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Mounts in the Starting Area

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I've noticed of late players who have the mounts are quite unforgiving of those who do not in the starting area, using the mount attack skill to obliterate groups of mobs needed for hearts and such. While this is a great skill in higher levels I feel that it's quite unfair on people just starting the game. I can see they are great advertisement for Path of Fire, but it's at the expense of those players just starting the game. The majority of mount riders are also quite rude when you ask them to please don't kill everything in one fell swoop. I don't see why mounts can't be used to run around starting area's but I really think their combat skill, in the starting area's, should be disabled. That way new players can level normally without having to stop and wait for mob re spawns all the time, players with mounts can get around the map fast if they wish and Arenanet gets to advertise why getting PoF is a good thing.


And to be clear, I have Path of Fire, and all the mounts. I don't use combat skill in Starting Area's, just use them for quick transport. So I've experienced first hand the effect they have on starting area's. I like to level the old fashioned way.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> It's not really mounts, it's just that a scaled-down level 80 player can pretty much one-shot mobs in lower level zones.


Its also mounts, even on a lower level character using a mount can still wipe out mobs stupid fast.

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If it's just for hearts, they will be gone soon enough. Honestly, though, it sounds like you are having bad luck. I've been leveling two new characters over the past few weeks, and have yet to deal with this at all. The best thing I could think to do, is level with discovery for the first 15-20 levels. That is more efficient than hearts, and after that, mobs start to have more health.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> If it's just for hearts, they will be gone soon enough. Honestly, though, it sounds like you are having bad luck. I've been leveling two new characters over the past few weeks, and have yet to deal with this at all. The best thing I could think to do, is level with discovery for the first 15-20 levels. That is more efficient than hearts, and after that, mobs start to have more health.


Oh i'm good at leveling, don't get me wrong, have10 lv80's. I like trying new things, so have a couple of recycling characters. My post is more about the damage mounts are doing to the starting area, and people just starting the game who don't have mounts.

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they can just nerf the damage and keep the utility of the mount attacks...i to thing that this is a bad behavior that players do, even events become really boring, mounts just one shoot anything on the way lol good luck to a new player trying to getting participation or even getting to experience the game...honestly I feel bad for new players lol

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Anet might want to consider making the lowest-level starter area (maybe at least levels 1-7) a mount-free zone, keeping the destruction out of the shallow end of the kiddie pool.


Nah, I don't want to have areas that aren't jumping puzzles where I can't use my mount just because some players don't stop to consider what their actions lead to.


I'd rather it be that the mount attack does no damage in starter zones or that they figure out how to scale the mount's damage.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> This comes up every month it seems. IMO if they butcher the mounts I just paid $30 for I'll just stop coming back to central Tyria. I honestly don't see this as an issue.


> And yes, as an 80 with no mounts I can still go through and butcher the mobs just as quickly.


And the issue with being able to one shot all mobs in the surrounding area, preventing low level new players from tagging events /isnt/ an issue to you? Youll still be able to move around the maps just as fast. You just wont be able to obliterate in droves all the mobs in the surrounding area. The issue rolls over to even lower level players using mounts as the mount attack abilities dont scale at all, which they should.


Having all my characters basically already done with the starting areas makes me incredibly happy, cause i /hate/ when they are the "event" dailies. its even more of a pain now than it was before getting tags.

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Maybe some people like the efficiency that mount attacks can bring to a renown heart. It's not like mobs take forever to re spawn in level 1-15 zones anyway.


I think it is a non issue that people are trying to make an issue because they had their kills stolen (and if they have mounts can do the exact same thing). That's how most mmo's work, you snooze you lose.

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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> Any new players willing to confirm that this is an actual problem that they face regularly? I only see veteran players complaining about this.


ive seen new players in game complain about it, but most newer players dont use the forums.


Also @"Karnasis.6892" this isnt most MMOs.

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> @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> Maybe some people like the efficiency that mount attacks can bring to a renown heart. It's not like mobs take forever to re spawn in level 1-15 zones anyway.


> I think it is a non issue that people are trying to make an issue because they had their kills stolen (and if they have mounts can do the exact same thing). That's how most mmo's work, you snooze you lose.


This game is _not_ most MMOs with kill stealing mechanics. It’s supposed to be the direct opposite.


In case you haven’t done low level events recently, the mobs spawned are few and weak. If higher levels don’t hold back they overwhelm low levels attempt to get credit.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> This comes up every month it seems.


Technically, it comes up every time that one of the beginner maps is the Daily Event location. It's a pity that Anet doesn't make a point of providing an alternate PoF event location every time a starter zone comes up, that way the people with mounts would be off somewhere else and not raptor-stomping on the toes of newbies and mountless players. To be honest, I think just doing that would decimate the nuisance.


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> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> Personally I paid good money for my path of fire expansion and I will use every perks it provides my account in game, if they disable some of those perks months after, it will make me think twice before buying the next expansion.


In this case, i think most rational people can agree that normalizing the raptors engage skill so it does a normal amount of damage to the zone its in, would make sense.

Outright removing mounts would be a no however.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > Personally I paid good money for my path of fire expansion and I will use every perks it provides my account in game, if they disable some of those perks months after, it will make me think twice before buying the next expansion.


> In this case, i think most rational people can agree that normalizing the raptors engage skill so it does a normal amount of damage to the zone its in, would make sense.

> Outright removing mounts would be a no however.


That'd be a nerf and nerfs happen.

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The issue isn't whether mounts do damage or not, or whether they are present. The issue is that the use of mounts is overwhelming overpowered compared to anyone else around. It's not just L10-on-a-mount versus unmounted-L10: a mounted L10 can also wipe mobs before an L80 can get in a single hit. Sometimes, the damage is sufficient that one doesn't even go into combat, so it's a "dismount → kill all → remount → repeat" situation.


This is also true in L15-30 zones, in most places, and sometimes even up to L50 or so.


Whenever this has come up in the past, I've suggested the same idea: scale mount damage differently, rather than remove it. I envision something like there's no AoE damage and no knockbacks/downs in L1-15 zones and the damage is maybe 20% what it is today, and by L60 zones, the AoE & knockbacks are available again, with most of the damage restored.


tl;dr the problem isn't mounts; the issue is that mounts don't scale down enough.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


> This game is _not_ most MMOs with kill stealing mechanics. It’s supposed to be the direct opposite.


> In case you haven’t done low level events recently, the mobs spawned are few and weak. If higher levels don’t hold back they overwhelm low levels attempt to get credit.


I have done low level content recently, it was a non issue then, as either there weren't a lot of players around Queensdale, or the mobs spawned fairly quickly. Again, it's not a big deal and folks are just looking for something to complain about.


Also, if people are using the mounts to finish that particular heart quicker by using mounts they are therefore not at that heart or zone for as long which means they aren't taking all the kills away slower than someone without mounts. I don't see an issue here, also there are other ways at most hearts to finish said heart without worrying about kills.... like picking up items and delivering them (or just picking them up). It's not that hard to finish low level content.

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