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Hello guys,


i want to give a try GW2 (i did not buy all expansions cuz i need to see it first) and can you tell me which class to pick as a new player. Usually i like summoner classes (this have necro) like in Lineage 2 or BnS, i really love summ classes but how is it here, is it worth?


Also can u recommend me some nice classes to start (even though you would say play what u like) but some small ideas in general.


Thnx in advance

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You can use anything in the open world mate.

As for summon classes you got necro, guardian with spirit weapons, engineers with stationary turrets and elementalists can get 2 golems that are up around a 30sec to 1 min on a pretty big cooldown.

In the high end instanced pve part of the games neither of them are used much Im afraid.


Core game easy classes I would say are said necromancer with minions ranger with their pet and warrior.

abit harder are guardian, mesmer (altho mesmer can be abit to get used to with their clone and shatter skills) and thief.

Hardest elementalist and engineer due to alot of buttons to keep track off with attunement swap and kits respectively-

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> @"DanteAlbania.9076" said:

> Hello guys,


> i want to give a try GW2 (i did not buy all expansions cuz i need to see it first) and can you tell me which class to pick as a new player. Usually i like summoner classes (this have necro) like in Lineage 2 or BnS, i really love summ classes but how is it here, is it worth?


> Also can u recommend me some nice classes to start (even though you would say play what u like) but some small ideas in general.


> Thnx in advance


Because you're a new player, I highly recommend you to play either warrior, ranger or necromancer. But since you mentioned that you enjoy summon professions, play necromancer.


There are other professions with summon skills like guardian, engineer and elementalist, but the best profession for having minions following you around is necromancer.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"DanteAlbania.9076" said:

> > Hello guys,

> >

> > i want to give a try GW2 (i did not buy all expansions cuz i need to see it first) and can you tell me which class to pick as a new player. Usually i like summoner classes (this have necro) like in Lineage 2 or BnS, i really love summ classes but how is it here, is it worth?

> >

> > Also can u recommend me some nice classes to start (even though you would say play what u like) but some small ideas in general.

> >

> > Thnx in advance


> Because you're a new player, I highly recommend you to play either warrior, ranger or necromancer. But since you mentioned that you enjoy summon professions, play necromancer.


> There are other professions with summon skills like guardian, engineer and elementalist, but the best profession for having minions following you around is necromancer.


Looks like we agree on the easy classes =)

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I personally am a fan of the engineer over all other professions, but I will admit it has a difficult learning curve for new players due to all the available skills for it.


As a new player who likes summoning the necromancer sounds perfect for you and can be very forgiving as it has a large health pool. The open world should be no problem for a necromancer with a full complement of minions.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > > @"DanteAlbania.9076" said:

> > > Hello guys,

> > >

> > > i want to give a try GW2 (i did not buy all expansions cuz i need to see it first) and can you tell me which class to pick as a new player. Usually i like summoner classes (this have necro) like in Lineage 2 or BnS, i really love summ classes but how is it here, is it worth?

> > >

> > > Also can u recommend me some nice classes to start (even though you would say play what u like) but some small ideas in general.

> > >

> > > Thnx in advance

> >

> > Because you're a new player, I highly recommend you to play either warrior, ranger or necromancer. But since you mentioned that you enjoy summon professions, play necromancer.

> >

> > There are other professions with summon skills like guardian, engineer and elementalist, but the best profession for having minions following you around is necromancer.


> Looks like we agree on the easy classes =)


I wouldn't call them easy, but rather beginner friendly. Though easy does somewhat apply for necromancer.

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I'd not really call spirit weapons "summons" myself - not since a revamp. as they are now they are basically targeted utilites with extra fluff - tartet, click stuff happens, skill goes on CD.


(as opposed to previous iteration when you summoned weapon and it followed you, atacking your enemies or throwing support skills at you)


the rest of thread seems correct asfar as I can tell :)

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> I'd not really call spirit weapons "summons" myself - not since a revamp. as they are now they are basically targeted utilites with extra fluff - tartet, click stuff happens, skill goes on CD.


> (as opposed to previous iteration when you summoned weapon and it followed you, atacking your enemies or throwing support skills at you)


> the rest of thread seems correct asfar as I can tell :)


Ah forgot about that been awhile since I used spirit weapons on my guardian =)

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"DanteAlbania.9076" said:

> > Hello guys,

> >

> > i want to give a try GW2 (i did not buy all expansions cuz i need to see it first) and can you tell me which class to pick as a new player. Usually i like summoner classes (this have necro) like in Lineage 2 or BnS, i really love summ classes but how is it here, is it worth?

> >

> > Also can u recommend me some nice classes to start (even though you would say play what u like) but some small ideas in general.

> >

> > Thnx in advance


> Because you're a new player, I highly recommend you to play either warrior, ranger or necromancer. But since you mentioned that you enjoy summon professions, play necromancer.


> There are other professions with summon skills like guardian, engineer and elementalist, but the best profession for having minions following you around is necromancer.


I'd argue that rangers are close behind with their pets. It's the single pet limit that places them in second place, imo.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > > @"DanteAlbania.9076" said:

> > > Hello guys,

> > >

> > > i want to give a try GW2 (i did not buy all expansions cuz i need to see it first) and can you tell me which class to pick as a new player. Usually i like summoner classes (this have necro) like in Lineage 2 or BnS, i really love summ classes but how is it here, is it worth?

> > >

> > > Also can u recommend me some nice classes to start (even though you would say play what u like) but some small ideas in general.

> > >

> > > Thnx in advance

> >

> > Because you're a new player, I highly recommend you to play either warrior, ranger or necromancer. But since you mentioned that you enjoy summon professions, play necromancer.

> >

> > There are other professions with summon skills like guardian, engineer and elementalist, but the best profession for having minions following you around is necromancer.


> I'd argue that rangers are close behind with their pets. It's the single pet limit that places them in second place, imo.


I generally found the same; once you unlock soulbeast you have what amounts to a 9 second cooldown full recovery from downed on your pet, which puts them well ahead of necros, but necros don't need a specific elite to get their minions doing stuff, and can even use only the elite flesh golem and still get 90 percent the same tanky value, should they wish.

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> @"DanteAlbania.9076" said:

> well looks like gw2 is still pretty active and worth to play, as i read the comments. i opened the character but when i go home ill play it and try to enjoy, find a good clan/guild :)


There are a bunch that advertise in map chat in starter zones, but you can also check out the recruitment forums here, and the dedicated gw2 recruitment subreddit, if you want a broader selection. (I also tend to recommend TTS as a good choice for most players, as they are a large, and dedicated, guild that do many event things. So, worth considering for most people.)

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First, MetaBattle people have written some short and nice overview to classes and their HoT & PoF specializations from the new player's point of view, I think it is worth to check:




Many things depend on what you enjoy **in the end**, so I'd say that be prepared to make few classes. I started with Warrior, but it was not a class for me. Some say it is novice-friendly(*), but I'd say it is much easier to play after you have tried out other classes. From my experience, the most novice friendly classes are ranger, guardian and necromancer. You most probably will encounter difficulties with those classes, too, while you are learning the mechanics and such, but they all can make pretty forgiving builds. My Druid-Ranger (needs HoT) is still my workhorse for close everything, Firebrand-Guardian (needs PoF) comes second. Necro I have played mostly in Scourge specs, because I made her for large scale WvW fights (where ranger does def not shine in any specs).


All in all, so far with this experience, I'd say that it will take pretty long time to reach the real potency of any class in the end. Just some of them are more forgiving to mistakes at the beginning than others.


EDIT: Ah, I usually like to play defensive & supportive characters in games like this, which probably explains why I use druid & firebrand so much.


EDIT2 (*): Warrior is a class for people with "all-in!" mentality with some unconscious healthy self-protection instincts not to take too much at one time. It is very potent, but it benefits from aggressive play style which I don't have. Similarly, while e.g. Thief and especially Mesmer is very potent, you need to have certain mentality to get everything out from the class :)

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> @"DanteAlbania.9076" said:

> how do i find guilds in the game, or just forum... and this tts idk did not find xD


Basically there is two ways: you either ask in map channel if there is guilds recruiting (most of them are, but you want to know if there happens to be some officier online at that particular moment to hit you with invite), or like I did at the beginning, guilds advertise themselves in map channel time-to-time, and you can send /whisper to the one advertising the guild (s/he's most probably an officier who can invite you as soon as you two have agreed that the guild suits you). You can also take a look to forum announcements. Most of the guilds you find this way are casual, meaning that they have many different types of players in them. Later on, you will find guilds from the friends you have made. You can have 5 guilds you have joined, which greatly simplifies the process (that is, you can have a specific guild for specific purpose, e.g. one casual, one PvP, one for WvW, and so on).

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> First, MetaBattle people have written some short and nice overview to classes and their HoT & PoF specializations from the new player's point of view, I think it is worth to check:


> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:What_Profession_Should_I_Play


> Many things depend on what you enjoy **in the end**, so I'd say that be prepared to make few classes. I started with Warrior, but it was not a class for me.


I'd also say that the biggest surprise to me, coming directly from WoW, and indirectly from a pile of other MMOs, was that GW2 classes are actually **unique**.


That is: a GW2 warrior is *not* the same as a warrior in literally every other MMO in existence, where they all play basically the same. Ranger is not the same cardboard cutout. Necro is wildly different. Mesmer has basically no comparison in most.


So, yeah, I initially picked Guardian because I enjoy Paladin style things in most games, and a bunch of 'em call it Guardian, or whatever. It was ... not what I enjoy. Not bad, don't get me wrong, just not for me. That was a big surprise.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> I'd also say that the biggest surprise to me, coming directly from WoW, and indirectly from a pile of other MMOs, was that GW2 classes are actually **unique**.


> That is: a GW2 warrior is *not* the same as a warrior in literally every other MMO in existence, where they all play basically the same. Ranger is not the same cardboard cutout. Necro is wildly different. Mesmer has basically no comparison in most.


I agree. I also have backgrounds in "more traditional" MMORPGs, and it has been quite an effort to get rid of the ideas of classes they hammered in to my head during the years. Before GW2, I have liked to play tank classes, but in traditional sense, that is non-existent here: I like that, but I can't help myself to miss that role time to time... I rolled Ranger as I thought it is something like "Hunter" in other games, but it is not: it is sturdy all-range (melee & ranged) class, with an option to be a healer if you have HoT. That was very pleasant surprise to me when I started to dig deeper in that particular class.


> So, yeah, I initially picked Guardian because I enjoy Paladin style things in most games, and a bunch of 'em call it Guardian, or whatever. It was ... not what I enjoy. Not bad, don't get me wrong, just not for me. That was a big surprise.


Yeah, it is something different you have used to in other games. But I think it is closest equivalent to traditional Paladin class the game has.

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