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Server Queue


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* Sorry my google translator english


I am from the SoS server and I play WvW every day with my guild. However, I constantly see BG, JQ and SBi putting more people on the same border as I am, while SoS is queuing at this same BL. Was it not for each color (red, blue and green) be able to put equal numbers on the borders? Why have I approx. 40 people on the border, fighting 60 reds and 80 green, seeing a queue in that same border?


Is the queue related to server population capacity? Is this fair?


90 JQ x 90 SBi x 90 SoS = 270 ppl in one BL

If SoS only put 50, ok ... it's my server's problem. But I can not see a queue at this border, that's not fair.

And I can prove that this is happening.


Anet, do not fool us, balance this equally. PLEASE!

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> * Sorry my google translator english


> I am from the SoS server and I play WvW every day with my guild. However, I constantly see BG, JQ and SBi putting more people on the same border as I am, while SoS is queuing at this same BL. Was it not for each color (red, blue and green) be able to put equal numbers on the borders? Why have I approx. 40 people on the border, fighting 60 reds and 80 green, seeing a queue in that same border?


> Is the queue related to server population capacity? Is this fair?


> 90 JQ x 90 SBi x 90 SoS = 270 ppl in one BL

> If SoS only put 50, ok ... it's my server's problem. But I can not see a queue at this border, that's not fair.

> And I can prove that this is happening.


> Anet, do not fool us, balance this equally. PLEASE!


Just because you don’t have as many in your group as the other teams do doesn’t mean you don’t have equal numbers on th bl in total. Pop into spawn, Garri etc and you will find afkers scouts roamers etc.

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> Is the queue related to server population capacity? Is this fair?


No, that's stories people tell each other.


> Why have I approx. 40 people on the border, fighting 60 reds and 80 green, seeing a queue in that same border?


Because you can't rally them


> it's my server's problem



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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> And do you think I don't know that? Which part of "I can prove that this is happening." u didn't read?


Since you don’t have the actual numbers that anet has sry but you can’t prove it definitively. Let’s stop here though because there’s no need to start a yelling match over something neither of us can prove

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"Menzo.2185" said:

> > And do you think I don't know that? Which part of "I can prove that this is happening." u didn't read?


> Since you don’t have the actual numbers that anet has sry but you can’t prove it definitively. Let’s stop here though because there’s no need to start a yelling match over something neither of us can prove


Add to this the natural bias to underestimate our own numbers and overestimate enemy numbers. It always feels like we are outnumbered, or at least at a small disadvantage. The reality is that, especially on home BL, you are going to have roamers, scouts, and afkers taking up your spots.


As far as I know there is no way you, "Can prove that this is happening."

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Why would anet have uneven caps for maps?

Why would anet go through the trouble of lowering the cap for "your server"?


You have no way to account for every single player on a map, there are always the possibility of roamers, scouts, upgraders, tagless groups, afker's, daily achievement hunters, jumping puzzle people on the map that you wouldn't even know of. The home team will always seem to have less because certain elements are not used by an attacker, like a home team may have 5-10 scouts running, but the attackers don't need any as they have roamers for that job too. When teams go on offensive maps and a good tag or group are running they will tend to pull in everyone on the map to them, with roamers around.


There is no anet conspiracy to penalize your server.

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The reasons this get uneven is when f.ex 2 server have a queue on a bl map and the third don't. In theory this means the third server still have spots to fill, while the other two are capping out. They all have the same designated spots. If you are also queued, it's up to the turnover rate to decide what players you get and it pretty much boils down to luck. Both sides will have f.ex a 100, it's just one side will have 80% roamers and the other 80% zerglings. This is the major reason why you have to fight uneven numbers.

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There is no grand conspiracy. The map limits are the same.


Those 15 people afk at spawn, the 15 havoc capping ogre watch for the billionth time, and the 5 roamers dueling in the corner will all count toward the queue. If that leaves you with 40 against 70.. well, don't try to fight the 70 then.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> sometime it screwed up so bad u have out # and Queued at the same time.


Its a bug thats been going on a for a long time. I get it constantly on reset nights. The window window doesn't update properly and it shows a fake queue.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> sometime it screwed up so bad u have out # and Queued at the same time.


That happens when a huge zerg leaves the map all at once, and the queue takes a little while to update it, probably waiting on everyone to load into the new map, but then the 5 min tick happens in between that and gives the outnumbered buff.

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