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raid question.


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Generally I like the end game raids in WoW, GW2 has some great leveling experiences. I guess what I'm trying to find out is GW2 raiding, how close is it to WoW raids in terms of people in a raid, rewards, bosses etc. I know the unholy trinity isn't used in GW2, at least I don't think it is. I know it wont be the same as WoW, but I'm curious how close. Thanks.

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Raids in GW2 are a fructure of PvE, it is niche content for people that want the extra challenge open world,fractals and dungeons dont provide. In WoW raiding is the purpose of the game, it's what u gear for, it's what u do when u arent lvling and questing. The rewards are okay, not something amazing but definately worth doing on a weekly basis.


The biggest differences between the two games is:

WoW has LFR system with many difficulty lvls. Class composition isn't really relevant unless we talking Mythic. (all classes can almost fill any role depending on gear)

Gw2 has one difficulty lvl (with the occasional challenge motes). There is no automated LFR system. You search for group through lfg,create your own or join a static/guild group. Class composition doesnt vary much as the system is heavily based on boon sharing which not all classes can do in the same capacity. (a fully buffed dps does x4 times the dmg!)

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it´s instanced.

well let´s say there will always be a "flavour of the month" classwise, but if you are not participating in a speedclear, as long as you can fullfill your role (doing decent dps) everything is fine.


the rewards are pretty good (once a week/boss), and the bosses are "easy to learn, hard to master".

most of the time your squad will be 2 groups, which contains 1xChronomancer(Tank/BoonSharer) Druid (Healer/Boon Support) CondiPSWarrior(Boon Support/Dps) and 2 DPS Slots (the otimal class will varifiy from boss to boss, but in reality you could run all the bosses with 1 dps class and do decent DPS).


So if you want to start raiding here a few tipps:


First: look up guides for what class/role you want to play (www.qtfy.eu ENG or www.lucky-noobs.com GER)

Go to the Golemtrainings area and try your rotation (the more the better, if you can easily pull your rotations you can concentrate more on leraning the mechanics of the bosses)


2nd: join a raid trainings guild (RTI Raid Training Initiative for example, simple ask in mapchat), or look in LFG for a Trainings run (could take a while, but they are there) If you are lucky you will meet likeminded people to form a static grp.


3rd: have fun getting better and experiance the "first down hype", your inventory will get stocked full of ascendet weapon/armour that you can use on other classes--> even more fun


BUT do not join exp group without beeing exp yourself, a lot of ppl have put a lot of effort in learing there classes/bosses and are looking for smooth runs without someone who could mess up the whole fight.


If you need anythingelse please let me know, otherwise, see you in LFG

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The OP asked for rewards, but no one concretely told what you do although he told where he came from: WoW.


So contrary to WoW you don't get better gear. However you get quite a lot of BiS gear and it is also bound to Legendary Armor which is not stronger but you can swap out stats and runes on the fly out of combat. Pretty cool. The niveau is a bit lower than in WoW but people act as if it is the mostest hardestest uber part in any game. So expect a lot of ridiculous guys who think to kill a raid boss in GW2 is as hard as Lich King 25 Heroic or Burning Crusade Sunwell.

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> as hard as Lich King 25 Heroic or Burning Crusade Sunwell.


Oh those were some good times!! BC best ever expec really but yea, WOW raids have heaps of adds, to which GW2 has none, or maybe 1 wing, Spirit wing, but mostly run in, crazy mechanics, try to not wipe and pew pew to win.

I will say that having mechanics that can wipe a raid is a bit rough (i.e green circles, Gors dps race, KC), but once its learned its meh.

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> The niveau is a bit lower than in WoW but people act as if it is the mostest hardestest uber part in any game. So expect a lot of ridiculous guys who think to kill a raid boss in GW2 is as hard as Lich King 25 Heroic or Burning Crusade Sunwell.

Ah, the good times in TBC. Sunwell was a pinnacle of raid design, although I saw everything behind Bruta only after the massive pre-WotLK nerf. Only Wildstar managed to surpass that quality with some encounters in Datascape and RMT. Nevertheless, GW2 raids are nice when you want to have it more relaxed and casual. Parts of our community just shouldn't take themselves or the raids as seriously as they do - these are casual raids, not the "real" hardcore business.


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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> So contrary to WoW you don't get better gear. However you get quite a lot of BiS gear and it is also bound to Legendary Armor which is not stronger but you can swap out stats and runes on the fly out of combat. Pretty cool


You can swap runes without destroying them on legendary armor?

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