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Revenant should have had an additional baseline weapon at end of beta


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I cant help but feel the base class is limited by the design choices of the beta when the class didnt have weapon swap like Engineers. But we got it, yet we still have short weapon options baseline. Need another baseline Mainhand and Off hand weapon choices in my opinion. Main Hand Axe/Scepter , Off Hand Dagger/Focus/Mace, something.

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Kinda disagree, primarily because Revenant already has 2 more weapons to them than an Engineer does anyways. Revenant is currently equal in number of weapons with Thief, which means that while they are toward the bottom, they are not unnaturally low in the department of weapon options. Not to mention that whole, you get two sets of utilities to play with on top of having the same number of weapons as a thief.

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> @"Ceit.7619" said:

> Kinda disagree, primarily because Revenant already has 2 more weapons to them than an Engineer does anyways. Revenant is currently equal in number of weapons with Thief, which means that while they are toward the bottom, they are not unnaturally low in the department of weapon options. Not to mention that whole, you get two sets of utilities to play with on top of having the same number of weapons as a thief.


If you use number of skills, rev has the least number of skills of any class, by good margin as well. Also, I am pretty sure that you being stuck with an entire set of utilities, because you want 1 or 2 skills, is not a good design by any means. Certainly not a design that promotes build diversity.


You know, we already had an off hand weapon, sword off hand before remake. They could just stick these two skills on another off hand, with minor improvements and we have a full new weapon with limited dev time investment.

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I am inclined to agree with this argument if only due to the switchable utility bar but fixed individual utilities being a bit of a double edged sword. There is a clear power and condition set for one handed (Sword/Sword and Mace/Axe respectively), a power ranged weapon (Hammer) and power/support weapon in the staff.


What I feel is actually missing is a core condition damage ranged weapon. Longbow is an obvious choice but might be too similar to the Renegade shortbow which fills a similar role. I actually wouldn't mind seeing another class get a ranged greatsword or failing that a rifle, given that both are generally power based weapons on other classes.

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I agree with the OP for a simple reason - Build diversity has to come from somewhere.


Most of the Revenant's core specializations are way too focused on one aspect - just look at Salvation. They're just not broad enough to cater to variety of builds and as a result builds kinda build themselves because of the limited options.


With both utilities locked and not customizable to a greater extent and a narrow set of traits theorycrafting is already limited. Add to that weapons, which are also focused on their niches and you have buildcraft that's almost set in stone and established builds get a small facelifting at best, with one trait and some sigil changing over the years.


More weapons can not only fill the holes core class has and allow elite specialization weapon to offer something fun rather than filling the checklist of gaps but also bring some breath of fresh air to very stale Revenant's theory and buildcrafting.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Here's the part where a bunch of role-players come out of the mists and start turning your thread into a GIVE REVENANTZ GREATSWUURD chant.


And the same argument can be said about any request asking for any class to have any weapon.


People want greatsword because if could be an actual DPS spec as well as they like the greatsword skins. They may also like the appearance and thought of their rev wielding one too.


Players the RP represent a very small percentage of the playersbase. To assume that everyone that wants something, which you to not like, must be an RP’er is a little ridiculous.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> TBH it seems to be the edgelords wanting Twilight on their revs that clamors for Greatswords

> Id rather see scepter+focus as next espec weapons


> Theres precedence for an espec getting two weapons in spellbreakers getting daggers.



yesss, fellow Lucian has the right idea! Scepter + Focus! Master Togo, Razah, or Vizier Khilbron!

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > TBH it seems to be the edgelords wanting Twilight on their revs that clamors for Greatswords

> > Id rather see scepter+focus as next espec weapons

> >

> > Theres precedence for an espec getting two weapons in spellbreakers getting daggers.

> >


> yesss, fellow Lucian has the right idea! Scepter + Focus! Master Togo, Razah, or Vizier Khilbron!


Better idea in my mind: A Spirit Weapon Revenant build where the utilities could be callbacks to Factions. I.E. Xinrae's Weapon, Defiant Was Xinrae, etc, would be an interesting twist on a toolkit, though I would say it would function more like Firebrand's tomes. Xinrae had a few skills named after her, so should probably had a pretty important life.

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> @"Ceit.7619" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > TBH it seems to be the edgelords wanting Twilight on their revs that clamors for Greatswords

> > > Id rather see scepter+focus as next espec weapons

> > >

> > > Theres precedence for an espec getting two weapons in spellbreakers getting daggers.

> > >

> >

> > yesss, fellow Lucian has the right idea! Scepter + Focus! Master Togo, Razah, or Vizier Khilbron!


> Better idea in my mind: A Spirit Weapon Revenant build where the utilities could be callbacks to Factions. I.E. Xinrae's Weapon, Defiant Was Xinrae, etc, would be an interesting twist on a toolkit, though I would say it would function more like Firebrand's tomes. Xinrae had a few skills named after her, so should probably had a pretty important life.


But what weapon(s) would this one use?

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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> I agree with the OP for a simple reason - Build diversity has to come from somewhere.


> Most of the Revenant's core specializations are way too focused on one aspect - just look at Salvation. They're just not broad enough to cater to variety of builds and as a result builds kinda build themselves because of the limited options.


> With both utilities locked and not customizable to a greater extent and a narrow set of traits theorycrafting is already limited. Add to that weapons, which are also focused on their niches and you have buildcraft that's almost set in stone and established builds get a small facelifting at best, with one trait and some sigil changing over the years.


> More weapons can not only fill the holes core class has and allow elite specialization weapon to offer something fun rather than filling the checklist of gaps but also bring some breath of fresh air to very stale Revenant's theory and buildcrafting.


I feel like thats a moot point if each build-line was allowed to be powerful enough in their own right. The other classes combine traits to gain greater then total sum power, but generally weak individually. I find this to be the problem with Rev.... that they can't match the focal power by design, but at the same time are not allowed strong "diverse" performance because of PvP balancing concerns. This all comes back to the fact that PvP and Raids reward vastly different build concepts, and Rev was getting nerfed at both ends because it was fundamentally designed to do those exact things.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Averages out with what the other classes had at launch.


No, it actually doesn't. Revs have fewer weapon options because they were designed without weapon swap, and then weapon swap was added due to player complaints with no new weapons. They also have far, far fewer utility skills than other professions.


What makes things worse is that each weapon AND each legend has a highly specific role, so weapon swapping and legend swapping both feel tacked with minimal benefits (legend swapping is more useful for replenishing energy than it is for actually changing your loadout). All in all, it results in a class that feels unfinished and severely lacking in both customization and gameplay fluidity. You can't have that, particularly in a game that's ostensibly built around horizontal progression instead of vertical progression. It's actually kind of a hare-brained design and it's not surprising that Rev is pretty consistently the least played class despite having probably the coolest concept behind it.


Maybe the fact that they got a new underwater weapon last major patch is an indicator that Anet is acknowledging the problem and will be doing other things to improve the situation. Here's how I would have designed the class:


a.) no weapon swap

b.) add a non-legend mode with 15 or so generalized skills that can be swapped around in your skill bar

c.) keep having two legends equipped as "focus modes" - you can swap between no-channel or either equipped legend as desired, but only swapping back to no-legend mode will replenish your energy

d.) legends would add various effects to your weapon skills

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Ceit.7619" said:

> Kinda disagree, primarily because Revenant already has 2 more weapons to them than an Engineer does anyways. Revenant is currently equal in number of weapons with Thief, which means that while they are toward the bottom, they are not unnaturally low in the department of weapon options. Not to mention that whole, you get two sets of utilities to play with on top of having the same number of weapons as a thief.


Engineer also has kits that function as weapons. You also dont get to pick and choose what utilities you have on your bar. There is also the problem of using upkeep skills, or using anything else on your bars.

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