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Wish we could re-colour Magic FX. (Headaches)


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I like the magenta but if I had a choice I would change it to be a more pearlescent pastel pink (ie satin pink). :)


In any case this would have to be pve only because it would cause too many problems in pvp and even wvw. UNLESS - the colour change in pvp/wvw can only be seen by the player, but appears as default colours for everyone else.

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> @"Redfeather.6401" said:

> I started playing mesmer this weekend... but purple gives me a headache and there is purple everywhere during fights.

> I would recolour magic to a soft green.


FWIW, gw2hook (or reshade, on which it is based) probably allow you to adjust those colors a bit, to at least reduce the headaches.

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we just need to swap guard and mesmer color .

for some reason , i feel this change will reduce a lot of hate towards mesmer in forum .players usually feel cheated if they are beaten by trickster type of class . making mesmer look more like some sort of justice war will help . and we will hear less of "how can that pink girly thief be best tank in game "

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> A long time ago I made a post for Anet to put new class animation themes in the gem store. I wanted Black ravens for all my spell effects instead of pink butterflies, cause I think it would be cool to have an Itachi Uchiha theme. It got ignored :-(


I like how in Path of Exile you can get alternate FX for skills. Making a totem look like a dragon statue or zombies look like mummies. It's fun to create a unique look for a little sense of roleplay.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Redfeather.6401" said:

> I started playing mesmer this weekend... but purple gives me a headache and there is purple everywhere during fights.

> I would recolour magic to a soft green.


> What colours would you folks choose, or would you keep the default colour?

I wouldn't change the colors at all. Still, it's a shame the game doesn't have many options in this respect.

Although if the headaches are a real deal breaker, I mean if you're really serious about getting rid of the purple without losing all measure of color information you can just skew the gamut through your video card control panel. Rotate about 165 degrees and mesmer effects become a soft green in-game.

![](https://i.imgur.com/GDzEkPR.jpg "")




![](https://i.imgur.com/Myk02vK.jpg "")


Needless to say, changing one color **changes all of the colors.** Prepare your mental IFF, or you won't recognize danger until it bites you in the face. :joy: Genuine side-effects, your mileage may vary.

> @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> I'd be a fan of a light green/teal sort of color and change the butterflies to dragonflies



Teal is also possible if you tilt 275 degrees:

![](https://i.imgur.com/rsYZiEa.jpg "")


But the side-effect can be rather intense if you happen to be sensitive to purple, -all the warm colors- so I would not recommend it lol.

_Such purple:_


![](https://i.imgur.com/QYp3zRM.jpg "")


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This is the second post I've seen like this recently. And I gotta say I'd love if more people started to post about this. Anet could make class effect themes a gemstore purchase. Cause as a mesmer, I'd kitten love to have black ravens instead of pink butterlies from all my shatters and attacks.


edit: ohh this is the same post from a few weeks ago lol. anyways, make it happen anet

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  • 3 months later...

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