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What happened to Commanders?


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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though


> Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment



How many people actually do this? It is by far easier to just go with what you can purchase off of the BM or get from Drops. If anybody is going to craft anything I'm pretty sure it will be Ascended and Legendary, not Exotic as there is no need for those kind of stats in PvE when Zerker is really all that is required in PvE. And as I stated, Exotic is not as efficient as Ascended with Infusions or Legendary with their ability to change stats on the go.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though


> Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment



in all due respect, I doubt any comm would want anyone in exotics.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > Here's the thing the "Casuals" basically want. Inclusion. They don't want to Min/Max Stats to get the absolute most and best DPS out of a specific character, nor have to memorize a specific rotation of skills and powers to maximize the amount of damage and sustain they can do. However, they do want to be able to participate and help out when it comes to capturing something or fighting another enemy blob.


> Most people, when they have a desire to help with something, will ask, "What do I need to do and how can I do it?", not "Don't tell me how to do it!"


> TLDR; your argument for why people don't run meta builds makes no sense.


It makes perfect sense. Not everybody is looking to Min/Max everything. How does that not make sense? People don't have to conform to what somebody else wants to help out. If something is heavy and needs lifting people don't wait around until the strongest person in the world comes along to lift it for them. You can lift that item with 2 people, 3 people, 4 people.......the more you have the easier it is to lift. They don't all have to be bro's who lift and don't miss leg day. That is the point. You don't have to have Min/Max to accomplish everything, you can still use what you have at your disposal and accomplish the same goal. Will it do it in the most Min/Max way possible? No. But it can still be done.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though

> >

> > Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment

> >


> in all due respect, I doubt any comm would want anyone in exotics.


I have not seen "ONE" in any of the linkings I've been on have requested pure Ascended gear. They however do recommend Weapons/Trinkets. Build and knowing how to play your class and positioning is the other.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Not what I meant, LOL. You cannot guess what build a character has just by looking.

actualy is sad, but sometimes when you click on squad members you see signet of locust necros / signet of rage warriors, and signet guardians. Not including rangers since most of them get rejected from squads anyway.

You can also notice instantly guardians comming from pve with large simbols, and players who run magic find food in wvw



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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Rayya.2591" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though

> > > >

> > > > Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.

> > > >

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment

> > > >

> > >

> > > How many people actually do this? It is by far easier to just go with what you can purchase off of the BM or get from Drops. If anybody is going to craft anything I'm pretty sure it will be Ascended and Legendary, not Exotic as there is no need for those kind of stats in PvE when Zerker is really all that is required in PvE. And as I stated, Exotic is not as efficient as Ascended with Infusions or Legendary with their ability to change stats on the go.

> >

> > So what you actualy want? you want to come fresh new from pve, and be accepted and have a kitten to provide you fun and achivements

> > Cause basicaly only a kitten would accept a bunch of lazzy players that can;'t be kitten to join discord, that can;t be kitten to run builds according to the meta, that don;t wanna follow orders

> > So the topic problem solved : what happened to commanders ?

> > They are tired of lazzy trash players

> > Ez

> >


> Or trash commanders that expect too much.


don't join them if they are trash , ez.

the fact is ppls lack commanders, and good commanders got enough followers even if they reject half of players on map cause trash classes


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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though

> > >

> > > Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment

> > >

> >

> > in all due respect, I doubt any comm would want anyone in exotics.


> I have not seen "ONE" in any of the linkings I've been on have requested pure Ascended gear. They however do recommend Weapons/Trinkets. Build and knowing how to play your class and positioning is the other.


Shame on them then. Meta Build clearly states Ascended armour for all and infusions.

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> @"Rayya.2591" said:

> > @"MauChann.3081" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > No, there are plenty of players who are willing to play with the group and I don't mind any of them. I literally lead for pugs and I didn't mind 10% casuals following a group. Unfortunately as the game for veteran / hardcore players is dying and the amount of casuals, relatively, definitely increased this isn't hte case anymore. Since then even for our "very toxic" server we ask nothing but two things. Bring a build / class we approve of and come to discord. And frankly i almost never kick players for not being in discord.

> > >

> > > I play pve myself, there are plenty of pve players and I don't expect players to be experienced or good. I expect them to be willing to do what the team needs; not necessarily what they want. I'm not naive enough to think that everyone that plays PvE must play their ranger. I do think it's a larger amount. Also plenty of WvW hardcore casuals that don't come into PvE, but still aren't joining my raids ;)

> >

> > What server do you play on then? I always play a scourge, which is what most WvW squads want, one big problem I see though is that every squad I ask still uses teamspeak.. I really wonder why since discord is what everyone uses these days and it's a much better communication tool. I do main a ranger in PvE though and I know WvW doesn't like rangers so I don't bring mine already because of y'all not approving of that. And that's perfectly fine to me!


> This etheri is on wsr



Nah he's on lowly tier 4 Vabbi that is the point - moaning because he can't rule the server

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though

> > > >

> > > > Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.

> > > >

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment

> > > >

> > >

> > > in all due respect, I doubt any comm would want anyone in exotics.

> >

> > I have not seen "ONE" in any of the linkings I've been on have requested pure Ascended gear. They however do recommend Weapons/Trinkets. Build and knowing how to play your class and positioning is the other.


> Shame on them then. Meta Build clearly states Ascended armour for all and infusions.


I would say yes if you plan on continually playing the mode. But not for random fly bys.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"Rayya.2591" said:

> > but that's not your problem actualy @ oOStaticOo.9467 the problem is you want ez mode, and you can;t find a logic argument for you beeing lazy , so stop the kitten , install discord, get a meta build or keep the qq on your corner


> Actually, if you had bothered to read their posts, they are happy to help, just as I am - Don't mark us the same as the players who do want EZ mode. We are happy to help we just don't want to be flamed for doing so. There is no need to argue your point with meaningless swearing either, nor to use the meta as a tool to flame.

> In fact maybe most here should explain their attitude to us 'casuals' because there is no doubt in my mind if you speak to others like that it's no wonder you get treated the same.

> So come on tell us why you all feel the need to flame people who just want to help.


no a player who say , i can;'t join discord , cause this and this and you know there are ppls with handicap that cannot join discord ( let's generalize the situation -70% of comunity have hearing handicap -that's why they don;t go vocal) // i can;t buy meta gear cause is to expensive and i need to craft it, but i don;t wanna scout or roam i wanna join the main blob ....doesen;t wanna help , he want ez mode leech

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Not one public commander ever demanded ascended stats, even hardcore guilds don't require every piece of equipment to be ascended... Like, i'm using exotic focus(albeit right stats).


Pretty much every person i see that plays wrong and i suggest him how to improve, ignores me or tells me to leave him alone. Maybe 5-10% of people i attempt to help are willing to listen and those are the players i tend to see in a guild in a few weeks.


Also don't go into WvW and tell everyone you are there for GoB, it's really hated and it indicates that you are self entitled brat that is not going to do anything for the community, but leech of other peoples work. Some have enough sensibility to not whine and do their 5 hour afk thing and are out, without annoying WvW players, i still don't like it, but it's better than having 50 people in a group and fighting WSR(yeah happened today) and melting in 5s, i was like WHAT!?!?!?!?. Yeah that happens because of casuals being there, providing illusion of numbers. Than commander attempts to give some advice and people just start clouding while commander is staying still not listening to anything, hell not even joining voice chat. Hardcore casuals of the server start saying, enemy is command focusing, they are in our TS, when reality is that there is only 5 people with proper tags in the squad(yeah guild tags tell a lot). But for someone like me that sees that commander is going to onepush before he even attempts it the first time, this is just crazy and makes me want to quit altogether(i already would if it wasn't for GvG)..


Also why Teamspeak? It was used before discord ever came out, better overview of the channels, better control over permisions, better voice quality, less intensive on performance,...

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> @"SloRules.3560" said:


> Also don't go into WvW and tell everyone you are there for GoB, it's really hated and it indicates that you are self entitled brat that is not going to do anything for the community, but leech of other peoples work. Some have enough sensibility to not whine and do their 5 hour afk thing and are out, without annoying WvW players, i still don't like it, but it's better than having 50 people in a group and fighting WSR(yeah happened today) and melting in 5s, i was like WHAT!?!?!?!?. Yeah that happens because of casuals being there, providing illusion of numbers. Than commander attempts to give some advice and people just start clouding while commander is staying still not listening to anything, hell not even joining voice chat.


I always say in advance in the squad, I'm here for GoB, But I play scourge, I am willing to play something else if it helps the squad, I'm also willing to go to elsewhere and scout if that's necessary. I always drop baskets of food and a hero banner if I'm with the zerg and allowed to stay in the zerg. I NEVER afk in wvw unless its peebreak/foodraiding my own kitchen. I know majority is hated by the WvW community but you can't deny there's some decent people.

I take advice and criticism in WvW, but I do not take toxicity.

If a WvW commander is closeminded enough to not even explain to me how to be better for all parties involved, then in my opinion that's not a very good commander. Unless its a closed squad then I can agree to that but seriously I never knew a yellow tag meant guild raid until a few months ago someone was kind enough to explain me to stop following that tag. I now know that some tag colors have a meaning but we can't read minds. We don't know certain unwritten WvW rules until someone explains it to us. Same for mini's in WvW, I never knew they were an issue in terms of numbers and stealth in that gamemode until someone explained it a few weeks ago.


I know I'm a minority in the willingness to adapt and learn in a gamemode I'm not very good at, but that doesn't mean I immediately should get sorted in with the people who leech.

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> @"Rayya.2591" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > @"Rayya.2591" said:

> > > but that's not your problem actualy @ oOStaticOo.9467 the problem is you want ez mode, and you can;t find a logic argument for you beeing lazy , so stop the kitten , install discord, get a meta build or keep the qq on your corner

> >

> > Actually, if you had bothered to read their posts, they are happy to help, just as I am - Don't mark us the same as the players who do want EZ mode. We are happy to help we just don't want to be flamed for doing so. There is no need to argue your point with meaningless swearing either, nor to use the meta as a tool to flame.

> > In fact maybe most here should explain their attitude to us 'casuals' because there is no doubt in my mind if you speak to others like that it's no wonder you get treated the same.

> > So come on tell us why you all feel the need to flame people who just want to help.


> no a player who say , i can;'t join discord , cause this and this and you know there are ppls with handicap that cannot join discord ( let's generalize the situation -70% of comunity have hearing handicap -that's why they don;t go vocal) // i can;t buy meta gear cause is to expensive and i need to craft it, but i don;t wanna scout or roam i wanna join the main blob ....doesen;t wanna help , he want ez mode leech


HA!! You don't know me!! I do have Discord, I do have a mic and headset, I do have fully ascended armor infused, I am a high ranked wvw'er, I do try to help out when I can and where I can. Why don't you go generalize somebody else, cuz you failed with me. LOL.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> HA!! You don't know me!! I do have Discord, I do have a mic and headset, I do have fully ascended armor infused, I am a high ranked wvw'er, I do try to help out when I can and where I can. Why don't you go generalize somebody else, cuz you failed with me. LOL.


It's just a troll :P Don't bother argueing with their idea of generalization. I'm already happy there's WvW players who are decent enough to listen to a PvE point of view and help out with constructive criticism to us and help us out with the little bit of content we need to do in game.

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So another piece of advice to all those posting that they 'would do what a commander wants' and 'I asked but got no answer'.


Look at the guild name. In my case, it's CALM. Guess what. We don't give advice DURING our raids. But hey we aren't only on for the 2-6 hours we're clashing with the other servers. There is a whole lot of OTHER HOURS when you could whisper someone with a guild tag you see a lot and ask THEN for advice. What is needed(btw yes, scourges are cool, but I GUARANTEE a Firebrand will be welcomed with OPEN ARMS much sooner.) In fact, often guilds try different things. Herald, Scrapper, Reaper just to name a few. ASK when the com isn't actively leading a raid. He has enough to do just then.


And I ran with only exotics on my boon chrono for a month, then gradually traded them out. You can definitely raid with exotics. And yes, it is called raiding, though when I first heard it my little PVE soul rebelled.


Btw different guilds want different things. I feel valued as my boonshare chrono in my guild--I joined another raid on an off day and found myself relegated to the party with druids and thieves. I almost got the feeling if it wasn't for my guild tag I would have been asked to swap. My first thought (who runs without veils and boons!) was followed by, well, boons do get stripped, maybe they have enough firebrands for stability and condi clear and are large enough they don't use veils. In that case, they DON'T need a chrono. They didn't attempt any keeps, so that awesome breakbar that is Tides of Time wasn't really needed, and they faced no serious competition at that time, so the alacrity and focus pulls weren't really factors either.


So ask, and you're bound to have ONE class they can use. Also many guilds have training days. Watch togethers. They go over builds. Maybe come along on one of those. I know I am still learning. But even when we lose, we have fun with the challenge. Poke fun at each other. I mean, who WOULDN'T laugh when the com is talking and runs off a cliff---and most of the zerg follows right after? It's all Hey STAY ON TAG to the ones who stopped first and poking fun at the com LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING until suddenly someone says, hey red is to the south looklooklook and then it gets all serious. Of course, with no voice, you miss all that. You don't have to talk.


And it isn't easy being a commander. Try it sometime.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:


> HA!! You don't know me!! I do have Discord, I do have a mic and headset, I do have fully ascended armor infused, I am a high ranked wvw'er, I do try to help out when I can and where I can. Why don't you go generalize somebody else, cuz you failed with me. LOL.

So you have a discord with a mic working, you have ascended gear and yet you try to defend lazzy pug attitude . is just trolling or what.

Like at least on eu there are max 10 commanders worth fighting against and you know why ?

they all got a group behind them they can relly on , either a guild or a community guild or friends. Nobody tags up and is able to put up a decent fight where they relly just on random pugs . But i gues you already know that ?

So what makes a commander a good commander? The fact that he say push/ stop/ cap this/ cap that? The flame ram placement ?

Is not, is actualy a part of commander movement, but the biggest impact is players that follow that commander. No pug commander is gonna be able to win fights against better organized groups , against another commander that got a guild or a friend group supporting him.

And if you back to 2013-2014-2015 where there were 30 commanders tagging every day for each server and fights /keep sieges for hours ... what was the diference? the diference is that the players were willing to fight more/ to play better .

Now the actualy core of the wvw at least in eu is so small that they can fit in 2 servers lol

Like you defend pugs as much as you want but you know you are wrong.


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> @"Rayya.2591" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:


> > HA!! You don't know me!! I do have Discord, I do have a mic and headset, I do have fully ascended armor infused, I am a high ranked wvw'er, I do try to help out when I can and where I can. Why don't you go generalize somebody else, cuz you failed with me. LOL.

> So you have a discord with a mic working, you have ascended gear and yet you try to defend lazzy pug attitude . is just trolling or what.

> Like at least on eu there are max 10 commanders worth fighting against and you know why ?

> they all got a group behind them they can relly on , either a guild or a community guild or friends. Nobody tags up and is able to put up a decent fight where they relly just on random pugs . But i gues you already know that ?

> So what makes a commander a good commander? The fact that he say push/ stop/ cap this/ cap that? The flame ram placement ?

> Is not, is actualy a part of commander movement, but the biggest impact is players that follow that commander. No pug commander is gonna be able to win fights against better organized groups , against another commander that got a guild or a friend group supporting him.

> And if you back to 2013-2014-2015 where there were 30 commanders tagging every day for each server and fights /keep sieges for hours ... what was the diference? the diference is that the players were willing to fight more/ to play better .

> Now the actualy core of the wvw at least in eu is so small that they can fit in 2 servers lol

> Like you defend pugs as much as you want but you know you are wrong.



Haha!! Okay buddy. You sure did school me. You keep on keepin' on. You da man.

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> @"Subversion.2580" said:

> It's amusing how this thread has spiralled into a nonsensical cycle of casual players wanting the WvW gift and certain servers' or their commanders' standardized builds. Is that even relevant to any fruitful discussion here?


> **Gifts**

> Like, if you're only there for the gift, go do your thing. Grab a couple of friends and run around capping camps and towers. No one will mind what you play or how you play it. You can effortlessly avoid the demands and expectations of everyone around you and just go have fun with your handful of friends. Most commanders care very little about occassional camps and towers changing hands. If someone does come to save whatever objective you're PvE'ing it's more likely to be a small group like your own and, god forbid, you might actually see some fun out of that in the game mode. The gift will come. Why care about commanders? You don't need them to get the gift, you just need some initiative. Why is it even a discussion? I doesn't have to be, go do you!


> **Pickup quality**

> Likewise as far as commanders and pickup quality goes that's also a largely irrelevant discussion beyond the glaring fact that the game mode sees fewer and fewer guilds. Few servers and the old guild commanders on them cared about pickup quality in the past because you had a core of your own guys and reliable friends to make up the bulk of your squad. It didn't matter too much if you had a swath of rally bots making up some kind of tail back then for most intents and purposes. Facing a group that was so well composed that you needed all hands on deck to compete was fairly rare throughout the week and usually reserved for reset/event nights when opposing servers organized to get something specific going. Most days of the week though the maps saw a spread of content where you could easily do most stuff with a solid core and some additional bodies that you could simply let do their own thing.


> **Symptoms**

> As has been noted over and over, the recent issues with group composition only appeared once guilds leaving had hit some critical mass where commanders simply did not have enough old friends around them to do their thing, have their fun and largely ignore the surroundings. This makes things more difficult for commanders today because they need non-affiliated players to a higher degree and what made them more generous in the past was simply that they didn't have to worry about those players as much. They could just tag along for the ride to a higher degree. People who clamour about the past while say that anything past the 25-man with focus-party meta has been a death rattle but the reality is that these issues are almost exclusively PoF issues (even if HoT had issues they were adressed and only came and went in periods).


> **Discourse**

> That is one fairly important aspect of why the constant neglect or even outright discouragement of guilds in this game has lead to some rather negative results by now. It has affected the environment we play in. It is interesting to talk about actually, how taking away a sufficent amount of players you could rely on has affected the margin of generousity a commander can admit for everyone else. The game mode surely had its issues to deal with in the past too, make no mistake. However, it was far more self sustainable about just grabbing your friends and doing your thing - regardless if you were going for a gift or had an open night with your GvG friends. That content-emergent balance is off at the moment.


> **Positive ripples**

> The way to turn things around is obviously to design things that can cause ripple effects in the other direction. Mainly looking at things that incentivize guild play because guilds are not only a natural part of the game mode that create content on their own. Their content obviously also ripple out to everyone else through open tag nights and the like. Similarily, alot of people talk about splitting balance for WvW. I'd say it's much easier and better to do it for instanced PvE. I've made a remark about it in the past: The game's original modes (open world PvE and open world WvW) work quite well together. It is raids with its set numbers and things like high-end fractals that require very specific and detailed balance that don't mesh well with open worlds and group scaling. WvW balance has little to do with sPvP, speed runs and raid wings. However, the same goes for the run-of-the-mill content on normal world maps. If there is to be specific balancing that is better done on instanced specific modes with less overall balance complexity. That is one way to save work-hours.


> Ed. I felt I had to put in some headers to make it more digestable.


Well written and well thought out. Good post.

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> @"Subversion.2580" said:

> It's amusing how this thread has spiralled into a nonsensical cycle of casual players wanting the WvW gift and certain servers' or their commanders' standardized builds. Is that even relevant to any fruitful discussion here?


> **Gifts**

> Like, if you're only there for the gift, go do your thing. Grab a couple of friends and run around capping camps and towers. No one will mind what you play or how you play it. You can effortlessly avoid the demands and expectations of everyone around you and just go have fun with your handful of friends. Most commanders care very little about occassional camps and towers changing hands. If someone does come to save whatever objective you're PvE'ing it's more likely to be a small group like your own and, god forbid, you might actually see some fun out of that in the game mode. The gift will come. Why care about commanders? You don't need them to get the gift, you just need some initiative. Why is it even a discussion? I doesn't have to be, go do you!


> **Pickup quality**

> Likewise as far as commanders and pickup quality goes that's also a largely irrelevant discussion beyond the glaring fact that the game mode sees fewer and fewer guilds. Few servers and the old guild commanders on them cared about pickup quality in the past because you had a core of your own guys and reliable friends to make up the bulk of your squad. It didn't matter too much if you had a swath of rally bots making up some kind of tail back then for most intents and purposes. Facing a group that was so well composed that you needed all hands on deck to compete was fairly rare throughout the week and usually reserved for reset/event nights when opposing servers organized to get something specific going. Most days of the week though the maps saw a spread of content where you could easily do most stuff with a solid core and some additional bodies that you could simply let do their own thing.


> **Symptoms**

> As has been noted over and over, the recent issues with group composition only appeared once guilds leaving had hit some critical mass where commanders simply did not have enough old friends around them to do their thing, have their fun and largely ignore the surroundings. This makes things more difficult for commanders today because they need non-affiliated players to a higher degree and what made them more generous in the past was simply that they didn't have to worry about those players as much. They could just tag along for the ride to a higher degree. People who clamour about the past while say that anything past the 25-man with focus-party meta has been a death rattle but the reality is that these issues are almost exclusively PoF issues (even if HoT had issues they were adressed and only came and went in periods).


> **Discourse**

> That is one fairly important aspect of why the constant neglect or even outright discouragement of guilds in this game has lead to some rather negative results by now. It has affected the environment we play in. It is interesting to talk about actually, how taking away a sufficent amount of players you could rely on has affected the margin of generousity a commander can admit for everyone else. The game mode surely had its issues to deal with in the past too, make no mistake. However, it was far more self sustainable about just grabbing your friends and doing your thing - regardless if you were going for a gift or had an open night with your GvG friends. That content-emergent balance is off at the moment.


> **Positive ripples**

> The way to turn things around is obviously to design things that can cause ripple effects in the other direction. Mainly looking at things that incentivize guild play because guilds are not only a natural part of the game mode that create content on their own. Their content obviously also ripple out to everyone else through open tag nights and the like. Similarily, alot of people talk about splitting balance for WvW. I'd say it's much easier and better to do it for instanced PvE. I've made a remark about it in the past: The game's original modes (open world PvE and open world WvW) work quite well together. It is raids with its set numbers and things like high-end fractals that require very specific and detailed balance that don't mesh well with open worlds and group scaling. WvW balance has little to do with sPvP, speed runs and raid wings. However, the same goes for the run-of-the-mill content on normal world maps. If there is to be specific balancing that is better done on instanced specific modes with less overall balance complexity. That is one way to save work-hours.


> Ed. I felt I had to put in some headers to make it more digestable.


This is really well-written and sums it up perfectly.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"Seductive.5741" said:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > Maybe you should let us know what builds you want. Because until Anet allow you to check other people's gear, the only way would be to spam it. Then you wouldn't know what other skills they have so you would have no idea if they are running a complete Meta build. And I doubt you will sit there while people spam their gear at you either.

> > > Sorry mods but this kind of 'wanting a certain build' is nothing short of trolling.

> >

> > There are more then enough Sites to look up Meta builds lol


> Not what I meant, LOL. You cannot guess what build a character has just by looking.


Well if the guy, for example, is on a guardian and you see the weapons he has equipped or during a fight you see the scepter animations, you can be sure he's not on a WvW meta build.


TLDR; it is a lot easier to tell just by looking than you think.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though

> >

> > Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment

> >


> How many people actually do this? It is by far easier to just go with what you can purchase off of the BM or get from Drops. If anybody is going to craft anything I'm pretty sure it will be Ascended and Legendary, not Exotic as there is no need for those kind of stats in PvE when Zerker is really all that is required in PvE. And as I stated, Exotic is not as efficient as Ascended with Infusions or Legendary with their ability to change stats on the go.


Sure, but that's completely different from claiming that exotic doesn't have the meta stats. And yes, they'll craft ascended because crafting the exotic is sometimes a waste given the required materials. And no, PvE meta builds also involve stats other than zerkers. Do you even raid, bro?

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though

> > >

> > > Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment

> > >

> >

> > How many people actually do this? It is by far easier to just go with what you can purchase off of the BM or get from Drops. If anybody is going to craft anything I'm pretty sure it will be Ascended and Legendary, not Exotic as there is no need for those kind of stats in PvE when Zerker is really all that is required in PvE. And as I stated, Exotic is not as efficient as Ascended with Infusions or Legendary with their ability to change stats on the go.


> Sure, but that's completely different from claiming that exotic doesn't have the meta stats. And yes, they'll craft ascended because crafting the exotic is sometimes a waste given the required materials. And no, PvE meta builds also involve stats other than zerkers. Do you even raid, bro?


OMG. LOL. I love how people focus on ONE thing when it's only being used as an example. I understand there are other stats used for Raiding or doing Fractals, but did I mention Raiding or Fractals? No. I just said PvE, as in in general. Like doing Story modes or just running around completing hearts or doing events. Jesus. Hyper focus on something irrelevant just to try to prove some kind of point.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> Here's the thing the "Casuals" basically want. Inclusion. They don't want to Min/Max Stats to get the absolute most and best DPS out of a specific character, nor have to memorize a specific rotation of skills and powers to maximize the amount of damage and sustain they can do. However, they do want to be able to participate and help out when it comes to capturing something or fighting another enemy blob. They don't want to be harassed because they don't have a specific build that is current Meta. Yet you will see people on these forums calling for player toxicity towards "Casuals". You will see them call for harassment because they aren't playing a certain way. You will see them say things like leading "Casuals" into death by fake pushing into a blob or going to a keep and standing them under AC and player fire until they die so many times they give up and quit. When all they want to do is help capture a tower, keep, or take down an enemy blob that is in the area. They want to have fun too, yet so many will deny them this fun because they aren't trying to do it the way the others want them to do it. Any "Casual" will understand if they get a message saying, "Hey buddy, look you are welcome to join the squad but as soon as we are full and another player comes on that is more what we are looking for you'll get kicked from the squad. Although you are more than welcome to follow behind us and help out if you like." It also doesn't take much to designate one person from the back line of the squad to type map chat commands for what the squad may be doing. Push, Left, Right, Back, Bomb, Stab, CC, Ogre Watch, SM, etc. You don't necessarily have to type out a full complete paragraph as to what the blob is doing to get the message across for those that are not in the squad. I've followed many squads that have said those things in map chat and have had no problems following those commands. When I play, I do not play thinking that somebody will follow me around being my person healbot or hand feeding me boons. I play to rely on myself and not others, if others help....great! I think a lot of other people play the same way and are not looking to intentionally leech boons and heals from blobs, like some have said that they do. Does it happen? Sure, but it's not intentional. The way I see it, the more people you have trying to do an objective the better your odds are of accomplishing that. This elitist mentality of "my way or the highway" needs to stop. We all need to get along and work together to accomplish an objective.


This way of thinking is why so many good commanders have either quit or run closed. This profound sense of entitlement is infuriating. No one is entitled to be included in anything. Everyone has to earn their spot in the group. If they cannot be bothered with that then they deserve to be excluded until they fix up or they can make their own squad.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > > Exotic Armor doesn't have all the Meta traits though

> > > >

> > > > Sure it does. All stats are available via craftable exotics. I think you just never invested in making the Exotic versions of many of the new stat combos.

> > > >

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats#Level_80_exotic_equipment

> > > >

> > >

> > > How many people actually do this? It is by far easier to just go with what you can purchase off of the BM or get from Drops. If anybody is going to craft anything I'm pretty sure it will be Ascended and Legendary, not Exotic as there is no need for those kind of stats in PvE when Zerker is really all that is required in PvE. And as I stated, Exotic is not as efficient as Ascended with Infusions or Legendary with their ability to change stats on the go.

> >

> > Sure, but that's completely different from claiming that exotic doesn't have the meta stats. And yes, they'll craft ascended because crafting the exotic is sometimes a waste given the required materials. And no, PvE meta builds also involve stats other than zerkers. Do you even raid, bro?


> OMG. LOL. I love how people focus on ONE thing when it's only being used as an example. I understand there are other stats used for Raiding or doing Fractals, but did I mention Raiding or Fractals? No. I just said PvE, as in in general. Like doing Story modes or just running around completing hearts or doing events. Jesus. Hyper focus on something irrelevant just to try to prove some kind of point.


You realize there's a meta for open world PvE builds too, right? All I'm saying is that saying people can't get certain stats isn't really a reason for WvW. It is more just an excuse. Just say the truth: people don't run a meta build not because they can't get the gear, but because they are either ignorant, stubborn, not interested in team-play, or they have some sort of weird idea that there's e-honor in not running a meta build.

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