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Deathmatch for unranked.

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I'm game for any form of TDM may it be new or converted old maps. After 6 years of dancing in circles in circlequest, it gets old. I'd love to see aby new form of pvp other then what we have now. Lets change the number up too. ask the community to see if 1v1 2v2 3v3 5v5 or even 10v10 would be fun for pvp.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> I'm game for any form of TDM may it be new or converted old maps. After 6 years of dancing in circles in circlequest, it gets old. I'd love to see aby new form of pvp other then what we have now. Lets change the number up too. ask the community to see if 1v1 2v2 3v3 5v5 or even 10v10 would be fun for pvp.


Do you play league of legends? Do you understand why I ask this question?

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Take the old maps and make them a bit larger.


> Players are playing conquest like death match in unranked anyways.


> Make the respawn almost intant.


> the score should go until 15:00 regardless. ( so it could above 500+)


> highest wins.


> EZ


Depends on what you call death match. It's advantageous to control the map and kill them off before they can do anything. But running around and only killing each other is as productive as only capping and never defending

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They did something like that and it was terrible.


To have a decent TDM mode they need:

- Proper maps for it;

- Round respawn (killed players stay dead until the whole team is killed);

- Mechanics to avoid people just running/stealthing/bunkering forever (like timed debuffs that start stacking after 10 min of a round - reveals, heal/speed/endurance debuffs)


Without that any death match mode will be a terrible troll-fest...

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> - A much bigger map

> - no need more respawn, just 2 exits

> - some small boosts / items to catch.


> Just that and a lot of people will be happy forever.


or how about 4 respawns maybe tokens in the health bar or above it saying how many "lives" a player has left.


the small boosts and items sounds like a good idea



super smash deathmatch!



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The problem with not allowing respawns is the potential for extended periods of time where a player downed early does not get to play and the team does not get to operate as a fully functional team. It is not exciting to watch or play when there is so little opportunity for comebacks or the game mechanics alone overly favor extreme builds (all-in one shots or impossible to kill bunkers). Even short-ish rounds, which is desireable, you still get overly punishing game feedback. I think the better solution is to allow for a limited number of respawns and the team that has the most available respawns when time runs out (or deals the most damage in the case of a tie at the end of the round) wins that round. In the case where a team runs out of respawns to use, the match ends and the opposing team is declared the winner of that round.

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The old TDM mode had tons of problems actually:

- like the losers of the first fight would more than often get camped.

- It was part of unranked rotation, forcing players to play it even tough they wanted conquest.


Then again, I seriously wish for a DM and TDM modes on this game.

I mean, even Overwatch has a DM mode nowadays, balance be dammed.

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