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Mounts are great but...


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It can feel extremely inconvenient after a while exploring around maps with multiple mounts, having to dismount, open the menu, and then select the mount you want to use to pass an obstacle and then remount again. This can be a little worse when there are also enemies around as they can hit you, forcing you into combat and unable to swap mounts until they are dealt with.

It would be nice to have something to make swapping mounts on the fly more convenient and make exploration feel a bit better.

Example Idea- ![](https://i.imgur.com/Un4GnxN.jpg "")


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> @SlaYer.2138 said:

> Options > Control Options > Mounts

> There you can customize the hotkeys for your mounts.


Thanks, that was help full, but unfortunately almost all keyboard keys have binding. I think the original poster has a good idea, looking at his picture he uploaded, the mount selection would be better that way with icons on the skill menu. It is a very simple and elegant solution!

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @SlaYer.2138 said:

> > Options > Control Options > Mounts

> > There you can customize the hotkeys for your mounts.


> Thanks, that was help full, but unfortunately almost all keyboard keys have binding. I think the original poster has a good idea, looking at his picture he uploaded, the mount selection would be better that way with icons on the skill menu. It is a very simple and elegant solution!


Try the Numpad. Those aren't bound to anything and nicely allow up to 10 mounts with ease (though there aren't that many right now).

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > @SlaYer.2138 said:

> > > Options > Control Options > Mounts

> > > There you can customize the hotkeys for your mounts.

> >

> > Thanks, that was help full, but unfortunately almost all keyboard keys have binding. I think the original poster has a good idea, looking at his picture he uploaded, the mount selection would be better that way with icons on the skill menu. It is a very simple and elegant solution!


> Try the Numpad. Those aren't bound to anything and nicely allow up to 10 mounts with ease (though there aren't that many right now).


unfortunately, I bounded the numpad keys to the regular keys 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 because for me it was easier to play with both hands. So, right now my keyboard is almost completely bound. And in the worst case scenario for other people, some laptops do not have the numpad keys.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> unfortunately, I bounded the numpad keys to the regular keys 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 because for me it was easier to play with both hands. So, right now my keyboard is almost completely bound. And in the worst case scenario for other people, some laptops do not have the numpad keys.


You could add SHIFT to a keybind. Shift 1 for Raptor. Shift 2 for the Bunny...etc. It might not be as convenient but probably more convenient than clickign the tiny menu dropdown.

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  • 4 weeks later...

YES PLEASE! Mount switching would be amazing, its literally the only complaint I've got with them!


I'd rather than they were on the right hand side, near the dismount key, and we leave the left hand side to the combat skills, as that distinction makes sense to me; but yes I really really want to be able to switch mounts without having to get off! (obviously not in combat tho)

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Not a bad idea. Although it means I wasted money on a gaming mouse to get keybinds. Still not a bad idea.

I am assuming though that they do not want the us to have the convenience of switching mounts on the go like that... can't have it too easy.

Also assuming that they will add mount skills on 2 3 4 5 in LS. They did with gliders afterall.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Try the Numpad. Those aren't bound to anything and nicely allow up to 10 mounts with ease (though there aren't that many right now).


Exactly what I did. :)


Still, I wouldn't mind mount skills 6-10 being a way to fast-swap.

Especially when I need to bunnyjump into pushpullthunderplant land but I need jackal to get through a sand portal... :-1:

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @KimRasmussen.4128 said:

> > You can make a hotkey for each mount


> How?


you have to unlock each mount 1st as you unlock each mount the option will become available look in controls > mounts


I'm guessing they did it this way because of the griffon secret, but now entire community knows bout it they could probably just go ahead give us options with out unlocking. Unless there is a more technical reason like maybe we already have all mounts, we just need to trigger them via quest etc. might mean we could by pass those triggers if we had the direct mount key my speculation.




For reason of switch mounts on the fly (like mount to mount not like it is now mount off mount on) i think there might be more technical reasons why they don't most likely tied to exploits and or a possibility would make some challenge aspects to certain mastery points easier than intended I could think of a few cases based on that.

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> @rrusse.7058 said:

> Didn't they also make a change that we can rapid fire the mounts? If you double tap the hotkey you have set you will jump to the desired mount.


I'll have to test this. I thought I had to wait the short cooldown after a dismount to get on the next mount. So while I do in fact "double tap" my Shift+(hotkey) to move to the desired mount, there is a couple of seconds between the taps. It's not exactly rapid fire.

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> @Donari.5237 said:

> > @rrusse.7058 said:

> > Didn't they also make a change that we can rapid fire the mounts? If you double tap the hotkey you have set you will jump to the desired mount.


> I'll have to test this. I thought I had to wait the short cooldown after a dismount to get on the next mount. So while I do in fact "double tap" my Shift+(hotkey) to move to the desired mount, there is a couple of seconds between the taps. It's not exactly rapid fire.


Since the Halloween patch, the cooldown was removed from _manual_ dismount. So you can double-tap the appropriate mount hotkey to quickly swap between mounts.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > > @SlaYer.2138 said:

> > > > Options > Control Options > Mounts

> > > > There you can customize the hotkeys for your mounts.

> > >

> > > Thanks, that was help full, but unfortunately almost all keyboard keys have binding. I think the original poster has a good idea, looking at his picture he uploaded, the mount selection would be better that way with icons on the skill menu. It is a very simple and elegant solution!

> >

> > Try the Numpad. Those aren't bound to anything and nicely allow up to 10 mounts with ease (though there aren't that many right now).


> unfortunately, I bounded the numpad keys to the regular keys 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 because for me it was easier to play with both hands. So, right now my keyboard is almost completely bound. And in the worst case scenario for other people, some laptops do not have the numpad keys.


You can use modifiers like shift+mouse 3 or alt+mouse 3 or control+mouse 3 same for any key also left and right shift control and alt are considered differently so its possible to have 6 different modifier keys ;). I use L-control + mouse 3 for raptor (i have 5 button mouse) then i use L-control + thumb mouse button 4 for bunny probably put skimmer on L-control+ thumb mouse button 5 and the last 2 like control + q and control e. i wont know till i actually have them may try for shift+mouse 4 and shift + mouse 5 shift is evade for me so i'll have to tinker with the last 2 prefer to keep it control+ something i'll figure it out when the time comes.


Think when I get lil extra cash to toss ima try pick up a 18 button mouse. I like a mouse with lots of buttons handy for rpgs.

Been meaning to for awhile just haven't got round to it different priorities i suppose


Just don't assign alt+F4 might kill ya game lol

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > @Donari.5237 said:

> > > @rrusse.7058 said:

> > > Didn't they also make a change that we can rapid fire the mounts? If you double tap the hotkey you have set you will jump to the desired mount.

> >

> > I'll have to test this. I thought I had to wait the short cooldown after a dismount to get on the next mount. So while I do in fact "double tap" my Shift+(hotkey) to move to the desired mount, there is a couple of seconds between the taps. It's not exactly rapid fire.


> Since the Halloween patch, the cooldown was removed from _manual_ dismount. So you can double-tap the appropriate mount hotkey to quickly swap between mounts.


I did try this today. Held shift down while on raptor, tapped S twice fast (shift-S is my Springer hotkey). I got dismounted but did not remount. Testing more, I had to wait a second just like before (while holding Shift), then press S. I am not seeing a true double tap remount. I'll try again going from something non-raptor to raptor (since X is my mount key and defaults to raptor) so I can double tap a single key without a combo-hold.


If that works, then foo. I have not got keyboard real estate to bind the mounts to single keys.

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> @Azure.8926 said:

> It can feel extremely inconvenient after a while exploring around maps with multiple mounts, having to dismount, open the menu, and then select the mount you want to use to pass an obstacle and then remount again. This can be a little worse when there are also enemies around as they can hit you, forcing you into combat and unable to swap mounts until they are dealt with.

> It would be nice to have something to make swapping mounts on the fly more convenient and make exploration feel a bit better.

> Example Idea- ![](https://i.imgur.com/Un4GnxN.jpg "")



This is actually brilliant, enter mounts with the current hotkey to access to mounts 1-5. For example, when you're on mount one (skill hotkey 1) than click mount two (skill hotkey 2) to enter that mount; to activate the mount 2 engage skill hit mount two (skill hotkey 2) again. This could work.

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