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Should Pips only be awarded when Ranked PvP games are won?

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The best way to improve ranked play would be to only award Pips when games are won .


Dishonor could also be given to players that don't leave the spawning area after 30 seconds of Re-Spawning.


But honestly, only awarding pips when a match is won will solve the majority of problems.


People will still rage quit or intentionally run into the enemy to die, but at least they won't be able to AFK anymore with no penalty.

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I have no clue if this would help or hurt to be honest. To me, I like the idea that if my team gets crushed then it's not a complete waste of time, but it might lead to more competitive matches if the rewards are higher for winning and non-existent for losing, so either way is fine with me. :3

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This will only help bronze players where people afk farm pips. It will do nothing for the problem of gold/plat afk.


People on gold/plat afk after they perceive the game as a lost cause (a lost fight or actions by their team).

This change will not improve this behavior, it might even make it worse. People will want the match to be over quick as soon as they perceive that they can't win, so they can get to the next.


If you want to reduce this behavior you will have to improve PiP gain for close matches.

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Bad idea, though won't affect me personally.


If you remove pip gain for a loss, then your quitters/throwers will be inclined to quit/throw earlier and more often. If there's no reward for trying, why prolong a loss? And keep in mind that the quitters/throwers will now start doing this as soon as a single fight is lost - not waiting to be behind by 100-200 points.

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I would rather they remove the pips + chests system entirely, and then shift the rewards partially to a repeatable achievement where you get a reasonable amount of shards (ascended and regular) and gold every 10 Ranked wins (if you're good enough it might be more profitable in these currencies than pips).


Then another reward the first time you climb a rank, with a greater amount of ascended shards and tickets at above average ranks (retroactive, so if you land directly in plat at placements you get the chests below that rank).

Then at the end of each season, you get a end-season reward matching your final rank.


This would make people care about winning, care about rank, and not throw as much. Still isn't great about win-trading (might make it worse with the achievement, actually, for some ranks at least, but with people in general caring more about their result, it will also lower it a bit), but that would have to be solved through other means.



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PIPS should ONLY be in unranked. This way, the "casual" folks who just want to farm don't mess up Ranked games. Plus, Ranked folks shouldn't need pips for incentives to play since they are more concerned with rank. However, there should be end-of-season rewards based on rank.


Everybody wins!

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Given the small results of this poll, it looks like there's a majority of people that are in ranked just for the rewards and nothing else. Which is wrong on so many levels.


Imagine if the same happened in PvE: anyone can join your group and you can't kick or preselect them, regardless of the outcome of the Fractal / raid you all still get some kind of reward (say, magnetite shards) but it takes 3 times as much to reach the same goal, and 1/3rd of the group is there just for the free tokens.


I'm pretty sure most PvE players would be rather pissed.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> PIPS should ONLY be in unranked. This way, the "casual" folks who just want to farm don't mess up Ranked games. Plus, Ranked folks shouldn't need pips for incentives to play since they are more concerned with rank. However, there should be end-of-season rewards based on rank.


> Everybody wins!




> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> Players should get a pip for every 100 points of the game final result.


> Winners always get 5, losers get from 1 to 4 depending on overall performance.


and this are actually really good ideas.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> Players should get a pip for every 100 points of the game final result.


> Winners always get 5, losers get from 1 to 4 depending on overall performance.


That's not a bad idea, but won't be so good. For example on scores such as 480-380, i'm pretty sure some players will do their best to reach 400 points and not really turn the match and reach 500 points. Pretty much the same with 200-0 loses, players might decide to zerg and keep close to end up losing 500-200. Which isn't a problem for the opponent since it will be an easy win on other 2 points..


I'm actually afraid this turns into " pip care " instead of " rating care "

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Honestly I like to be rewarded with pips for winning a match , you get stuff even when doing pvp and it's awesome. BUT you shouldn't get pips when you lose because this only incentivate pips farming by people that throw games or afk or troll. I think that a pip reward should be put in unranked too, because for exaple sometimes i don't want to ranked but maybe switch profession and have fun with friends pvping and I think it would be good too to be rewarded with pips there too. Clearly the amount of pips gained should be higher in ranked than unrank.

My idea is that pips are a good way to reward pvp players (that win) but they must not incentivate matches farming, because that just ruin the fun for everyone.

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  • 1 month later...

The intention of the survey was to determine the general mood of the PvP community.


There are currently 37 votes for different variations of "Yes" to remove receiving pips even when a game is lost.


There are also another 27 votes that say they are completely against removing Pips from ranked play.


There are 10 votes saying they don't care either way.


So for all fairness, let's say 37 people said "No" to removing Pips.


And the most interesting is that 13 people wanted to for pips to be awarded for UnRanked play too :astonished:

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> The intention of the survey was to determine the general mood of the PvP community.


> There are currently 37 votes for different variations of "Yes" to remove receiving pips even when a game is lost.


> There are also another 27 votes that say they are completely against removing Pips from ranked play.


> There are 10 votes saying they don't care either way.


> So for all fairness, let's say 37 people said "No" to removing Pips.


> And the most interesting is that 13 people wanted to for pips to be awarded for UnRanked play too :astonished:


thats votes for premade teams....people want to play with friends and also have a rewarding exp for there efforts....not all that surprising

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > The intention of the survey was to determine the general mood of the PvP community.

> >

> > There are currently 37 votes for different variations of "Yes" to remove receiving pips even when a game is lost.

> >

> > There are also another 27 votes that say they are completely against removing Pips from ranked play.

> >

> > There are 10 votes saying they don't care either way.

> >

> > So for all fairness, let's say 37 people said "No" to removing Pips.

> >

> > And the most interesting is that 13 people wanted to for pips to be awarded for UnRanked play too :astonished:


> thats votes for premade teams....people want to play with friends and also have a rewarding exp for there efforts....not all that surprising


5man premade pug stomps should be rewarding enough.

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > > The intention of the survey was to determine the general mood of the PvP community.

> > >

> > > There are currently 37 votes for different variations of "Yes" to remove receiving pips even when a game is lost.

> > >

> > > There are also another 27 votes that say they are completely against removing Pips from ranked play.

> > >

> > > There are 10 votes saying they don't care either way.

> > >

> > > So for all fairness, let's say 37 people said "No" to removing Pips.

> > >

> > > And the most interesting is that 13 people wanted to for pips to be awarded for UnRanked play too :astonished:

> >

> > thats votes for premade teams....people want to play with friends and also have a rewarding exp for there efforts....not all that surprising


> 5man premade pug stomps should be rewarding enough.


force premades to only play premades then no one is asking for pug stomps ;-)

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> I have no clue if this would help or hurt to be honest. To me, I like the idea that if my team gets crushed then it's not a complete waste of time, but it might lead to more competitive matches if the rewards are higher for winning and non-existent for losing, so either way is fine with me. :3


Basically this. I mean, we all have those games where you just can't carry, and sometimes you play during odd hours and get streaks of those games. Currently it doesn't bother me much because I enjoy PvP and still get the pips I need for my legendary armor. I would be ok with this if in return we gained more pips than we currently do for winning, that way it still balances out in the end while also solving the problem of afk pip farming.

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Doesnt seem like rewarding only the winning team with pips will solve many problems at all, maybe fix the bonze league afk pip farmers, but thats about it. It might also reduce the pvp population further as its not rewarding to play if you happen to get stuck on a losing team, with the amount of talk about a low player base, is reducing it further what you really want to do?


In my opinion you are better off trying to get a team based league created with some sort of minimum personal rating or whatever to ensure only the competent player base can enter it which will root out most of the bad players.

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