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simple idea to buff core necro


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same as what they did to buff Trident in underwater by adding Crimson Tide to all Trident skills how about adding death shroud auto to all also

and by doing that now death shroud have an identity you can run power and all your death shroud skills now have a powerful hits or run Dhuumfire and now you have a good condi build

or even hybrid builds !!!

do you think that will help core necro or complete rework still the answer ?

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> do you think that will help core necro or complete rework still the answer ?


Adding Crimson Tide wouldn't fix the problem with Death Shroud. A complete rework is the better option because the skills are lackluster. Every skill except for Doom in my opinion need a rework. If you want, you can check out Wild Crinns' video talking about core necromancer and the problems surrounding Death Shroud.


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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

i did watch Wild Crinns' video along time ago that why i tried to give core necro an identity and because i noticed ANET reworking the pof elite so i think a complete rework for core will be in the far far future so i went with simple buff that ANET already did and can do

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That's probably the worst idea that I've read on this forum. Seriously, 90% of the issues with scourge are due to the fact that all F skill proc manifest sand shade and you suggest to make core shroud do the same thing? You want to destroy the game or anything?


The necromancer already do to much condi bomb let's stop suggesting more of these, it doesn't make the necromancer better it make him toxic.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Other classes do a way better Condi bomb. Just look at guard or mesmer, they can give you way more conditions in an instant (and they do way more dmging conditions stacks)


> The problem for scourge is, that it's ranged ae corrupts+ dmg


Nope, if the f skill were only doing what they are advertised to do and not proc'ing F1 there would have never been any complaint about what they do except for F5. Even the coverage wouldn't have been felt as oppressive as it still feel. Nobody can decently deny that pressing 1 button to load 5+ different conditions on up to 10 target is not a condi bomb. The necromancer focus way to much on condi bomb which is crappy in PvE and impact heavily PvP/WvW content leading to the internal imbalance that the necromancer suffer since HoT with PvP/WvW players complaining about OP necro and PvE players still waiting for some decent build diversity that would make them competitive.


Guard and mesmer aren't able to load their foe with as many different condition than a necromancer do without even trying. Guards and mesmers however are good at stacking a single condition quickly leading to "condi burst" and not "condi bomb".


It's not by making the same mistakes over and over that the necromancer will become "better". What's suggested will only make the core necromancer "broken".

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > Other classes do a way better Condi bomb. Just look at guard or mesmer, they can give you way more conditions in an instant (and they do way more dmging conditions stacks)

> >

> > The problem for scourge is, that it's ranged ae corrupts+ dmg


> Nope, if the f skill were only doing what they are advertised to do and not proc'ing F1 there would have never been any complaint about what they do except for F5. Even the coverage wouldn't have been felt as oppressive as it still feel. Nobody can decently deny that pressing 1 button to load 5+ different conditions on up to 10 target is not a condi bomb. The necromancer focus way to much on condi bomb which is crappy in PvE and impact heavily PvP/WvW content leading to the internal imbalance that the necromancer suffer since HoT with PvP/WvW players complaining about OP necro and PvE players still waiting for some decent build diversity that would make them competitive.


> Guard and mesmer aren't able to load their foe with as many different condition than a necromancer do without even trying. Guards and mesmers however are good at stacking a single condition quickly leading to "condi burst" and not "condi bomb".


> It's not by making the same mistakes over and over that the necromancer will become "better". What's suggested will only make the core necromancer "broken".


Nice 5 condition 1 stack each and only 2 do dmg OPOP


Sure I'm not a fan of the suggestion. There are countless better ways in this forum in how to improve core nec.


But tbh. If you want a Condi bomb (your definition of Condi bomb) play core necro, it does like almost All the conditions available at once. Well only one stack but that's a Condi bomb for you. But you won't die from that.


A Condi bomb for me is something like mesmers can do, or thiefes, or engis, or Guards.

They put like 15 stacks burning or 20 stacks confusion or 15 stacks poison+ other dmging conditions on you.

And Not cripple, weakness, vulnerability, burn and torment 1 stack each

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I would settle for a review of core weapon skills, utilities, and traits and hope the developers find good things to make adjustments to. This sub-forum is packed with call-outs on under-performing aspects and ideas to fix them.


Core shroud has its problems but I would rather see lackluster individual traits and skills be rebalanced, first. There are already plenty (too many?) of modifiers to shroud.

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I disagree with this idea.


Most of the shroud skills need minor tweaks here and there but

Life blast - Simple needs a faster rate of fire if it stays as it currently is its just a tad bit too slow at any range in the fight be it long, mid, or melee range.

Dark path - Could maybe use a total rework. ( I personally like how it currently is mechanically but it could use better effects, conditions , numbers etc.)

Doom - Is fine (Could use at least 2 ammo charges though)

Life transfer - Needs some number all over the place improvements and it could be ok.

Tainted Shackles - Should have its end effect changed or expanded upon the immobilize.


- My thoughts have recently been hanging on this idea and its something that wont take a ton of work to add or over complicate things either.


It would be interesting if shroud 1 change based on the weapon in your hand when you activate shroud. So that it has some melee options and diversity across the core profession. IT could have a melee auto for some weapons but not have its whole profession kit changed to melee like reapers is allowing it to be a mid ranged fighter and not just a melee brawler fighter (which reaper locks you into)

I only say this because it seems like its meant to be a mid to close range profession mechanic when you look at all its skills together. It fails at long range (you cant expect long bow damage) and it fails at close range (because people run over you and your dps is a bit to slow that you get eaten at close range if you try to compete in melee). You cant get away or force people off you very easily either with just life blast alone.


That said using

Dagger > Fast life leach attack in shroud

Staff > Life blast life blast in shroud

Axe > swift but beefy cleave melee close ranged attack in shroud

Scepter > plage blast in shroud


This only makes 2 new skills technically but would change up how the core profession plays in shroud and around its shroud mechanic quite a bit.

This might help it stick to a mid ranged combatant.


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:


> The necromancer already do to much condi bomb let's stop suggesting more of these, it doesn't make the necromancer better it make him toxic.


BTW you dont understand the meaning of condi bomb because Dhuumfire do burning for 3 sec and you do it on a skills that require casting time so you can apply a max of 3 stacks of burning that is a condi bomb !!!!

unlike scourge which dont require casting time to make his condi bomb

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:


> > The necromancer already do to much condi bomb let's stop suggesting more of these, it doesn't make the necromancer better it make him toxic.


> BTW you dont understand the meaning of condi bomb because Dhuumfire do burning for 3 sec and you do it on a skills that require casting time so you can apply a max of 3 stacks of burning that is a condi bomb !!!!

> unlike scourge which dont require casting time to make his condi bomb


Guys, you confond "condi bomb" and "condi burst". You "bomb" with a lot of different conditions while you "burst" with a single one. What is "burst" if it is not doing a lot of damage in a few seconds?

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