have your static?

> > >

> > > It might come as a surprise, but I raided for a long time before joining an actual static. Nowadays I find myself pugging once again, because my static is going through a particularly rough time. Some people quit, some people rarely can make it on time and our raid sessions often get delayed or cancelled, and most often involve pugging. As a result, we often don't even clear W1-4 like we used to. So what do I do? I open LFG and raid. What else would I do?

> >

> > I think I saw you yesterday at the aerodrome. If it wasn't you then it was someone who had the same char name as your account : D


> Nah, I don't have a character named "Feanor". But it is entirely possible to have seen me, I was doing late W1, W3 and Deimos kills yesterday.


Well, then someone figured out the same name and give it to a character, it's funny. I've never been in a squad with you tho, so no idea of who you are ingame.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > We both know more people would buy a movie that they were meh about, or only really liked a small part of, then people who would buy a movie they loved with 10% removed from it.

> The movie example is really silly and doesn't apply to a video game.


Look.. if you don't want to _get it_ that's on you. It does not change anything and no one is going to stay in a game that frustrates or stonewalls them, because you decided to disagree with an analogy trying to explain it to you.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > Nah, I don't have a character named "Feanor". But it is entirely possible to have seen me, I was doing late W1, W3 and Deimos kills yesterday.


> Well, then someone figured out the same name and give it to a character, it's funny. I've never been in a squad with you tho, so no idea of who you are ingame.


I think he was in our Deimos squad. If so, hes a good weaver.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > We both know more people would buy a movie that they were meh about, or only really liked a small part of, then people who would buy a movie they loved with 10% removed from it.

> > The movie example is really silly and doesn't apply to a video game.


> Look.. if you don't want to _get it_ that's on you. It does not change anything and no one is going to stay in a game that frustrates or stonewalls them, because you decided to disagree with an analogy trying to explain it to you.


But the game is not stonewalling anyone from progressing. If the players were indeed blocked from any progress or from having any other long term goals then you'd be right, but that's not what's happening here. They are adding tons of new content and new rewards to go for, that is, last I checked, not stonewalled in Raids. And the pace of release is the same as pre-Raids, it's not like they are slowing down or not releasing content outside of Raids.


> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > Legendary Items are the Only Long Term goals in this game.

> > I disagree,


> Disagreeing only makes you wrong.


So you are now the authority on what is long term goal in this game? If you think you are then all I'll say is tone down your massive ego because you do not speak for anyone other than yourself. If you are a person that would stop supporting a game, even as it continues providing what it has always provided! Because it also provided a bit (without any slow downs or reduction in content that you like!) that it's not accessible to you, then that's your choice.


Edit: According to your faulty logic, if Envoy Armor and Raids were never added to the game then every player would leave this game because it wouldn't have any long term rewards anymore. Well a simple newsflash: Path of Fire doesn't provide access to Envoy Armor either. I guess using your logic, of legendary being the only true long term goal, Path of Fire is a crappy expansion that nobody should buy because it doesn't offer any kind of Legendary goal.

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> @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > Nah, I don't have a character named "Feanor". But it is entirely possible to have seen me, I was doing late W1, W3 and Deimos kills yesterday.

> >

> > Well, then someone figured out the same name and give it to a character, it's funny. I've never been in a squad with you tho, so no idea of who you are ingame.


> I think he was in our Deimos squad. If so, hes a good weaver.


Thanks, though I might have involuntarily caused a wipe or two. I was a bit rusty on the tactic, my static goes for the mid-slack strat since we did the CM about an year ago.

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To me, it seems like these conversations have had their time. Folks who are looking for easier access to the rewards given by wings 1-3 will want those, and IMO the number of people who disagree has dramatically dropped over the past 2 years or so.


I think it's pretty silly at this point to be in the camp of "i don't want others to have the armor because it makes mine less important". When you reach 1200,1300,1500 LI etc...getting 150 for the armor seems pretty trivial and doesn't really impact your past accomplishments.


So...to steer the conversation in a slightly different direction...I think the best use of our time is to discuss the "How" of this question. We've debated the "what" and the "why" over and over and over again.


To elaborate, what specifically would we like to see changed to meet the needs of the more casual player base, and how do we realistically get there? I'll start with a question. Currently, ANET has told us their "release cadence" for this content will be a new LS patch roughly every 2-3 months, and they are trying to fit a new raid wing into approximately every other release (i.e once every 6 months). Excuse delays for the argument sake.


For the folks who want easy mode raids developed, would it be worth it to you to delay each LS patch by an additional 2-3 months to achieve this? Maybe 1 big patch every 6 months that has a new LS patch, new fractal, new raid with easy, regular, and CM modes? Maybe it wouldn't take that long, but the idea of the topic where the resources come from.


IMO that is the kind of discussion that will drive change. Making the easier alternatives to this content takes resources, and the only place that is fair to take those resources from is taking the place of content for the same audience. It does not make sense IMO to use the existing raid resources to develop easy modes, because that team is already fairly small and pushing out content at a pace that the raiders would say is too slow.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Look at it this way: You dont like raids so if they never came out game wouldnt change. If raids never came out legendary armor wouldnt too.

The first mention of legendary armor (and how they are going to eventually do it) happened long before Anet even started thinking of raids. At that time they still were vehemently against any instanced content with more than 5-man player limit (they kept being asked for 8-mans then, gw1 style), saying that their research showed that 5-mans were the ideal size, and 8-man groups were just too big (which introduced problems they didn't want in the game. One of those problems was social aspect of group creation, btw).


Legendary armor would have happened eventually even without raids. Without them it might have happened later, but they _would_ have got to it at some point. If not with HoT, then maybe with PoF.


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Honestly i feel like future raid wings should have easier bosses at the start and harder bosses at the end. Dhuum was a pretty great end boss to start w6 fresh with. Relatively casual players could clear the start of the wing without *too* much trouble, it'd lower the barrier of entry, and the hardcore crowd would consider that boss to be a meme boss like MO whereas they still get their fill with hard bosses later in the wing.


So if a hypothetical future wing had four encounters, order of difficulty would be like spirit run -> vg -> matthias -> dhuum

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Thanks, though I might have involuntarily caused a wipe or two. I was a bit rusty on the tactic, my static goes for the mid-slack strat since we did the CM about an year >ago.


Dont worry. 5 people didnt need the kill to begin with and 2 others (inculding me) were on an alt account anyway.



>and they are trying to fit a new raid wing into approximately every other release (i.e once every 6 months).


Ben only mentioned fractals, not raids.

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> @"Teamkiller.4315" said:

> Honestly i feel like future raid wings should have easier bosses at the start and harder bosses at the end. Dhuum was a pretty great end boss to start w6 fresh with. Relatively casual players could clear the start of the wing without *too* much trouble, it'd lower the barrier of entry, and the hardcore crowd would consider that boss to be a meme boss like MO whereas they still get their fill with hard bosses later in the wing.


> So if a hypothetical future wing had four encounters, order of difficulty would be like spirit run -> vg -> matthias -> dhuum


Strongly agree. I don't quite understand why hard bosses have to be the first ones of the wing. I get that "if you place them in difficulty order some people will do only the easier", but currently that's what happens anyway, and I don't think it's strong enough as a reason.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Teamkiller.4315" said:

> > Honestly i feel like future raid wings should have easier bosses at the start and harder bosses at the end. Dhuum was a pretty great end boss to start w6 fresh with. Relatively casual players could clear the start of the wing without *too* much trouble, it'd lower the barrier of entry, and the hardcore crowd would consider that boss to be a meme boss like MO whereas they still get their fill with hard bosses later in the wing.

> >

> > So if a hypothetical future wing had four encounters, order of difficulty would be like spirit run -> vg -> matthias -> dhuum


> Strongly agree. I don't quite understand why hard bosses have to be the first ones of the wing. I get that "if you place them in difficulty order some people will do only the easier", but currently that's what happens anyway, and I don't think it's strong enough as a reason.


Well. No first boss is actually harder than the last in any of the wings. Wing 2 is the one where the gap is probably smallest, but still Matthias is decidedly harder than Slothasor.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"Teamkiller.4315" said:

> > > Honestly i feel like future raid wings should have easier bosses at the start and harder bosses at the end. Dhuum was a pretty great end boss to start w6 fresh with. Relatively casual players could clear the start of the wing without *too* much trouble, it'd lower the barrier of entry, and the hardcore crowd would consider that boss to be a meme boss like MO whereas they still get their fill with hard bosses later in the wing.

> > >

> > > So if a hypothetical future wing had four encounters, order of difficulty would be like spirit run -> vg -> matthias -> dhuum

> >

> > Strongly agree. I don't quite understand why hard bosses have to be the first ones of the wing. I get that "if you place them in difficulty order some people will do only the easier", but currently that's what happens anyway, and I don't think it's strong enough as a reason.


> Well. No first boss is actually harder than the last in any of the wings. Wing 2 is the one where the gap is probably smallest, but still Matthias is decidedly harder than Slothasor.


I'm not quite sure... I mean, Gorseval is easier than VG, but VG is more forgiving because you only need decent druids and a decent tank, DPS is not a problem. But mechanically, it's harder. Gorse tho, needs a decent chunk of DPS but mechanics are whatever. And, well, I know that Matthias is mechanically more complex than Slothasor but I find Sloth much harder. It needs good coordination between several people, while in Matt the coordination is much less.


Edit: and if we look at W5, Soulless Horror is harder than statues and river.


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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > @"Teamkiller.4315" said:

> > > > Honestly i feel like future raid wings should have easier bosses at the start and harder bosses at the end. Dhuum was a pretty great end boss to start w6 fresh with. Relatively casual players could clear the start of the wing without *too* much trouble, it'd lower the barrier of entry, and the hardcore crowd would consider that boss to be a meme boss like MO whereas they still get their fill with hard bosses later in the wing.

> > > >

> > > > So if a hypothetical future wing had four encounters, order of difficulty would be like spirit run -> vg -> matthias -> dhuum

> > >

> > > Strongly agree. I don't quite understand why hard bosses have to be the first ones of the wing. I get that "if you place them in difficulty order some people will do only the easier", but currently that's what happens anyway, and I don't think it's strong enough as a reason.

> >

> > Well. No first boss is actually harder than the last in any of the wings. Wing 2 is the one where the gap is probably smallest, but still Matthias is decidedly harder than Slothasor.


> I'm not quite sure... I mean, Gorseval is easier than VG, but VG is more forgiving because you only need decent druids and a decent tank, DPS is not a problem. But mechanically, it's harder. Gorse tho, needs a decent chunk of DPS but mechanics are whatever. And, well, I know that Matthias is mechanically more complex than Slothasor but I find Sloth much harder. It needs good coordination between several people, while in Matt the coordination is much less.


> Edit: and if we look at W5, Soulless Horror is harder than statues and river.



Yes, of course. But I was talking about "first vs last" comparison. I don't mind bosses in the middle being easier than the first ones, it makes for a nice change of pace. I mean, I like having both. Like W1/2 are like this, then W3/4 start easy and get harder.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > > @"Teamkiller.4315" said:

> > > > > Honestly i feel like future raid wings should have easier bosses at the start and harder bosses at the end. Dhuum was a pretty great end boss to start w6 fresh with. Relatively casual players could clear the start of the wing without *too* much trouble, it'd lower the barrier of entry, and the hardcore crowd would consider that boss to be a meme boss like MO whereas they still get their fill with hard bosses later in the wing.

> > > > >

> > > > > So if a hypothetical future wing had four encounters, order of difficulty would be like spirit run -> vg -> matthias -> dhuum

> > > >

> > > > Strongly agree. I don't quite understand why hard bosses have to be the first ones of the wing. I get that "if you place them in difficulty order some people will do only the easier", but currently that's what happens anyway, and I don't think it's strong enough as a reason.

> > >

> > > Well. No first boss is actually harder than the last in any of the wings. Wing 2 is the one where the gap is probably smallest, but still Matthias is decidedly harder than Slothasor.

> >

> > I'm not quite sure... I mean, Gorseval is easier than VG, but VG is more forgiving because you only need decent druids and a decent tank, DPS is not a problem. But mechanically, it's harder. Gorse tho, needs a decent chunk of DPS but mechanics are whatever. And, well, I know that Matthias is mechanically more complex than Slothasor but I find Sloth much harder. It needs good coordination between several people, while in Matt the coordination is much less.

> >

> > Edit: and if we look at W5, Soulless Horror is harder than statues and river.

> >


> Yes, of course. But I was talking about "first vs last" comparison. I don't mind bosses in the middle being easier than the first ones, it makes for a nice change of pace. I mean, I like having both. Like W1/2 are like this, then W3/4 start easy and get harder.


Ye, it's okay if a wing gets easier easier in the middle, but having Soulless Horror as B1 it's a huge problem for new players in that wing. It has so much RNG, it's such a dirty boss. It shouldn't be the first one. That was what I was trying to say : D

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I think probably misspoke when i said easier and harder, i should have said easy and hard. The point is it would be a good idea imo to lower the barrier of entry by making the first encounter of future wings accessible to the average player. Spirit run, escort, river of souls comes to mind for that. Easy as that, except in boss form.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> So.. for the sale of enlightenment, so that I can understand this better, @"TexZero.7910" can you explain to me why the sudden choice to not raid, when you could?

I haven't done wing 5 because as i clearly stated my static is bored with GW2. Not any other reason, i could jump in join an LFG and be just fine, i just choose not to at this time because i want to experience it with that group of people, nothing more nothing less.


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I have to say i dont understand the other side of the argument. Can you please answer these questions?

1) what makes the game fun for you?

2) why do you want to raid?

3) what do you think is locking you from raids

4) do you have ascended gear/enough gold to easily get it?

5) do you enjoy every gw2 content exept raids? (And which not)


Thanks for answers. For me games are fun only if you can get better (and beeing better makes a diference) and it takes all my attention. If i can be distracted i lose interest and dont enjoy it anymore. I use games to distract my mind and those kind of games have many things i can solve.


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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > > > @"Teamkiller.4315" said:

> > > > > > Honestly i feel like future raid wings should have easier bosses at the start and harder bosses at the end. Dhuum was a pretty great end boss to start w6 fresh with. Relatively casual players could clear the start of the wing without *too* much trouble, it'd lower the barrier of entry, and the hardcore crowd would consider that boss to be a meme boss like MO whereas they still get their fill with hard bosses later in the wing.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So if a hypothetical future wing had four encounters, order of difficulty would be like spirit run -> vg -> matthias -> dhuum

> > > > >

> > > > > Strongly agree. I don't quite understand why hard bosses have to be the first ones of the wing. I get that "if you place them in difficulty order some people will do only the easier", but currently that's what happens anyway, and I don't think it's strong enough as a reason.

> > > >

> > > > Well. No first boss is actually harder than the last in any of the wings. Wing 2 is the one where the gap is probably smallest, but still Matthias is decidedly harder than Slothasor.

> > >

> > > I'm not quite sure... I mean, Gorseval is easier than VG, but VG is more forgiving because you only need decent druids and a decent tank, DPS is not a problem. But mechanically, it's harder. Gorse tho, needs a decent chunk of DPS but mechanics are whatever. And, well, I know that Matthias is mechanically more complex than Slothasor but I find Sloth much harder. It needs good coordination between several people, while in Matt the coordination is much less.

> > >

> > > Edit: and if we look at W5, Soulless Horror is harder than statues and river.

> > >

> >

> > Yes, of course. But I was talking about "first vs last" comparison. I don't mind bosses in the middle being easier than the first ones, it makes for a nice change of pace. I mean, I like having both. Like W1/2 are like this, then W3/4 start easy and get harder.


> Ye, it's okay if a wing gets easier easier in the middle, but having Soulless Horror as B1 it's a huge problem for new players in that wing. It has so much RNG, it's such a dirty boss. It shouldn't be the first one. That was what I was trying to say : D


I can agree with that, SH is a bit too much.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > I’ve heard you claim this before Butcher, but I’m curious on a couple things:

> >

> > A ) did you get an insta 80 boost, as you would have had to play open world to obviously get to 80?

> >

> > B ) is this really the game for you, if you hate like 90% of the content?


> He's saying locked out as not enjoying the content only on response to people like Ohoni claiming the same about raids.


> It's obvious that no one is locked out of any content. He's not locked out of OW but neither is Ohoni from raids. But since some people keep insisting on this false argument, he makes an (obviously ironic) analogy.


> So, A doesn't really make sense. Ofc he can access OW, but everyone can access raids too.


> B... Really, if you don't enjoy OW or PvP or WvW that means that GW2 is not your game? This game has different things, let's just acknowledge that and let's also acknowledge that enjoying a lesser % of the game does not mean that you have less right to complain or that the game is not for you. Big news, now if the only content you really enjoy is raids, GW2 is not for you.


I was curious Nia, hence why I asked... it’s like buying a car, where you hate the make and model, the colour and how it handles, all it’s features, but love the leather interior, it’s perplexing.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > I’ve heard you claim this before Butcher, but I’m curious on a couple things:

> >

> > A ) did you get an insta 80 boost, as you would have had to play open world to obviously get to 80?

> >

> > B ) is this really the game for you, if you hate like 90% of the content?


> He's saying locked out as not enjoying the content only on response to people like Ohoni claiming the same about raids.


> It's obvious that no one is locked out of any content. He's not locked out of OW but neither is Ohoni from raids. But since some people keep insisting on this false argument, he makes an (obviously ironic) analogy.


> So, A doesn't really make sense. Ofc he can access OW, but everyone can access raids too.


> B... Really, if you don't enjoy OW or PvP or WvW that means that GW2 is not your game? This game has different things, let's just acknowledge that and let's also acknowledge that enjoying a lesser % of the game does not mean that you have less right to complain or that the game is not for you. Big news, now if the only content you really enjoy is raids, GW2 is not for you.


> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > >So, A doesn't really make sense. Ofc he can access OW, but everyone can access raids too.

> >

> > Not really the same thing. Raids have a much steeper barrier of entry.

> >

> > >Really, if you don't enjoy OW or PvP or WvW that means that GW2 is not your game?

> >

> > Kinda?

> >

> > >Big news, now if the only content you really enjoy is raids, GW2 is not for you.

> >

> > At the very least, this should disqualify you from deciding what GW2 should or should not do moving forward. I have no problem with people who *only* raids and do not engage with the entire rest of the game, so long as they don't make proclamations that people who *do* enjoy all those things "aren't deserving" of things that are in raids. If it would make *more* players happy to have access to those elements, then people who *only* raid should not have some right to gatekeep those features from them


> Hope you relise that raiding basicaly lose you gold. And i do not play only raid. I play dungeons, fractals, raids and story. I sometimes do other stuff for short time. More importantly i am paying customer so i have same right to state my to decide gw2 future as you do.


Ok so you do PvE besides raids , your statements before seemed odd because it sounded like you just raid and that’s that.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > I’ve heard you claim this before Butcher, but I’m curious on a couple things:

> > >

> > > A ) did you get an insta 80 boost, as you would have had to play open world to obviously get to 80?

> > >

> > > B ) is this really the game for you, if you hate like 90% of the content?

> >

> > He's saying locked out as not enjoying the content only on response to people like Ohoni claiming the same about raids.

> >

> > It's obvious that no one is locked out of any content. He's not locked out of OW but neither is Ohoni from raids. But since some people keep insisting on this false argument, he makes an (obviously ironic) analogy.

> >

> > So, A doesn't really make sense. Ofc he can access OW, but everyone can access raids too.

> >

> > B... Really, if you don't enjoy OW or PvP or WvW that means that GW2 is not your game? This game has different things, let's just acknowledge that and let's also acknowledge that enjoying a lesser % of the game does not mean that you have less right to complain or that the game is not for you. Big news, now if the only content you really enjoy is raids, GW2 is not for you.


> I was curious Nia, hence why I asked... it’s like buying a car, where you hate the make and model, the colour and how it handles, all it’s features, but love the leather interior, it’s perplexing.


That's a bad analogy. GW2 is not a car, it's more like a theme park. You pay to have access to the theme park, but you don't have to like all the rides. You don't even need to like the majority of them.


I absolutely love Port Aventura and every time I go there, I do it mainly for three things: Furius Baco, Tutuki Splash and Hurakan Condor. Port Aventura has hundreds of different places and rides. Does that mean that Port Aventura is not made for me? Naaaah.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > I’ve heard you claim this before Butcher, but I’m curious on a couple things:

> > > >

> > > > A ) did you get an insta 80 boost, as you would have had to play open world to obviously get to 80?

> > > >

> > > > B ) is this really the game for you, if you hate like 90% of the content?

> > >

> > > He's saying locked out as not enjoying the content only on response to people like Ohoni claiming the same about raids.

> > >

> > > It's obvious that no one is locked out of any content. He's not locked out of OW but neither is Ohoni from raids. But since some people keep insisting on this false argument, he makes an (obviously ironic) analogy.

> > >

> > > So, A doesn't really make sense. Ofc he can access OW, but everyone can access raids too.

> > >

> > > B... Really, if you don't enjoy OW or PvP or WvW that means that GW2 is not your game? This game has different things, let's just acknowledge that and let's also acknowledge that enjoying a lesser % of the game does not mean that you have less right to complain or that the game is not for you. Big news, now if the only content you really enjoy is raids, GW2 is not for you.

> >

> > I was curious Nia, hence why I asked... it’s like buying a car, where you hate the make and model, the colour and how it handles, all it’s features, but love the leather interior, it’s perplexing.


> That's a bad analogy. GW2 is not a car, it's more like a theme park. You pay to have access to the theme park, but you don't have to like all the rides. You don't even need to like the majority of them.


> I absolutely love Port Aventura and every time I go there, I do it mainly for three things: Furius Baco, Tutuki Splash and Hurakan Condor. Port Aventura has hundreds of different places and rides. Does that mean that Port Aventura is not made for me? Naaaah.


Well obviously it’s not a car... that’s why I used an analogy, silly.


a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > > I’ve heard you claim this before Butcher, but I’m curious on a couple things:

> > > > >

> > > > > A ) did you get an insta 80 boost, as you would have had to play open world to obviously get to 80?

> > > > >

> > > > > B ) is this really the game for you, if you hate like 90% of the content?

> > > >

> > > > He's saying locked out as not enjoying the content only on response to people like Ohoni claiming the same about raids.

> > > >

> > > > It's obvious that no one is locked out of any content. He's not locked out of OW but neither is Ohoni from raids. But since some people keep insisting on this false argument, he makes an (obviously ironic) analogy.

> > > >

> > > > So, A doesn't really make sense. Ofc he can access OW, but everyone can access raids too.

> > > >

> > > > B... Really, if you don't enjoy OW or PvP or WvW that means that GW2 is not your game? This game has different things, let's just acknowledge that and let's also acknowledge that enjoying a lesser % of the game does not mean that you have less right to complain or that the game is not for you. Big news, now if the only content you really enjoy is raids, GW2 is not for you.

> > >

> > > I was curious Nia, hence why I asked... it’s like buying a car, where you hate the make and model, the colour and how it handles, all it’s features, but love the leather interior, it’s perplexing.

> >

> > That's a bad analogy. GW2 is not a car, it's more like a theme park. You pay to have access to the theme park, but you don't have to like all the rides. You don't even need to like the majority of them.

> >

> > I absolutely love Port Aventura and every time I go there, I do it mainly for three things: Furius Baco, Tutuki Splash and Hurakan Condor. Port Aventura has hundreds of different places and rides. Does that mean that Port Aventura is not made for me? Naaaah.


> Well obviously it’s not a car... that’s why I used an analogy, silly.


> a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.


" That's a bad analogy. " First sentence.


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