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Feedback on elite specs...

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So im leveling alot of the classes through HoT content. Im mostly solo pve...


Im thinking spellbreaker, chronomancer, weaver, dragon hunter.


What are your thoughts on solo pve content for HoT/PoF for these elite specs in terms of engagement, fun, challenge, not too annoying etc. I hear some are crap in pve and better suited in pvp.

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Spellbreaker is good in PvP and pve, at endgame ppl expect you to run as berzerker BS tho.


2 Chronomanser is number1 support atm in high end pve.


3 weaver very high dmg and aoe dmg, meta in endgame pve. One mistake makes your damage lot lower and very squishy and kinda hard to play.


4 dragonhunter has ok dps and it it welcome class in endgame pve. Shares aegis for group and pretty simple gameplay. Good sustain.


All of the above works in pve content, mesmer and warrior are usually More support oriented in GROUP play, but can deal good dps in pve too.

If i were you, i would pick weaver If ur after "fun", "challenge" and lots of skills. Dragonhunter If you wanna play littlebit safer.

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Player's individual preference honestly. Any class profession works in solo pve. That said, try not to decide just based 1 mode; solo pve as the game offers more than that which you might eventually touch or go for later on.


The grass is always greener on the other side. Every profession have its pros on cons. Work on what it can offers best, instead of comparing it with what other class are best at. Eg. Comparing a scourge boons with a chrono, why not compare with a ranger? Or comparing raw damage with burst classes in pve, why not compare it in pvp/wvw? (Work based on what it's good/efficient at).

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> Spellbreaker is good in PvP and pve, at endgame ppl expect you to run as berzerker BS tho.


Not really, spellbreaker and base warrior outclass berserker BS in alot of encounters now. In fractals you should always play either base warr or spellbreaker when needed.

Even in raids spellbreaker is really good, as either dps or bannerlad at Dhuum, meanwhile base warrior for encounters where lots of cc is needed.

Edit: Though in raids, if you're playing bs and extra cc is not needed, you do ussualy play berserker, however even then in some fights base warrior is almost the same if not better.


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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > Spellbreaker is good in PvP and pve, at endgame ppl expect you to run as berzerker BS tho.


> Not really, spellbreaker and base warrior outclass berserker BS in alot of encounters now. In fractals you should always play either base warr or spellbreaker when needed.

> Even in raids spellbreaker is really good, as either dps or bannerlad at Dhuum, meanwhile base warrior for encounters where lots of cc is needed.

> Edit: Though in raids, if you're playing bs and extra cc is not needed, you do ussualy play berserker, however even then in some fights base warrior is almost the same if not better.



I think he meant berserker gear, not class

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > Spellbreaker is good in PvP and pve, at endgame ppl expect you to run as berzerker BS tho.

> >

> > Not really, spellbreaker and base warrior outclass berserker BS in alot of encounters now. In fractals you should always play either base warr or spellbreaker when needed.

> > Even in raids spellbreaker is really good, as either dps or bannerlad at Dhuum, meanwhile base warrior for encounters where lots of cc is needed.

> > Edit: Though in raids, if you're playing bs and extra cc is not needed, you do ussualy play berserker, however even then in some fights base warrior is almost the same if not better.

> >


> I think he meant berserker gear, not class


Im not sure anymore :D either way point was that ppl dont want you to focuse full dps.

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I've been playing a support/tanky chrono, which while I have built it for playing with one or two other friends, still works solo (though mine doesn't have fantastic dps, power chrono builds exist and are pretty good for dps). My main though is a weaver, which I love as you can nuke stuff down, though as others have pointed out especially when running solo you have to be careful as you don't have much health, so you can go down fast.

I've been having great fun with both the chrono and the weaver, so I'd definitely recommend trying them out. Chrono isn't too different from core mesmer in terms of mechanics, but weaver takes some getting used to with the new style of element switching, so especially if you've played core elementalist for a while, can take some getting used to before you can use it effectively.

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I will have to put down one for spellbreaker. There's a lot of extra avenues to be had with the options, and while you get some good opportunities to interrupt at base (daggers, full-counter), there's options that help increase the sustain potential if you play your traits right. I currently run a dual-axe and if I can get a big monster tethered, I practically pulse might to others nearby due to PS in one of my lines (because magebane tether does generate might for you for as long as the tether is up). Combine with banners and other mechanisms and it makes for a great support. Switch it over with boonstrips, and you'll have a better time roaming.


That being said, SB has its flexibility, and you can gear it for survivability. If you enjoy playing up-close, it might be for you.


If you prefer just straight-up damage, I'll take a nod to the prior post. Weaver has a *lot* of burst potential, but the difficulty curve of pulling it off is quite steep.

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