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What a waste of hard earned money.


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> @Amante.8109 said:

> The hero points are infinitely more soloable than HoT's, and I have yet to find one that I couldn't. Sounds like a L2P issue, sadly.


I thought the same thing about the HPs. HoT was so much harder than PoF so far, but I thought HoT was a bit much. PoF is in a good place imo, not too difficult, but tougher than the core game.

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> @Verthurnax.2784 said:

> > @Draknar.5748 said:

> > I was just telling my buddy how great it was that these maps are soloable. I just pop some music on and go exploring. Haven't run into anything I couldn't solo, besides Group Events -- and even then I'm not dying, just run out of time to complete it. I mean seriously, compared to HoT it's a cake walk.


> yeah everything is soloable besides bounties wich look more like and hp run. So what is the point in calling gw2 an mmo ? The meta chain from hot/sw gived the mmo feeling and that was the only mmo aspect of the pve content excluding dungeons(fractals) and raids + world bosses. This is the reason people say that pof maps are empty, because all can play like a single player game and this is sad...


The point is you have the option. The vast majority of people don't have a group of friends to play with every time they happen to log on, and most people don't always feel like playing with randoms. Every MMO has had content you could solo. In fact, I'd argue most content in an MMO is soloable with a much smaller percent (dungeons/raids) requiring a group. That's pretty much what we see here. Most stuff is soloable, the bounties require a group. Standard content split.


Personally, I'm disappointed there are no new dungeons or large scale world bosses to have in addition to what they've provided. But I'm happy with the expansion as a whole.


The average person typically hates when they can't do content because it requires a group. I hated that about HoT actually. If I'm up at an obscure hour and want to knock out hero points or mastery points, I get pretty ticked off when it's literally impossible to solo. Hero points don't benefit a group of people, they benefit the player. Let me solo it. Scale it as needed.



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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> I haven't run into a Hero Point in PoF that wasn't soloable (granted I haven't finished 100% in all maps yet). And servers are mega-server so what server you are on is irrelevant. Perhaps someone can help you out with a build or advise.


One of the many reasons why I am enjoying PoF more than HoT is that Hero Points are soloable at last. It's also helpful now that we have two Elite Specs to unlock, so the more HPs we can get on our own, the better.

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The OP's complaint is eerily similar to some complaints about HoT. One thing that might be coming into play is the size of the map versus the population cap. If the cap is the same as in smaller zones, and there's a larger area to spread out in, that might contribute to the "no one around" experience. Also, if the minimum to keep a map from the close-map routine is the same, then people taxiing to bounty squad zones might be contributing to lower populations on some maps.


There seem to be bounty squads quite often. Even if the OP does not want to do bounties, he could still join, Join In, then leave. That way he could end up on a more full map.

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> @Vladish.3940 said:

> Actually my gripe is that aside from the bounties everything is soloable now. The maps feel boring and not challenging (personal opinion). I miss the dynamic bosses roaming the maps and meta events, that would require people to gather up to complete. I am yet to find content I can't do regardless of class. As for maps being empty, I am starting to feel that when I am in early maps as people progress with story. Wait few days and farmers will be back in those early maps as the number of people that finished the story has increased.


First of all I'd like to say, the expansion was worth every penny, in fact I would've happily spent 60 bucks on it because it's that good, my only gripe is the lack group/challenging content.


I always play these type of games with a group of friends, so naturally we assign each other roles to try and complete content as efficiently as possible (tank, buffer, that kind of stuff)


Except there's no group content... hero points are soloable, bounties were disabled for most of the weekend and renown hearts don't even share participation, so we eventually wandered off and other than giving each other directions for a certain vista or mastery point there's no group effort to do anything. Major bummer. HoT was much, much better in that aspect, _everything_ in those maps was deadly.


How I wish they added a new dungeon or two at least.


(Also how cool would it be if you could flip a switch and change map difficulty to easy/hard/group like a co-op game, if only we had the tech!).

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> @Verthurnax.2784 said:

> > @Draknar.5748 said:

> > I was just telling my buddy how great it was that these maps are soloable. I just pop some music on and go exploring. Haven't run into anything I couldn't solo, besides Group Events -- and even then I'm not dying, just run out of time to complete it. I mean seriously, compared to HoT it's a cake walk.


> yeah everything is soloable besides bounties wich look more like and hp run. So what is the point in calling gw2 an mmo ? The meta chain from hot/sw gived the mmo feeling and that was the only mmo aspect of the pve content excluding dungeons(fractals) and raids + world bosses. This is the reason people say that pof maps are empty, because all can play like a single player game and this is sad...


Weird, Ive never played an MMO where the open world content was focused on zone wide meta events rather than, mostly, soloable quests and the like.


When did the definition of MMO come to be based on whether or not a given game is based on zone meta events?

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> @Unyque.6189 said:

> I was so looking forward to this new content. Day 1 sees all the hardcore players come in and take what they want. Now we are left with empty maps and no way to do anything. Can't solo hp's, or bounties or for that matter pretty much anything. With no way to change servers to a populated one you pretty much have a crap shoot. VERY disappointing. Make it soloable real fast or you are going to have nothing! Veterans cannot be taken on solo by the new Mesmer (which is really useless now). Went back to chronomancer build where I could actually survive trash mobs, let alone veterans.


> Sorry Folks but making all the chapters available and opening all the areas at once simply let the hardcore move in and out and left the rest of us simply put, screwed.


If you cant solo Hp's the problem is you, not the game. All servers play together. The only reason you would not see someone from another server is WvW. IF you cant solo a veteran you are doing something very wrong.


What build are you doing?

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> @RedDeadFred.1256 said:

> Are any of the HPs above veteran difficulty? I haven't come across any harder than that yet. They've all been very soloable for me. Are you new OP? Not trying to be disparaging, just legitimately curious.


There is a few I have done that ahve been difficult but not many. Like the Ogre on top of the hut in the second zone. He is hard. Simply because he can knock you off. And the Wandering jackal in the Desolation, killed me first try but I got him the second time.


People have to learn to be flexible and break bars by them selves. Gone are the days of berserk and only doing leet deeps. Got to stun and cc.

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How are you not able to solo a Hero Point in PoF? Bounties are not meant to be soloed. You need a group. A team of 5 for a champion. A team of at least 10-14 for legendaries. Also... there are plenty of mesmers in PoF soloing Vets.


But... unlike HoT... you really need to get accustomed to not just running full berzerks and hoping to win. Some of these stronger mobs are actually pretty damn beefy and can hit like a truck.

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As probably one of the most mediocre casual players around, I found nearly all HPs to be soloable. I also found plenty of people on the maps and lots of group efforts on things. And, as always, I found people stopping to help, which I always appreciate. Perhaps my impressions are colored by the difficulty I had with HoT...but this seems like a fantastic expansion to me. Just my nickel's worth.

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Join a guild.. pretty sure that will overcome your issues. If you wanna run around solo then that's your choice but somethings in an MMO often need a few extra pairs of hands and.. wings :)

Other than that try putting up an LFG in the relevant Openworld section.


Making content releases bit part.. no thanks, its bad enough having content time gated never goes down well and we have enough time gating and walls already.

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