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So I cant decide between human or norn...

Mike JezZ.4261

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I would advice you to go into the pvp lobby and test all the weapon/walking/skillanimations. You just need cheap white weapons wich you can buy in any main city in central tyria. All specs are unlocked in the lobby so you can hit some dummys there and have a look wich animations/voiceacting/walkinganimation appeals you more.

Racialskills are not a thing in GW2. Play the one wich appeals you more in terms of fashion wars, animations, classfantasy compared to the race and looklike stuff.

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I'll make you a list:

**Reasons to play Norn**

* Well first off Norn mode is best mode.

* Why would you want to be a tiny Norn that can't transform.

* Game-play feels more epic on a Norn.

* We don't need to sit on someone's shoulders to watch a parade.

* We get to dance the Carlton.

* Tattoos!!!

* Cooler hair options.

* Epic beards for males.

* Alemoots

* There's too many humans in game already don't you want to stand out?

* Fashion wars everything looks better and more epic on a Norn.


**Reasons to play Human** (this is all being read in Ben Stein's voice)

* Small

* Frail

* Bland there are too many humans already

* Not interesting

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> @"Mike JezZ.4261" said:

> So I thought about I could make one of each later, but how will that affect end game?

> I know that GW2 isnt so much about gear, but how complicated would it be to play one of each, in regards of their power level?


It will have close to zero effect, and that will be purely cosmetic. Even the racial elite skills are not very interesting: they are deliberately balances so none of them suck, but they are all less useful than the class elites, so that people don't feel pressured to pick a specific race for them.


When I say cosmetic, I mean that different races and genders have different animations, so you will see your character "move" differently, and very, very occasionally you get a touch of race-specific story content.


For example, there are two lines -- literally two -- of dialog in the entire HoT xpac that you get if you play a Sylvari, but not on any other race. This is ... not what I would call wildly significant.


Gameplay is literally identical. Power is literally identical. This is a deliberate design decision by ANet, to ensure you can pick whatever you like and play it.


Basically, the three personal story episodes, 10, 20, and 30, are the only things that differ between races.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> I'll make you a list:

> **Reasons to play Norn**

> * Well first off Norn mode is best mode.

> * Why would you want to be a tiny Norn that can't transform.

> * Game-play feels more epic on a Norn.

> * We don't need to sit on someone's shoulders to watch a parade.

> * We get to dance the Carlton.

> * Tattoos!!!

> * Cooler hair options.

> * Epic beards for males.

> * Alemoots

> * There's too many humans in game already don't you want to stand out?

> * Fashion wars everything looks better and more epic on a Norn.


> **Reasons to play Human** (this is all being read in Ben Stein's voice)

> * Small

> * Frail

> * Bland there are too many humans already

> * Not interesting


Adding that as a Norn, the entire story is you on a Great Hunt...the greatest hunt ever!


As a Human, the entire story is wondering when that massive Norn is going to accidentally step on you while they are on their greatest hunt ever

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i have each race as warrior on 80 with all specs trained...all ascended gear and you can swap whenever you get bored of your current race

my norn is usually my wvw public zerg warri, so they tremble in fear when i jump into them to wreck havoc, my roaming warri is asura, just because animations are harder to see on small models lul and my guild zerg war is human female meta...sylvari and charr dont get frequent use right now, charr mostly because armor gets too weird on them and sylvari is close to humans anyways

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> @"Daergoth.9415" said:

> One issue that really bugs me about the Norn is the way two handed weapons sit on the shoulders/back and stick out at an angle. The bottom portion of the weapon sticks really far out from the rest of the body. Always wished Anet would fix this.


It's because we Norn actually get real 2 handed weapons compared to the puny humans with their butter knife they dual wield.

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