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WvW infusions and Agony resistance.


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Is there anyway to work agony resistance to actually have an impact for WvW? Could be as simple as a+9 agony converts to 1% damage/defense to guards like the current WvW infusions.

Not a high priority but if its possible to add it to the backlog, ye. Thanks.



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> @"Solaris.2489" said:

> With full power/condi wvw infusions you do over +18% dmg to lords, thats a major difference. Its annoying that you cant put wvw infusions+AR together on the same gear.


They made that infusions for wvw players, and if you have a full pve gear with power infusions you can still do wvw, just lose the damage against guards, a wvw player instead can't pve because zero agony resistance.

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> @"Solaris.2489" said:

> With full power/condi wvw infusions you do over +18% dmg to lords, thats a major difference. Its annoying that you cant put wvw infusions+AR together on the same gear.


who the fuck cares?

either lord dies in a flash cus ur a small group, or lord has been buffed up cus u got complete map blob in both cases ur DPS doesnt need this 18% to make a different.


top of all that who fuck dps lords when u can smash enemies trying to deffend ? :D did this event attract some PvE players measuring their dps on lords?

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Yeah I really hate the nonsense of needing two entirely separate sets of gear if wanting to access t4 fractals. Agony is an annoying gating mechanic.



I mean, to be fair, that is exactly what the legendary armour sets are for. You can swap infusions freely in and out with it.


Either 2 sets, or legendary. That's more or less the choice if you care about agony resist right now and/or maxing the 18% guard damage. Which I think is fair.

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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Yeah I really hate the nonsense of needing two entirely separate sets of gear if wanting to access t4 fractals. Agony is an annoying gating mechanic.

> >


> I mean, to be fair, that is exactly what the legendary armour sets are for. You can swap infusions freely in and out with it.


> Either 2 sets, or legendary. That's more or less the choice if you care about agony resist right now and/or maxing the 18% guard damage. Which I think is fair.


Oh I had no idea you could do that with legendary armour. :o Thanks for sharing, now I feel some motivation to start working towards legendary armour.

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I have a few legendary armour sets, still that mechanic is way more complicated than it should be. My workaround is just having dedicated characters geared only for wvw and others for raids/fractals. Even nicer would be if you could set up templates 1 / 2 / 3 with certain skill builds and runes etc. that you can change quickly depending on the game mode you choose. What good reason would there be not to implant such a mechanic? Thats a rhetorical question obviously, the answer is so Anet sells more character slots.

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Agony as an infusion is an awful mechanic, the developers have admitted as much. However, agony was the original infusion before the slot played any mechanical role, long before masteries were ever a thing.

The devs have admitted agony as it is implemented is not ideal, but in their eyes there's no way to alter it in such a way that infusion slots could be utilized for other purposes without hurting the people who've invested heavily in fractals for their high-end agony resistance. I can think of several ideas, but that's sort of beside the point.


As far as wvw is concerned I wish slots for wvw-related infusions were separate from those potentially dedicated to agony. Outright. Easy fix. Though it could clutter the information boxes on gear even more.


~ Kovu

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In their current system, I don't think fractal infusions can be merge-able with wvw infusions since fractal infusions would scale all over the place. But I would like the infusions to be freely exchangeable like the legendary armor on the other items: weapons and trinkets. It's already a nuisance to having to click each piece separately to change infusions, but even more of a nuisance in that you pay gold to do so, whether you extract each item or override your expensive existing ones.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Just level up the mastery damage against guards and defense against guards with the WvW points and you won't see much difference, guards are not crazy strong npcs.


A full set of WvW infusions can make the difference between being able to solo-cap a tower or not. (Based on build/profession)

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