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Nevermore Hurdles...

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Hey guys, I’m on my quest for Nevermore....and I’m having a really hard time, and I’m stuck....and it’s really discouraging lol

I guess I just wanted to discuss how to best go about completing some of these events like (and specifically) Vinetooth prime. If there was just a timer on it I could get friends together and guildies and go take it down. But as it’s gated behind some event that I don’t know how to trigger I find myself just logging in day after day to see if it’s up...getting pretty discouraged and I’m logging in less because of it. Any suggestions?

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Short form is Vinetooth spawns when the AB eastern pylons chain is completed. So you need to join or start a group that is doing those events as soon as Tarir reset is over (which is on a timer, see http://dulfy.net/2015/11/09/gw2-hot-maps-timer-famme/ ) and most especially need to get the very first pylon done right as that one stalls out the chain badly if people aren't organized enough to coordinate the vinetender kills. You need to get through the chain early enough to have time to kill Vinetooth before the assault on Tarir begins.


Then at Vinetooth itself people need to save their big cc for when the blue bar is up and slam it hard at that moment, every time it's up.


Good luck!

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In case anyone is in the "too lazy; didn't read" camp:


> Vinetooth Prime is a powerful creature hiding in its den in Auric Basin. It appears immediately after activating the three Eastwatch pylons during the Ruins of Eastwatch event. It will leave and the Vinetooth Prime event will fail if it is not defeated within the ten-minute time limit or when the Auric Basin meta's challenges start.



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> @"Nivik.2961" said:

> Hey guys, I’m on my quest for Nevermore....and I’m having a really hard time, and I’m stuck....and it’s really discouraging lol

> I guess I just wanted to discuss how to best go about completing some of these events like (and specifically) Vinetooth prime. If there was just a timer on it I could get friends together and guildies and go take it down. But as it’s gated behind some event that I don’t know how to trigger I find myself just logging in day after day to see if it’s up...getting pretty discouraged and I’m logging in less because of it. Any suggestions?


I was in your same spot for nearly two years when I happen to be in the right place at the right time. After taking down Vinetooth Prime there's till a lot of grinding for mats and other things you can accomplish while waiting.


After that one hurdle, the rest seems pretty easy by comparison.

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@"Game of Bones.8975"

Man that’s honestly super encouraging! I was thinking to myself, “ if the next tiers are more of this stuff I’m not interested” but hearing that makes me think this may actually be doable!

Thanks man

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Short form is Vinetooth spawns when the AB eastern pylons chain is completed. So you need to join or start a group that is doing those events as soon as Tarir reset is over (which is on a timer, see http://dulfy.net/2015/11/09/gw2-hot-maps-timer-famme/ ) and most especially need to get the very first pylon done right as that one stalls out the chain badly if people aren't organized enough to coordinate the vinetender kills. You need to get through the chain early enough to have time to kill Vinetooth before the assault on Tarir begins.


> Then at Vinetooth itself people need to save their big cc for when the blue bar is up and slam it hard at that moment, every time it's up.


> Good luck!


One thing I did was try to be in AB right before or just after reset to get these tasks accomplished as I was having a hard time with Vinetooth but also with the Envoy Provisioner Tokens. I found that there were more ppl on the maps around reset and many are willing to help you complete the collection. I would look at the wiki Event Timers and try to schedule myself to be in AB for Pylons. Good luck!!

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I am always astonished how unresourceful a lot of players are. Check google, the wiki, the internet ask in map chat, guild chat, ask for a zerg train and look for a zerg train in the LFG tool.


It is the first thing I do when I don't know what to do. Why are people so blocked by their attitude that they don't know? Now even more as so much knowledge is right at your fingertip.

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I was reading through everyone’s helpful posts feeling really encouraged to keep going. And when I read yours it made me feel bad. I did try to go on wiki but had a hard time figuring it out. Maybe that does make me unresourceful under these circumstances.... But yeah, so mission accomplished on your part, but only for about 3 min. And now I’m stoked again to go try everyone else’s ideas hahaha. Thanks for the Zerg train idea though! Never thought of that one ; )

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> @"Nivik.2961" said:

> @"ProtoGunner.4953"

> I was reading through everyone’s helpful posts feeling really encouraged to keep going. And when I read yours it made me feel bad. I did try to go on wiki but had a hard time figuring it out. Maybe that does make me unresourceful under these circumstances.... But yeah, so mission accomplished on your part, but only for about 3 min. And now I’m stoked again to go try everyone else’s ideas hahaha. Thanks for the Zerg train idea though! Never thought of that one ; )


I am sorry, I could have told you more nicely. I get sometimes agitated pretty fast, no offence. Eventually you get your item, I did it too long time ago and it took a while to get it done right. Now, I think a lot of guilds/communities do it (at least in Europe), so you should have no problem with all the help people gave.

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If no one else has suggested it, [https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~0!c~0!d~1-71383](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~0!c~0!d~1-71383 "https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~0!c~0!d~1-71383") for Nevermore to see your progress, what items you can collect out of order, and what is gated by other accomplishments.


And if you do use it, good for you.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" @"Donari.5237" @"Game of Bones.8975" @"SlippyCheeze.5483" @"ProtoGunner.4953" @"Zushada.6108" @"Gambino.2109" @"Abelisk.4527"

Just wanted to say thanks, really helped to be there at the very start of the meta, post in LFG and use commanders on the map. Got it done. Really appreciate the help guys


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> @"Nivik.2961" said:

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" @"Donari.5237" @"Game of Bones.8975" @"SlippyCheeze.5483" @"ProtoGunner.4953" @"Zushada.6108" @"Gambino.2109" @"Abelisk.4527"

> Just wanted to say thanks, really helped to be there at the very start of the meta, post in LFG and use commanders on the map. Got it done. Really appreciate the help guys



So glad to see you got it done!! Congrats to you and good luck with the rest of it. Bit of a long haul for the HoT legendaries but totally worth it. :)

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> @"Nivik.2961" said:

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" @"Donari.5237" @"Game of Bones.8975" @"SlippyCheeze.5483" @"ProtoGunner.4953" @"Zushada.6108" @"Gambino.2109" @"Abelisk.4527"

> Just wanted to say thanks, really helped to be there at the very start of the meta, post in LFG and use commanders on the map. Got it done. Really appreciate the help guys



Good job, mate! Have fun with the rest of the collection, and with your legendary. It truly is a nice one.

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