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gliding out of cc


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If you're cc'd in the air you are unable to glide for the duration of that cc. If it ends before you hit the ground you can glide once more.

I'm honestly not sure how gliding interacts with immobilize, but I'm willing to bet the condition has no effect at all as movement impairing effects (chill, cripple, pve stuff) don't generally have an effect while gliding.


~ Kovu

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Loading.4503" said:

> > New mastery idea, antigliding, u can unlock something like throw a rock to do a quick cc or something like the thiefs scorpion wire to pull someone back, only on gliding targets in range


> You can already do this, I've tried it before


Meant to say an additional universal skill for everyone like maybe a new f6 f7 skill



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Keep in mind that practicly all classes have passives making your cc fail. If you are just trying to randomly knock a warrior or something off a glider, yeah good luck with that.


Anet still hasnt properly fixed gliders for WvW. Still laggy and glitchy, still letting you use them mid combat.

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