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Please allow (de-)targeting on mouse down

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Guild Wars 2 combat has gotten pretty fast (especially in PvP), and many classes use movement skills (mainly jumps) that require a quick de-targeting or target switching. Or you just need to quickly select another target (because Mesmers). But targeting with the cursor, in contrast to other combat relevant actions (using skills, dodging, jumping) doesn't happen when your mouse button is pressed down, only when it gets released again (and if that takes to long it does nothing). This is unintuitive and introduces an unnecessary delay. Please give us an option to change and loose targets when the mouse button is pressed, not only after it is released.


Edit: Realized a problem with that... Holding LMB and moving it is used to look around, which would then always detarget. Probably a dedicated detarget hotkey option would be best. Or an option that allows looking around with MMB.

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The reason it applies to the release of the button is because of the ability to rotate your camera holding either mousebutton down, so yeah you are correct seeing as these two actions would conflict. As you might have noticed, the game still offers a few ways around this:


1. Using the TAB button (default) to swap to the next enemy within range instantly

2. The ESC button to drop target

3. Left clicking anywhere on your screen will also drop target, given it's not on your UI or an interactive object of course

4. Disabling autotargeting will most like solve alot of your issues, as you now manually have to set a new target instead of your skills locking onto whatever is in focus.


There are also other settings, like binding a key to "Nearest target" and such that also might help, but for precision targeting your cursor is still the way to go. I'm fairly certain there are other commands that will override your target, and therefore accidentally drop it, but haven't tried them enough to tell you which ones yet.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> The reason it applies to the release of the button is because of the ability to rotate your camera holding either mousebutton down, so yeah you are correct seeing as these two actions would conflict. As you might have noticed, the game still offers a few ways around this:


> 1. Using the TAB button (default) to swap to the next enemy within range instantly

> 2. The ESC button to drop target

> 3. Left clicking anywhere on your screen will also drop target, given it's not on your UI or an interactive object of course

> 4. Disabling autotargeting will most like solve alot of your issues, as you now manually have to set a new target instead of your skills locking onto whatever is in focus.


> There are also other settings, like binding a key to "Nearest target" and such that also might help, but for precision targeting your cursor is still the way to go. I'm fairly certain there are other commands that will override your target, and therefore accidentally drop it, but haven't tried them enough to tell you which ones yet.


One solution would be giving an option to disable camera rotation with LMB and move it to MMB (which has no default binding? I'm not not sure on this, I haven't used it for anything in the game but I don't use default bindings). That way LMB could be used solely for targeting (on button down) and MMB can move the camera like LMB now does when you need that functionality.


1. Doesn't solve the problem when all you want to do is drop a target.

2. This is actually what I want, but on a freely bind-able key specific for target-dropping (it's not in a comfortable spot). Esc will also close windows (which you might want to keep open) and having one open causes the window to close before the target is dropped, taking another Esc-key press to drop the target.

3. Yeah, it does, but due to stated limitations only on a released click which causes an uncanny delay.

4. I don't have it enabled. My problem isn't getting a target I don't want, but quickly and reliable dropping the one I have selected.


I tried keys for "select closest ally" for example, as targeting an ally want cause your jumps to go after them, but when there isn't a friendly target in your view it doesn't work, which means it's unreliable.

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> @"deatine.2498" said:

> I use the action cam. Anything I point my mouse at is the target.


This, though some abilities still require an active target. It is a little disappointing when playing my rev, hitting sword 3, and seeing "a target must be selected to use this ability."

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> @"Silinsar.6298" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > The reason it applies to the release of the button is because of the ability to rotate your camera holding either mousebutton down, so yeah you are correct seeing as these two actions would conflict. As you might have noticed, the game still offers a few ways around this:

> >

> > 1. Using the TAB button (default) to swap to the next enemy within range instantly

> > 2. The ESC button to drop target

> > 3. Left clicking anywhere on your screen will also drop target, given it's not on your UI or an interactive object of course

> > 4. Disabling autotargeting will most like solve alot of your issues, as you now manually have to set a new target instead of your skills locking onto whatever is in focus.

> >

> > There are also other settings, like binding a key to "Nearest target" and such that also might help, but for precision targeting your cursor is still the way to go. I'm fairly certain there are other commands that will override your target, and therefore accidentally drop it, but haven't tried them enough to tell you which ones yet.


> One solution would be giving an option to disable camera rotation with LMB and move it to MMB (which has no default binding? I'm not not sure on this, I haven't used it for anything in the game but I don't use default bindings). That way LMB could be used solely for targeting (on button down) and MMB can move the camera like LMB now does when you need that functionality.


> 1. Doesn't solve the problem when all you want to do is drop a target.

> 2. This is actually what I want, but on a freely bind-able key specific for target-dropping (it's not in a comfortable spot). Esc will also close windows (which you might want to keep open) and having one open causes the window to close before the target is dropped, taking another Esc-key press to drop the target.

> 3. Yeah, it does, but due to stated limitations only on a released click which causes an uncanny delay.

> 4. I don't have it enabled. My problem isn't getting a target I don't want, but quickly and reliable dropping the one I have selected.


> I tried keys for "select closest ally" for example, as targeting an ally want cause your jumps to go after them, but when there isn't a friendly target in your view it doesn't work, which means it's unreliable.


Hmm, the problem with that is alot of older laptop models don't have a middle mouse button and therefore they'd rather not bind anything to it by default.


You could try binding "Lock Autotarget", seeing as you don't run it the logical assumption is it will try to access an empty array and therefore cancel your current target. Worth a shot :)

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