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Counters vs Simulhits


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Right now, I believe Full Counter and Counterblow both proc on first hit and immediately activate the counter while ceasing to block. This makes the skills useless against attacks like Vale Guardian's blue teleportation if there are more than one stacked on each other, which is quite common with a stacked party. The result is a partial damage block, but still being teleported and thus neither of these skills are viable vs that kind of attack. These skills should have a very tiny increase to their block time, such that it overlaps partially with the actual counter. The increase could be mere milliseconds and the skills would then block 100% of all attacks that are launched at basically the same time. Full Counter at least is clearly intended to be an aoe vs multiple opponents and should not only block one attack if the attacks are basically simultaneous.


Disclaimer: I have only noticed this interaction on Vale Guardian and am assuming it is always this way. If it is not, then I would suggest instead that this is a bug and needs to be fixed for that specific encounter.

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you actually have a dodge while you do the dmg bit...its very short after it gets procced

when i use it in a wvw zerg i get lots of evades with it and not just single spells

1/2second dodge to be precise

i never do raids so i have no idea how long this attack is, but when its longer than 1/2second you will get hit by the rest of it





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Thanks for the reply. 500 ms would be considered a game-breaking dodge window in most games because that is absolutely ridiculously long. I could solo 100 man raids with a dodge that long in some other games with very hard raids. I suppose I should move my observation to the bug section for that specific boss because the attack is about 3~5 ms spread apart so it should be blocked no matter how many stacks you get hit by.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> It's working as intended, not just one attack but everything because it's an actual evade.


> Don't confuse boss attacks and abilities with player/normal mobs. They're different. Many of them are coded specifically to ignore any type of invuln or block.


It is not working as intended because you can block the attack if you only get hit by one of the teleports but cannot if you get hit by multiple teleports.

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are you sure you do not get teleported by the first?

because when i attack a warrior with my deadeye into the full counter it will give me a 0 dmg and a follow hit an evade , i often do that on purpose because that 0 damage will give me malice and i can onehit them after. its just like a little endure pain not invuln.

therefore you have stability and negate the power type of damage from the first hit and then evade, but as far as i know stability doesnt help here, doesnt help my mesmer atleast and thats the one i am doing raids with.

have you tried using fullcounter against any other teleport or CC that negates stability ? because if it doesnt help in such situation wich is my guess, then thats your issue.

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