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What's happened to Maguuma?


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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > >

> > > I know a lot of people from Mag are playing alt accounts on JQ/Kaineng/FA and that's because they can get active primetime fights there, which again, results in less "winning" and PPT on their home server.

> > >

> >

> > Makes sense except: who are they getting fights against?

> >


> There are a lot of guilds in T1/T2, not sure what you mean. Just the 6 servers have SF, CALM, FLUX, NG, DOC, OnS, TW, KnT, BAN, eN, KRTA, HATE, FATE, AoEs, ODA, DIE, BOMB, REKT, TAG, rQm, KiS, KnM and Cookie. This is not including YB who should be in T2 right now if not for the stacked SBI/KN FA last week.


> That's a lot of guilds to fight. Compare that to what they fight against normally lately.. rS? Does Dragonbrand even have a notable guild right now?


Maybe if you should list them by servers and also the date they transfer into the server....

Then, few months down the road, you see if these guilds will transfer again while taking note of the tiers the server is in and the opposing servers, then decide if they really for fights or just glorified fairweathering

Some of those mentioned guilds already transferred before in recent months.

Likewise, some of those moved into servers that is already packed with guilds, fighting against servers that isn't that packed as comparison.

Not sure if they really for fights or just to roll others down.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > Yeah, lot of fairweathers not bothering to play this week. Whether it's disappointment at the no downstate week ending, or the sense of futility dealing with PPT tryhards like YB and NSP when we have ~~so little coverage~~ no coverage outside of NA prime, I don't know. I suspect we're going to be getting the JQ treatment of being locked and linkless for the next several months.


> "PPT try hards", lol. You mean the people that actually play the game mode of WVW? Is that who you are talking about? That's like complaining that people in PVP are trying to hold points.


They mean the people that PPT in such a way that back capping, avoiding fights, and sweep undefended borderlands is their primary goal. I've been around WvW since the beginning and I'm certain that Anet didn't implement the game mode for players to avoid contact with each other.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> Yeah, lot of fairweathers not bothering to play this week. Whether it's disappointment at the no downstate week ending, or the sense of futility dealing with PPT tryhards like YB and NSP when we have ~~so little coverage~~ no coverage outside of NA prime, I don't know. I suspect we're going to be getting the JQ treatment of being locked and linkless for the next several months.


Im on neither of those servers, however wanted to point out thats just an excuse as some servers don't try....the just do....thus "try hard" is a sad excuse.


just saying

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Mag farms players and KDR by luring players to SMC, while they have always people using siege and outnumbering the target with blackup from SMC siege.

> > I'am not in Mag, but they are just leeching cleverly on how to keep ppk rate high, and those who fall on their "lame yet valid" tricks are in a way the ones to be blammed, cause the game allows and it is ment for gimmick/lame tactics, also every server does that in a way or another, still BG and Mag are the servers that use most time this tactic, by really alot, but they do this when they have more players than targets.


> Ah this old canard.


> So what are these poor stupid people being lured into SMC with?



> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Mag farms players and KDR by luring players to SMC, while they have always people using siege and outnumbering the target with blackup from SMC siege.

> > I'am not in Mag, but they are just leeching cleverly on how to keep ppk rate high, and those who fall on their "lame yet valid" tricks are in a way the ones to be blammed, cause the game allows and it is ment for gimmick/lame tactics, also every server does that in a way or another, still BG and Mag are the servers that use most time this tactic, by really alot, but they do this when they have more players than targets.


> Ah this old canard.


> So what are these poor stupid people being lured into SMC with?


Im not callign idiot to any one but...

Cause Mg tend to lure players that think they can 1vs1 and end being 1 vs 5 and sometimes canons from smc, and the bad part is that ive seen players from all side facing mag, that dont know when they are being farmed like hell, that's why the 1st rule when facing MAg, is avoid SMC and u will be fine.

Usualy Mag vanishes from WvW if they cant own SMC due much larger force, but that i call it more a design flaw from the game itself than a Mag issue.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Cause Mg tend to lure players that think they can 1vs1 and end being 1 vs 5 and sometimes canons from smc, and the bad part is that ive seen players from all side facing mag, that dont know when they are being farmed like hell, that's why the 1st rule when facing MAg, is avoid SMC and u will be fine.


Ok so you're talking about something only tangentially related to the topic of server KDR and total kills/deaths.


Unless you're asserting that BG and Mag wrack up thousands of kills and relatively few deaths by luring solos into SMC one at a time?

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Cause Mg tend to lure players that think they can 1vs1 and end being 1 vs 5 and sometimes canons from smc, and the bad part is that ive seen players from all side facing mag, that dont know when they are being farmed like hell, that's why the 1st rule when facing MAg, is avoid SMC and u will be fine.


> Ok so you're talking about something only tangentially related to the topic of server KDR and total kills/deaths.


> Unless you're asserting that BG and Mag wrack up thousands of kills and relatively few deaths by luring solos into SMC one at a time?


No, if that is what ur interpreting form what im writting, my bad, the kdr was just an example of a server strategie but that's not the alone flaw in this matchm, since if players that like that cant do it they wont play, reason mag has been ticking 70-100 while other are tickking close to 300 and sometimes one side is ticking more than the 2 enemy servers combined.

Imo is not what happened to mag, but title should be wth is happening to Anet ideals of keeping 1 blob server fighting other smaller servers, issue is the foundation of the gamemode that is extremelly basic and don't cover the it's flaws, what happening to mag is what happens when a ktrain farms a smaller server, that smaller server wont play cause it is not worth it, plus the addition of Mag not having a link increased highly this situation since gap between high pop server and lower pop server got severed.


IMO mag is trying to get low player to get a link, saldy it is a valid tactic due how flawed and messy this game has comed to be.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > IMO mag is trying to get low player to get a link, saldy it is a valid tactic due how flawed and messy this game has comed to be.


> I think you drastically overestimate the level of organization on Mag.


I assume every server is at least a littl b it organization? Rven Mag.



Just logged into the game and gawd... look at YB numbers... no wonder players dont care to play since there 0 fight chance against a blob that looks like they have 25-30 scourges w/o counting the other 20-30 players xD.... jsut saw 60Yb taking ow and i found 2 mag players :\


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A wild new theory appears!

Well wait, mag been tanking since jan 2017 after all, so not really new. There's no server wide organization to tank, this isn't BG or JQ type of organization we're talking about here, as there's only a handful of guilds left on mag and they're playing as usual, or not playing because they just plain bored of wvw.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> I find it funny that when Mag is fighting BG, all they talk about is how BG sits behind siege in their T3 structures and avoids fights. But when other servers are fighting BG, suddenly BG is a good fight server and has a high KDR because they are out farming the other servers. So I'm curious, which is it?


Both. Mag was the only server before the recent dethroning that kept a high kdr v BG. Mag was also the last server to dethrone BG like a year ago. BG has had a consistently positive kdr as well v every server. but they also have more people and better coverage than every other server

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> @"MadBomber.3719" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > I find it funny that when Mag is fighting BG, all they talk about is how BG sits behind siege in their T3 structures and avoids fights. But when other servers are fighting BG, suddenly BG is a good fight server and has a high KDR because they are out farming the other servers. So I'm curious, which is it?


> Both. Mag was the only server before the recent dethroning that kept a high kdr v BG. BG has had a consistently positive kdr as well v every server.


So BG is a good fight server, except when they face Mag, then all they do is hide in T3 structures? I guess all the BG players sitting on siege this week is just a figment of my imagination.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> I find it funny that when Mag is fighting BG, all they talk about is how BG sits behind siege in their T3 structures and avoids fights. But when other servers are fighting BG, suddenly BG is a good fight server and has a high KDR because they are out farming the other servers. So I'm curious, which is it?


Your phrasing indicates you think the two statements are mutually exclusive but they really aren't.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

> > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > I find it funny that when Mag is fighting BG, all they talk about is how BG sits behind siege in their T3 structures and avoids fights. But when other servers are fighting BG, suddenly BG is a good fight server and has a high KDR because they are out farming the other servers. So I'm curious, which is it?

> >

> > Both. Mag was the only server before the recent dethroning that kept a high kdr v BG. BG has had a consistently positive kdr as well v every server.


> So BG is a good fight server, except when they face Mag, then all they do is hide in T3 structures? I guess all the BG players sitting on siege this week is just a figment of my imagination.


I never claimed BG was a good fight server, just that they have maintained good KD. and idk if you saw my edited post but they also have more players than any other server.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> I find it funny that when Mag is fighting BG, all they talk about is how BG sits behind siege in their T3 structures and avoids fights. But when other servers are fighting BG, suddenly BG is a good fight server and has a high KDR because they are out farming the other servers. So I'm curious, which is it?


It's both. BG is a good fighting server when they decide to come out and fight. The frustrating thing is that they play the siege turtle game even though they don't really need to.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Most of us are waiting for alliances so we'll be back playing in 2020


Yeah that is pretty much my philosophy as well. Still in wait and see mode with this game and game mode. Was the alliances all talk no substance? Maybe they will finally do more skill separation and adjusting for WvW. Maybe they will also look at more WvW modes and mechanics, create incentives for fighting and not running around flipping empty towers and camps. Guess ill wait and see!

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The OP is asking the wrong questions. From a Mag perspective: why in this 6 year old game are people still PPT'ing so hard. I honestly don't get it, and at this point it's the players making the game unplayable. Also, desert BL is garbage and Mag refuses to play it.


I like Mag cause it's a lot of people that won't play a video game in a way they don't enjoy at any cost, and most gamers should have this mentality. It's a game, and we're here for enjoyment. The numbers of people that do things I KNOW they don't enjoy after 6 years is staggering and depressing. I say I know because I've seen their discord/heard their comms, and to go any further I'd need to write a lot of words about games, reward systems, and depression, and this probably isn't the forum for that.


Given the choice of wasting hours of my days PPT'ing and just not logging in, myself and many others would rather not log in. There's a lot of fun games with (thanks for balancing over the years) better ways to spend my time with the same group of friends. If you're attached to tiers after 6 years instead of engaging with players, you should probably do some evaluation on what you're doing to yourself and why.

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> @"Phzt.9864" said:

> The OP is asking the wrong questions. From a Mag perspective: why in this 6 year old game are people still PPT'ing so hard. I honestly don't get it, and at this point it's the players making the game unplayable. Also, desert BL is garbage and Mag refuses to play it.


> I like Mag cause it's a lot of people that won't play a video game in a way they don't enjoy at any cost, and most gamers should have this mentality. It's a game, and we're here for enjoyment. The numbers of people that do things I KNOW they don't enjoy after 6 years is staggering and depressing. I say I know because I've seen their discord/heard their comms, and to go any further I'd need to write a lot of words about games, reward systems, and depression, and this probably isn't the forum for that.


> Given the choice of wasting hours of my days PPT'ing and just not logging in, myself and many others would rather not log in. There's a lot of fun games with (thanks for balancing over the years) better ways to spend my time with the same group of friends. If you're attached to tiers after 6 years instead of engaging with players, you should probably do some evaluation on what you're doing to yourself and why.


All of this.


I'm constantly amazed by how few players are willing to make their own fun. One of the reasons I love WvW is its (usually) endless opportunities for mischief and mayhem.


The only thing that ever kills those opportunities are the players themselves.


It's like people griping about not having a peanut butter milkshake when they have a blender, peanut butter, ice cream, and milk in the house.

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