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Mastery Points - ArenaNet Please Help Out this 55 Year Old Gamer with 19 Year of MMO Experience

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I came back to GuildWars 2 after I quit due to the complete lack of any reasonable ways to get Mastery Points. Path of Fire was a true game changer. I WAS having so much fun, until now.

Simply allow me to get one "Mastery Point" everytime I fill up my experience bar, then clear my Experience Bar and let me continue. Why is this not allowed? FORCING me to do crazy collections and other crazy things that I can NEVER, EVER accomplish just forces me to stop playing, I don't want to stop playing. Do you understand? I have looked at ALL the ways to get these Mastery Points, I can not EVER accomplish these tasks...I am too old and on too much medication to even attempt them, I did complete the Karka one and that about killed me.


This is not complicated nor should it be hard to fix. When your level 80, each time you fill in your Experience Bar, you get a Mastery Point. Done and Done. But no, I am expected to keep playing, killing thousands of mobs an hour, every node I mine, every single thing in the game gives you experience I get NONE of it, it's wasted time.


Hell, sell me Mastery Points, I would buy em, SOMETHING to let me get Mastery Points from just pure Experience. Path of Fire completely changed the game for me, it is so much fun, but I just can't play and gain nothing for playing, would you?

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What are you wanting to get the Mastery Points for? If we knew what it was for we would know how many total you would need and be better able to help you try to find (or get help) the Mastery Points you can do given your limitations.


And are we talking Core Tyria, HoT, or PoF Mastery Points?

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I'm sorry you don't like the system, but I don't see that it's all that onerous. It's a one-time leveling system. If you don't have enough mastery points to advance, then it just takes longer. It took me over a year to max the HoT masteries. There are oodles of excess mastery points, more with each Living World Story episode and there's a wide variety of types. You can get help with (or carried to/through) all but a handful and those you can skip.


I'm also concerned by the implication that playing the game is "wasted time." Just because you aren't progressing towards a mastery doesn't mean the specific things we do aren't "fun." As I said, I spent a huge amount of time in HoT without max masteries ... and it was still fun. (Mind you, turned out to be more fun still once I did max some of them.)



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> @"Sonja Teh Trapper.7012" said:

> i have mpost of them done except for the points part. all i can say is try an get the meta events an the ten group raids? i should do those raids but i do not know how to! i think he is talking about hot seera


Some of them sound like Core Tyria ones. Karka is definitely a Core Tyria mastery. And crazy collections sounds like the spoon one, but I don't want to assume as I know there are some mastery points in HoT and PoF that aren't just go to spot X and hit F.

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For a Core Tyria mastery point, you can do a first time world complete. Just takes time, gets boring. You do get to see parts of Tyria you may have missed. They added six more Core Tyria mastery points to the map, you get them like hero points. Doing fractals will get you points for um, something....first time kills on each boss? Not sure, but I got three just doing Tier 1 fractals. You can also get a point for 38 diving locations...probably a video on them.


Living world Season 2 gives 8 points, one for each episode. I may stall out soon and feel your frustration, but I'll have Pact Commander and Fractal tracks complete.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'm sorry you don't like the system, but I don't see that it's all that onerous.

Why is this, "it's not a problem for me, therefore it's not a problem", sentiment so prevalent? It's rude and intolerant.

Plenty of people **_can't_** take part in some aspects of the game, for no fault of their own, yet the can love a whole lot of other aspects about playing the game (and spend loads of money supporting ArenaNet in the process!). It's not OK to tell these people that their problems are not worthy of being solved.

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> @"Bones.5730" said:

> I came back to GuildWars 2 after I quit due to the complete lack of any reasonable ways to get Mastery Points. Path of Fire was a true game changer. I WAS having so much fun, until now.

> Simply allow me to get one "Mastery Point" everytime I fill up my experience bar, then clear my Experience Bar and let me continue. Why is this not allowed? FORCING me to do crazy collections and other crazy things that I can NEVER, EVER accomplish just forces me to stop playing, I don't want to stop playing. Do you understand? I have looked at ALL the ways to get these Mastery Points, I can not EVER accomplish these tasks...I am too old and on too much medication to even attempt them, I did complete the Karka one and that about killed me.


> This is not complicated nor should it be hard to fix. When your level 80, each time you fill in your Experience Bar, you get a Mastery Point. Done and Done. But no, I am expected to keep playing, killing thousands of mobs an hour, every node I mine, every single thing in the game gives you experience I get NONE of it, it's wasted time.


> Hell, sell me Mastery Points, I would buy em, SOMETHING to let me get Mastery Points from just pure Experience. Path of Fire completely changed the game for me, it is so much fun, but I just can't play and gain nothing for playing, would you?


In what way are you being forced? Would love an explanation of that. Is your only goal in the game to unlock masteries? Is that why you threaten to leave unless they let you access them more easily? But what will you do once you unlock them, since that's apparently the only reason you have for playing GW2?

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@Bones.5730, you "require" only the amount of mastery points necessary to complete your masteries. Once the masteries are done, you can just forget about the other ones. As is the game now, they just pile up and serve no purpose.

Knowing this, there are more than enough different mastery points to allow you selecting those that suit you and completing all masteries without it being a too big bother, that in all categories (red, green and purple). If you check Dulfy for example you will find nicely structured overviews of all possible mastery points in each color, allowing you to chose those you prefer to go for.

Remark: For the red ones in original Tyria, don't forget that about 9 points (don't recall exact number, sorry) have been added later in the game, that are simple locations to go to for communing.

Also, don't forget that you can at any time call for help. There are always players around who will join to support you. :)

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The Tyrian masteries can be hard and tedious. You can try joining up with someone whose also doing core mastery points and do then together. There are a few easier ones, including 9 that you only need to commune on. If you don’t have these I suggest you get them first. One of them you’ll probably need a Mesmer to port you up. [Tyrian Commune Mastery points](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_Insights_(Central_Tyria))


There are several others where you can cherry pick a Mastery point. For example, defeating tequatl gives one Mastery point and defeat the Skritt Queen in drytop, both of which you only need to do enough to get credit. If you do your personal story you’ll get Mastery points for that also. Ask if someone in your guild wants to do it with you, that will help.

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Don't rush into getting the masteries all up. :)


Which mastery tricks are you trying to fill? If it's core tyria, and if you have LS2, it gives a lot of core tyria mastery points out. That helped me to get all the core ones fast. The Teq ones is difficult, so is the Triple Trouble or silver waste ones. But they are not impossible. You just need to be patient with them (infinitely long with some. Teq tail wave, i am looking at you)


For HoT, if you don't raid, you really don't need the last 8 mastery points. I haven't opened the adrenaline track yet because I really don't fancy that one. PoF, i am assuming you have all of them Unlocked as they are rather easy to get. Do you ever want to fight Mayatl or Potoni? Unless for some other collection, I personally find them useless.


Target to achieve your practical need for masteries, that may be much less


You also need to appreciate that there are players, who like achievement hunting and get masteries that way. They don't like just going to a spot and commune for it. So not really fair if Anet made ALL masteries easy.


If you are on NA server, ping me in game. Can chat and help you get a few tough ones, if you would like.

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> @"Tatwi.3562" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I'm sorry you don't like the system, but I don't see that it's all that onerous.

> Why is this, "it's not a problem for me, therefore it's not a problem", sentiment so prevalent? It's rude and intolerant.

> Plenty of people **_can't_** take part in some aspects of the game, for no fault of their own, yet the can love a whole lot of other aspects about playing the game (and spend loads of money supporting ArenaNet in the process!). It's not OK to tell these people that their problems are not worthy of being solved.


It's not rude or intolerant to disagree. I'm not saying "it's not a problem for me therefore it's not a problem for anyone." I said specifically that it doesn't seem onerous, as the OP contends that it is. Of course it's not their fault that they are handicapped in what they can do. But neither is it necessarily a good idea to design a game meant to appeal to the masses in a way that is without challenge for anyone.


The OP is entitled to wish for the game to be easier than it is. And it's entirely fair that others wish for it to wish it to be harder. That doesn't make anyone right or wrong, rude or polite. It's simply an opinion. And like any opinion, no one else is required to agree.


Had the OP said, instead: "I'm finding this really challenging, what can I do, in my limited circumstances, to make this more fun...," then I would have attempted to offer suggestions. Including what I implied in the part of my message you cut off: there's no rush. It's perfectly okay — and fun — to play the game and not worry about masteries at all.



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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> i dont see any problem with OP's suggestion heck we can buy mastery points freely in WvW so why not give some sort of mastery point Notaries from doing fractals or dungeons ?


I don't think this is accurate; the only thing I know we can earn from WvW is hero points. If mastery points were obtainable from WvW I'm sure that would have been very much pointed out in one of the many threads I've seen about mastery points over the years.


That said, I would be in favor of a way to tell the game "I'm currently not working on any masteries, please give me spirit shards when I fill my XP bar".

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> @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> i dont see any problem with OP's suggestion heck we can buy mastery points freely in WvW so why not give some sort of mastery point Notaries from doing fractals or dungeons ?


You’re confusing Hero Points with Mastery Points I’m afraid. You can only get mastery points by doing the tasks that award them.

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Mastery points are somehow tedious to obtain one!


Core Tyria mps, focus on legendaries in SW, Tequatl is easy one too cause they run the event oftenly. Triple trouble is the one to go, some of it can be solo. 9 mps insights, get ls2 also help a lot. Some JPs too, Hidden garden and not so secret. Then doing fractal you will get plenty more, t1 and t2 can be done easily by anyone. Never do the collection, time consuming, costly.


HoT mps, looking for mp train. Do the adventures, if you got gold = 2 mps. Kill bosses during the meta, mp insights, jp in ls3. Many of them are very easy to obtain. Get ls3 too. I just got 262 coupld days ago and now i need to fill up that xp bar (220 mp trained).


PoF mps, finish story, mps insights. Join Mp train. Etc


Do not rush thing or you will feel overwhelmed and frustrated. You will get all of them one day.


Good luck and have fun


Edit: Not so Secret Jp is for the "Dive Master" mp. Its frustrating.

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Hmm, while being able to buy them does defeat the point, being able to easily see where to get mastery points in one overview within the achievement window would probably help.


I know you can use the search function within the achievement window. Does anyone know if you can type something like "mastery point" to show all those achievements that give one?



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As someone with many years of experience in MMO's, I'm sure you're well aware of the fact that progression systems can be very grindy or tedious, and even then I'd say the mastery system in GW2 is far less grindy than most, thanks to it being account wide progress, and thanks to most masteries being simple to get. But if you are having trouble, you could always form a group and get people to help you out. Numbers often render even the most difficult open world content redundant, and experience players can help you find the most efficient methods for acquiring what you need.

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82 total, 49 required to max everything. The Tyria master points are by far the hardest to get. There is multiple guides on the internet to help with which are the "easiest" and also remember that there was 9 Mastery Insights added a while back which basically just require you to walk up to them and channel them (and only 1 is after an intermediate jumping puzzle, the other 8 are simply in the world).


**Heart of Thorns**

Most tedious probably but definitely easier than Tyria, HoT currently offers 198 total mastery points and a total of 144 are needed to maximize all masteries. Please also consider that there was additional Mastery Insights and unlocks added with the Living World Season 3 episodes.


**Path of Fire**

95 total and 69 required for full completion currently. By far the easiest to get once you get past the initial raptor and springer mount requirements. Living World episodes once again add additional masteries and there is no adventures this time around.


Now I will not disagree that masteries can be tedious and/or challenging for players, but I honestly do believe that by now there has been enough amends to the system that there is sufficient easy and medium challenging mastery points to be had. The only area where this might be questioned is core Tyria if you omit all world bosses and absolutely do not enter fractals.


Just remember, none of the maxed out players got all their mastery points in 1 day. It took all of us time to get them all. Small steps will get everyone there.

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I'm a 53 year old gamer and the youngest in my guild. Though not sure what age has to do with it. We used to play NeverWinter Nights on a home LAN back in 2002 (?) if that counts as an MMO. But again not sure what one's history in other games has to do with GW2.

Other than RAIDs, I have maxed all the mastery tracks and got a bucket load of spare MPs. Some were harder to get than others, but that's true of most achievements in the game. A couple of more casual guildies struggled to earn some of the harder MPs, but with a little help, even they have what they need.

Be aware that not all mastery tracks are equally useful. If you aren't working on a legendary, then you might as well skip Legendary Crafting for example.

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Part of the OP's point seems to be that they get nothing for their XP, which is true if they don't finish ALL masteries in a region. This I think is an issue that could (possibly) be remedied by letting people not work on masteries if they so choose. Then one could truly forego any mastery one don't want to achieve, and still get something (spirit shards) for the filled XP bar.

Getting anything else than spirit shards would be wrong imo.

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