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Need advice for solo/roaming WvW build


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i want to farm a few gifts of battle. So i need to go into wvw. I really don't like running around with the blob/zerg like i do the last time it's just no fun to me. So i need a build for killing vets, escorting dollys and (re)capturing while noobing around on my servers homelands. Wich elite would you suggest? Reaper or Scourge? And how would a build look like? I know i can go to metabattle but pve wise they are not a good source so i don't know if their wvw builds are trustable.

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Clearing camps and sentries fast to stay not too long in one place should be your primary target.


If you want to focus on the PvE stuff for 100% just bring the PvE meta Power Reaper with GS, Well of Suffering and Well of Power (the latter to cleanse the perma weakness applied by camp guards). So you should have cleared and capped the camp shortly after the white contested swords show up on the map which will draw the enemies attention.


If you want to cleanse relatively fast while running an easy to play build and still being a threat: go for full Trailblazer Scourge. The question is: Do you have that gear? If you never come back to WvW after finishing the gift of batte track, this gear is not worth crafting.

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Ty all for your answers,


i do this just for the gifts, i'm a pure pve guy. I'll do the path for 4 times in a row so i don't need to step into WvW for a long time. I'm really bad in this competive type of gamemode it's just not my thing.


So i will take my Reaper out for a walk.

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So you prolly have some pve equip (berzerk) so you can use it... runes can be scholar, pack, strenght ...

Sigils into weapons... force + bloodlust is ok to stack some power.

Build is full on high dps.... u will take down veterans, camps fast... (take camps by stack em on one place... like hide on corner, or some obstacle)

Once heavy roamer aproach.... u will prolly die... .but u can confuse them by using spectral walk... > they start chase you.... put on spectral.... than use it to teleport back to starting loc of spectral and try run away.. :)


[gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBhOD7kjGolGs4GwyGgeTskLYUbh1QzK+KuFHjQBgGwKA-jRSBwAo0BcT9nr7PKPWcQAMrEEvmhiKx28AAAcFAAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBhOD7kjGolGs4GwyGgeTskLYUbh1QzK+KuFHjQBgGwKA-jRSBwAo0BcT9nr7PKPWcQAMrEEvmhiKx28AAAcFAAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBhOD7kjGolGs4GwyGgeTskLYUbh1QzK+KuFHjQBgGwKA-jRSBwAo0BcT9nr7PKPWcQAMrEEvmhiKx28AAAcFAAA-e")

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Go like:


Spawn -> veteran creature -> camp 1 near your spawn -> spawn -> camp 2 near your spawn


That's the easiest way to farm. But it's damn annoying.


For killing other people in roaming i reccomend you playing warrior, thief, mesmer, ranger or guard

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Thanks for all you advices. Already got my first gob just by retaking camps wich are taken by others players. Overall it's not that painfull as i first thought. I'm avoiding other players but get a few times killed by mirages, man they are no fun to fight against. Yesterday i followed a public zerg on my homes, was much more fun than i remembered it. Didn't know that scourge is welcome for group fighting situation. Don't know how players can stay focused or read what is going on in this group against group situations. Red circles everywehre. Against this, metaevents like DS looks and feels like a cakewalk to me.

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