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Forced password resets

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Recently I contacted support to change my email on my account which they did, quite easily. However when trying to log in recently I was forced to reset my password even though my previous password wasn't compromised and changing my email had no reason to cause that security response. Now I sent a ticket to support anonymously because I could not log into support or the game client without first changing it. Today, I finally broke down and accepted your forced reset and I still cannot log into support at all. it cycles me through the login option and back to front page.

I didn't ask for or want my password changed. If security dictates the change is because I changed my email and you're concerned the account was stolen changing my password after successfully changing my email would not change my access to the account. Having verified my identity with support should of been enough security validation to not need to go that step further.

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If they're using the email in the hashing of the password, changing the email would require the password to also change. Someone else could confirm if they also had to change their password. The agent who changed your email may have also simply reset your password for whatever reason.


If you're contacting support to get your old password back, don't bother. They can't do that. It would be a security vulnerability.


The login loop can be caused by your browser's security being too high and blockers. Try a different browser.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hello Malachi!


So, it sounds like you're encountering a couple different features/oddities of what happens when you change the email for your account.


First, the password reset: Our system automatically forces a password reset when the email is changed, as a security feature. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot we can do to help you out here - just take the opportunity to make sure your account is extra safe from anyone who might want to break in.


Then, being unable to login to the support site: We call this the infamous login loop. When we change someone's email, the support site can sometimes get a bit confused because something causes the new and old profiles on the site to not link up properly. If you submit a ticket through the anonymous support forum and mention the issue with us, we can force that link to connect again and you shouldn't experience the login loop anymore.


Hopefully this helps out! :)

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> @"GM Magister.8736" said:

> Then, being unable to login to the support site: We call this the infamous login loop. When we change someone's email, the support site can sometimes get a bit confused because something causes the new and old profiles on the site to not link up properly. If you submit a ticket through the anonymous support forum and mention the issue with us, we can force that link to connect again and you shouldn't experience the login loop anymore.


I hit a similar loop with the forums (not logged in) and the ANet account page (logged in), that was resolved when I deleted all the cookies. Does a similar solution apply to this situation?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"GM Magister.8736" said:

> > Then, being unable to login to the support site: We call this the infamous login loop. When we change someone's email, the support site can sometimes get a bit confused because something causes the new and old profiles on the site to not link up properly. If you submit a ticket through the anonymous support forum and mention the issue with us, we can force that link to connect again and you shouldn't experience the login loop anymore.


> I hit a similar loop with the forums (not logged in) and the ANet account page (logged in), that was resolved when I deleted all the cookies. Does a similar solution apply to this situation?


If that worked for you, then it might be a slightly different issue.


For our support site, it's just a weird little bug with how the site handles your login info and connects it with your game account. Sometimes things don't hook up the way they are supposed to when we change your account email, and so it panics since it knows you logged in properly but doesn't exactly know who you are in the context of the game (or how you got there.)


It's a really easy fix on our end, but if it's happening on the support site, it's likely something you're going to need to contact us about to resolve it.

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> @"GM Magister.8736" said:

> First, the password reset: Our system automatically forces a password reset when the email is changed, as a security feature. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot we can do to help you out here - just take the opportunity to make sure your account is extra safe from anyone who might want to break in.


Can you explain the thinking behind this as a security feature?

Let's say someone else manages to change the email on my account. If you then force a password reset, the likely person doing the reset would be the person with the new email, so now not only has the email/username been changed to something I don't know, so has the password.

I'm not sure how this makes the account extra safe and, depending on the situation, it could even put the account more at risk. (If I am the one changing the address, but am traveling at the time, having to create a new password means typing it in, potentially providing an opportunity for it to be seen/captured.)

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