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who is the Leader of the Inquest?


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Been searching for this with no luck.

Seems there are sort of sub leaders in differant parts of the world , but there doesnt seem to be an el supremo.

Given that they seem to be a pretty well organised mob there would have to be some sort of oversight by someone.



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It is never adressed. If I remember correctly, Kudu was reffered as the leader of the inquest, but it was a long time ago. As you say, there probably subdivisons, yet they are all part of a same organisation, and asura are far too well organized to let everyone do what it wants.


I imagine there is some kind of administration council with a bunch of high-ranking members that take the great decisions and can control their own area. Some of them may be more influential than others.


Possible members:

- Kudu (dead) as responsible of crucible of eternity and eastern Tyria facilities

- Kuda: seems to be the leader of Rata Primus

- High inquisitor Maut: we only know him through a mini and an amulet, but judging by his name, he must be of some importance.

- Councillor Yahk: member of the arcane council, representing the inquest, thus likely to possess some kind of importance

- ...

- ... High councilor Flax???

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Ah finally someone asked the question! I was wondering the same. We don't really know who is it, the leader of the CoE was Kudu (dead), Kuda her daughter is the responsible of the specimen chamber, Rata Primus leader is a male, we don't know his name, every records expunged his name. Some Inquest members have a dialog in sandswept isles telling he would not be able to join them.... Not sure they are speaking of him, he should be alive then.. :)

" Inquest Technician: Haven't seen the new lab director. Doesn't he start today? "

" Inquest Engineer: He won't be joining us. Questioned the current research directives "

" Inquest Technician: Expunged? "

" Inquest Engineer: Expunged. "


Inquest is very well structured, more than some other krewes, she is a megakrewe, you surely have a leader over everybody, under him/her, high and low inquisitors and Councillors, under them lab overseers. Within the labs: Overseer/krewe leader if it's a sub-krewe like terror 7 then under it, branch chiefs, lead scientist, under them researchers, scientists, engineers, at the bottom of the hierarchy, recruits and assistants. I would say the leader of the Inquest is Kudu, since like zojia, he met snaff, it's quite a recent organization. But now, he is dead so surely Kuda is the new chief. We are still missing a piece, who is Kudu's wife/Kuda's mother? :/


To sum up: Inquest Leader > Inquisitors > Councillors > Overseers/Facility leader/Krewe leader > Branch chief and lead scientists > Researchers/Scientists/Engineers > Assistants/Technicians/Recruits


I'm sure they are someone at the summit pulling the strings, telling to areas leader what to do, leaders telling to the labs what they have to do and their research field:

I mean, identifying each lab with a specific krewe number and name using Greek alphabets is a real ant work, Inquest is more than sophisticated, just see how many Inquest foes we have: 278.

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Hmm I've made some research through the wiki and in-game, here are the leaders and links between members that I found:

Kudu + ??? -> Kuda, Kudu is the apprentice of Snaff like zojia, and Tazza the apprentice of Kudu. Plunka was working for Kudu, but at the end of the story instance you freed her from him. Indri is the leader of Biocauldron Alchemics. Master Genius Jettz lead the Funhouse. Kudu is the leader of the Crucible of Eternity. The unnamed champion platform master is in charge of the Mark II World Boss event and hyleks experimenting in Mount Maelstrom. An unnamed leader of terror seven krewe or blaster krewe..


They have some powerful figures within the society: Councillor Yahk influence the Arcane Council, and represent the Inquest. High Councillor Flax is clearly for me part of Inquest, during the story he seem to put all the merit on Inquest stolen invention whereas she is made by the player. Varkk is really present in asuran story, and he is spying the college of synergetics imo. Arcane eye, the asuran police would be with Inquest too for me, here are little notes found during story again:

"Primary qualifications are innovation, peer acclaim, and an advanced facility for managing large, comprehensive projects. Additional qualifications: ruthlessness, hubris, and unbridled ambition." to became an Arcane Eye Agent. Don't it remember you something?

Plus: "Agent Rakt is a top-ranking officer in the Arcane Eye. He is currently detailed to {REDACTED}"(a mission)", where is primary functions are {REDACTED}"(corruption)", {REDACTED}"(spying)", and {REDACTED}"(extermination)" in support of {REDACTED}"(The Inquest)"." Seriously, just see the progeny area in Metrica Province, Inquest recruiters are near them and these peacemakers don't say anything too...

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Ultimately, never stated. We don't even know how their top brass is structured - a council? one man above all? it's unclear.


Some have suspected that [High Inquisitor Maut](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_High_Inquisitor_Maut) is the de facto leader, but it could be he's just another Kudu-ranked fella.


> @"Lametoile.7394" said:

> It is never adressed. If I remember correctly, Kudu was reffered as the leader of the inquest, but it was a long time ago.

He was just the leader of the dragon research branch. So a very high ranking person, but ultimately not the leader of the entire group.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I would say the leader of the Inquest is Kudu, since like zojia, he met snaff, it's quite a recent organization.


Inquest predates Kudu though, so I don't see how the Snaff's relation or Inquest's age is relevant here. It may be recent, but it isn't a "in the modern generation" recent. It was formed as a result of the asura being forced to surface, so while we do not have an exact age, it's likely about three asuran generations old (that is to say, somewhere between 150 and 250 years old). There's actually documents from Oola's lab that suggests, to me, that Oola may have been the founder of the Inquest - or at least her ideas, arguments, and studies were used for the core of Inquest idealogies.


Besides, nothing suggests Kudu was the de facto leader, just the leader of Elder Dragon research.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> They have some powerful figures within the society: Councillor Yahk influence the Arcane Council, and represent the Inquest. High Councillor Flax is clearly for me part of Inquest, during the story he seem to put all the merit on Inquest stolen invention whereas she is made by the player.


Flax is 100% **_NOT_** part of the Inquest. Flax is for asuran domination, however, and this means he benefits greatly from the Inquest's advances, so he supports / turns a blind eye to them. He even says such in one of the asura PS, and favors groups that can achieve the same results as the Inquests without such costs (such as the M.I.G. storyline). Flax never favored the Inquest over the PC in the asura storylines. The closest we get is him saying this in synergetics:


Teyo: Unacceptable! That device derived from Inquest research, and I have evidence to prove it.

Councillor Flax: That's a serious allegation. The judges will certainly look into it, but in the meantime...

Councillor Flax: The decision stands. However, in light of Teyo's evidence, the Inquest may now reclaim its property.

Councillor Flax: After the Council fully investigates, credit and blame will be assigned to the deserving parties.


Yahk also suggests that he is the only Inquest member on the Council if you talk to him in the Arcane Council instance. They did try to get another Councillor stooge up, Varkk, during the synergetics PS but that attempt failed. The others, even Phlunt as much as people hate him, are definitely not Inquest.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> -snip all the rest of the conspiracy theories-


You're forgetting one very crucial detail in all your "THE INQUEST ARE IN EVERYTHING!" tinfoil hat posts.


The Inquest is **NOT** treated as a terrorist organization. Flax, who is _not_ Inquest, allows their existence in cities of asuran territories due to their advancements of asuran dominance. He does not care the cost, so long as the outcome is beneficial, but will always take low cost same/similar outcome alternatives, Inquest or not. For this, he allows the Inquest in Rata Sum (they even have a recruiting base in the city) and its neighboring area. They're not listed as criminals, so of course the Peacekeepers won't go attacking the Inquest recruiting progeny not yet in college.


This is why they can have a councillor openly state he is a member of the Inquest.


And for the record, Varkk wasn't a spy, he wasn't part of the college anymore just an alumni like the PC at that point. Varrk was simply bought out and was being turned into a puppet councillor. Similarly, the Arcane Eye are not pure Inquest. That redacted message (which you twisted to fit your tinfoil hat theory) is about something we know about - that redacted "current mission"? To eliminate evidence of Elder Dragons eating magic. Nothing that supports the Inquest there (if anything, it hinders them).

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Thanks everyone.

Trying to figure out how all these differant groups of bad guys fit into the game is really interesting stuff.

I didnt think much at all about the lore when I first started playing, but the more you play, the more you want to learn how it all fits together.

This inquest mob seem to be everywhere.

I presume that only asura can be part of the inquest.


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Mmh my first post was only describing what I

thought about the structure, first of the second some infos on characters and at the end, what I understood through the story and my point of view. No need to be rude or harmful.


Anyway, Thanks for clarification about flaxx and varkk Konig. It's not really that I want to see Inquest everywhere, arcane eye part is pure speculation. I'm aware they are lead by the arcane council, but they have an inquest councellor, I only tried to make a link. I'm sad you took this post as a conspiracy theory, I mean if Inquest was not tolerated, they would have no labs, a recruiting station in Rata Sum, and a councillor.I put redacted meaning in parenthesis BECAUSE that's my opinion, speculations. Now that you have said that, redacted should tell about elder dragons since the story arc was globally "shutting down Gorr and his theory about dragons"

actually, all the redacted I proposed would be correct apart the last one, maybe arcane council or anti-dragon politic.

I agree I haven't introduced the proper way, but my sentence about peacemakers was only a statement about "see, they are accepted/tolerated" not, "oh look they are bad, they kidnap progenies under their eyes!"


PS: I never told they were terrorists, stop deforming. I'm not the only one who spoke about flax, stop giving all the credit. They only have different medium and manner of thinking than regular colleges. That is totally legetimate to protect their research fields. And I would rather see them as neutral enemy on maps.

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  • 1 month later...

@"Konig Des Todes.2086"


Arcane eye, the asuran police would be with Inquest too for me, here are little notes found during story again:

"Primary qualifications are innovation, peer acclaim, and an advanced facility for managing large, comprehensive projects. Additional qualifications: ruthlessness, hubris, and unbridled ambition." to became an Arcane Eye Agent. Don't it remember you something?

Plus: "Agent Rakt is a top-ranking officer in the Arcane Eye. He is currently detailed to {REDACTED}"(a mission)", where is primary functions are {REDACTED}"(corruption)", {REDACTED}"(spying)", and {REDACTED}"(extermination)" in support of {REDACTED}"(The Inquest)"." Seriously, just see the progeny area in Metrica Province, Inquest recruiters are near them and these peacemakers don't say anything too..


I remembered why I told that, when I answered you the first time, I have lost the source which is crusader slep in the vigil instance at garenhoff "pry the eye open".

Here is the quote: "Zojia's info places the Inquest base in this area, but it'll take some legwork to pin the exact location." Dunno if that is an error in the scenario, but that's why I assumed that all the arcane agents in this area are Inquest or work with the Inquest and so assume at a large scale that they are linked.




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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> @"Konig Des Todes.2086"

> about:

> Arcane eye, the asuran police would be with Inquest too for me, here are little notes found during story again:

> "Primary qualifications are innovation, peer acclaim, and an advanced facility for managing large, comprehensive projects. Additional qualifications: ruthlessness, hubris, and unbridled ambition." to became an Arcane Eye Agent. Don't it remember you something?


Yeah, reminds me of any secret police, really, especially with High Councillor Flax's lust for asuran domination. Which the Inquest do mirror but ultimately their goals, as an organization, are literally "learn (and perhaps control) everything".


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Seriously, just see the progeny area in Metrica Province, Inquest recruiters are near them and these peacemakers don't say anything too..


Because in Rata Sum, the Inquest are not an illegal group at the time of the personal story which Metrica province takes place in (it might not have been outlawed even after Zojja gathered the incriminating evidence from the Crucible of Eternity tbh). The Arcane Council, namely Flax, and in turn the Arcane Eye, turns a blind eye to the Inquest because they further their agenda, not because they're one and the same.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Here is the quote: "Zojia's info places the Inquest base in this area, but it'll take some legwork to pin the exact location." Dunno if that is an error in the scenario, but that's why I assumed that all the arcane agents in this area are Inquest or work with the Inquest and so assume at a large scale that they are linked.


Most likely is an error, given that there's no relation to the Inquest there and the Inquest are never actually involved in that plot. In fact, that's the sole mention of Inquest in the asura chapter 3 storyline (sans when knockout gas derived from Inquest gas during Lines of Communication), and the alternative to that step, [Protest Too Much](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Protest_Too_Much) has this line: Agent Batanga: This is the Arcane Eye's hidden safe house. Gorr is almost certainly inside.

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Would be weird for the Inquest to be ruled by a single Asura, since they seem to be quite omniscient and ahead of everyone else at all times. A lot of the magitech we use to solve problems is either adapted or stolen from Inquest, and they are often used as plot devices to advance the story and send us here or there. They're also the only group ever mentioned to have captured a specimen of each of the dragon minions if I recall. It is very likely many of them do not even know themselves who leads them or even if someone is leading all of them at once. The way the story puts them out there, as rogue individuals that seek knowledge at all costs, it would actually make more sense they have no cohesion or are led by a Golem AI or something like that (oh the irony?).

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I would compare Inquest to the order of whispers in the way they love to keep secrets and letting doubts ruling over their members, nobody knows who are the leader because they don't need to know it, they just have to perform their usual research and experiments without asking questions, only the members of management and lab supervisors would know about the hierarchy and who's above them. Allow me to quote something from sandswept isles, Public announcers which are very precise: We care is just an formula to make the members feel like they are important.


PA Announcer: Panicking may be noted in your performance review. Remember: we care.

PA Announcer: All personnel are required to undergo a daily psychological assessment.

PA Announcer: Failure to complete will result in termination.

PA Announcer: A friendly reminder from the administration: rumors of invading forces in the area are false.

PA Announcer: Your lab is entirely safe.

PA Announcer: Please continue testing, and back up all data on central consoles in case of unexpected events."

And the answers from some members:

Cowering Inquest Scientist (1): What if management knew we were in danger all along, but wanted us to keep working until...

Cowering Inquest Scientist (2): Are you suggesting our overlords are nothing but cold, calculating slave drivers...

Cowering Inquest Scientist (2): ...who would squander the lives of valued personnel for the sake of a few extra bits of data?

Cowering Inquest Scientist (1): I’m being naïve again, aren’t I?


The direction only want their employees to be alive to continue making discoveries and bring a serious amount of knowledge, they don't care about their lives. No matter if something bad is happening and that they will all be killed, they will lie. So telling them who is the leader don't represent very much, many agents will be killed during experiments, test subjects, disease or anything...


They are branch chiefs, lab directors, overseers, inquisitors, don't see why nobody would be at the top of all of these.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Would be weird for the Inquest to be ruled by a single Asura,


There's a dialogue, can't remember where but I ran into it recently, which states the Inquest have a pyramid hierarchy structure; such structures have one person as the leader of a council of leaders, typically.


> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> They're also the only group ever mentioned to have captured a specimen of each of the dragon minions if I recall.


Sure, if you exclude the non-Inquest asura working under Taimi in Season 3; and while separate occasions, Priory has captured branded, destroyer, and risen (possibly icebrood?). But there aren't many groups who are actually _interested_ in capturing minions. Only the Inquest and the Orders/Pact, really.

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The leader is probably whoever has the most momentum behind him atm and if one falls there are probably many just waiting to take his place. There are also most likely many individuals / subgroups independently working on their own litte projets. Iirc some asuran NPCs said they wouldn't mind workig with the inquest due to the research funding they provide.


> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> it would actually make more sense they have no cohesion **or are led by a Golem AI or something like that**

I can actually see some inquest researcher trying to create an artificial superintelligence. Come to think of it, given the level of asuran technology they should have created something like this centuries ago. I guess we can't have this from a writing point of view as it would be the ultimate deus ex machina. Also, whtever hapened to the fully automated economy building a gigantic ~~robot~~ golem army. Can't have that either eh.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > Would be weird for the Inquest to be ruled by a single Asura,


> There's a dialogue, can't remember where but I ran into it recently, which states the Inquest have a pyramid hierarchy structure; such structures have one person as the leader of a council of leaders, typically.

[This fella.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marpo) Although, on the broader point being discussed of whether the Inquest are a disorganized free-for-all, there's also [all this.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/That_Old_College_Try#The_Inquest) The Inquest are far and away the most cohesive and monolithic of the asura organizations, and they are explicitly not at liberty to pursue their own projects. You could almost think of them as being an even more overtly amoral version of the Consortium.


That does not, however, rule out a golem AI sitting at the top. Or an asura who uploaded their consciousness to a golem network. If ANet decides to go all in with the sci-fi, it'd even be fitting; for an organization dedicated to the accumulation and guarding of knowledge, what better way than ensuring that the minds of their most gifted never die?

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The Inquest can be compared to a machine where all gears need to work perfectly, every agent have his role and place in the hierarchy, if one of them failed (died of anything) they don't care and will replace him by another as fast as they can. The better example would be the crucible of eternity: Specialists, head scientist , golemaestro, technologist...

Also here are some quotes for the hierarchy: Sandswept isles again


PA Announcer: All labs - this is the director.

PA Announcer: Some of your maybe aware of a minor security issue in Rata Primus involving a small number of...cadaverous intruders.

PA Announcer: Security has the matter in hand. Rumors to the contrary will result in compliance correction or expungement.

Inquest Technician: Haven't seen the new lab director. Doesn't he start today?

Inquest Engineer: He won't be joining us. Questioned the current research directives.

Inquest Technician: Expunged?

Inquest Engineer: Expunged.


They are directors for each main complex, but we don't really know if there is someone at the top, the logic would be yes, since every inquest work on the same projects which are Elder dragons and magic / Leyline energy / New technologies. You can fit every Inquest base as part of one of these three options.


From an interview, accessible from the wiki on the inquest page, source one:


The Inquest has come up with a way of reducing that loss of signal and what they have done is to effectively create a corporation. They have created a hierarchy, they are much more lawful than the members of their race, but it tends to be lawful-evil, as they are cut off from morality at that point. So they will do things that most Asura will not want. Most Asura would not want to conduct experiments on sentient races, whereas the Inquest don’t have those qualms – they believe the end justifies the means. The other quote is marpo (already said by aaron)



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Maybe the inquest have some sort of board of directors and the asura version of a president. Given the selective pressure you'd have to endure to keep that position for any amount of time and the amount of both figurative and literal throat cutting involved in gaining it, that asura might have achieved complete amorality.


But the theory that the Inqest are councillor Flax's unwitting pawns is too hilarious to dismiss outright.

"You thought it was the inquest, but it was me, Dio Flax, all along!"

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