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Anet - Don't nerf Mirage, nerf Condi


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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Since everyone's complaining about condi mirage, please don't nerf mirage as a whole in order to nerf the over performing condi spam. You already nerfed power mirage a few patches back, and it is in a good spot.


Mirage is over performing in booth ways ofc condi more but booth got the same broken MC and EM!

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Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.


Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.


Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.

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> @"Hiki.9310" said:

> Nerfing conditions in general will also be a nerf to Renegade and all the other weak non-meta condition builds. I say nerf Mirage directly.


The best Renegade build in sPvP does not use conditions. But that says more about how Renegade is busted in the opposite way than anything else.

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Axe's condition application and torch's burning application should get trimmed. Dodge while stunned+Elusive Mind should be removed. After that Condi mirage will mostly be okay.


Like confusion can already be played around really easily.... provided they also didn't dump 16k worth of damage over four seconds on you at the same time. That's where Condi Mirage is really over performing.

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Just nerf Mirage, what's the big deal?


Apparently Mesmers can't ever be properly balanced by A-Net, so I'd rather see them slightly underperforming then constantly OP.


And while we are at it, A-Net should just ban Mirage from ranked until the fix is complete. Nobody likes PVP right now, except for Mesmers.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.


> Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.


> Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.


Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.


At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.

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> @"Catfish.4503" said:

> Just nerf Mirage, what's the big deal?


> Apparently Mesmers can't ever be properly balanced by A-Net, so I'd rather see them slightly underperforming then constantly OP.


> And while we are at it, A-Net should just ban Mirage from ranked until the fix is complete. Nobody likes PVP right now, except for Mesmers.


Because pet's with passive knockdown like Shadowscale are truly the height of good gameplay. Bravo.

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> @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.

> >

> > Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> > Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.

> >

> > Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.


> Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.


> At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.




The main gimmick of the spec is looking more like a clone and being harder to tell apart from them. That was the core idea behind the mirage cloak.

Being able to use skills during evades is a side-effect of that. One that has proven to be too much.


Ambushes and Deceptions are fine because they were made for the specialization, specifically to be used with mirage cloak, as well as anything that can be already used during evades, since it has been designed to be like that.


Anything else should not be usable during a mirage cloak, because then they have too much time of non-interruptable activations.



As for the phantasms, Chronophantasma was already nerfed. But their power is irrelevant to my point. There's too many of them.


No matter how you look at it there's too much visual spam. Well, you can't look at it at all, because all the phantasms all over the place covering everything. Regardless of how powerful or weak they are, they are too much clutter. Clutter has to go.

Power can be adjusted after clutter is gone.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.

> > >

> > > Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> > > Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.

> > >

> > > Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.

> >

> > Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.

> >

> > At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.


> No.


> The main gimmick of the spec is looking more like a clone and being harder to tell apart from them.



That's actually incorrect, or half incorrect.

Taken specifically from the Developer Showcase August 1 2017 And I quote

"Their deception skills baffle enemies and create fragile constructs that shatter when touched creating mirage cloaks to avoid enemy attacks instead of dodging them."

They basically made the entire spec around evasion, and deception. Taking action while dodging fits especially since clones also have the ability to gain mirage cloak.-

If the ability to do actions while dodging was removed, you would indeed need to do something else with the espec.

Personally, building an espec around gimmick evasion in this game especially since we JUST came from an episode of perma evade thieves and the cries about them screams poor judgement, and lack of communal knowledge.

But this isn't an esports game, PvP is the lowest denominator, and you will most likely never see mirage cloak gutted or removed, because of that fact.



> Anything else should not be usable during a mirage cloak, because then they have too much time of non-interruptable activations.


This is interesting because would that mean you cant break stun or use and instant skill while dodgeing, because I can thing of a couple of classes that can pop skills mid dodge ( specifically thief comes to mind)



> No matter how you look at it there's too much visual spam. Well, you can't look at it at all, because all the phantasms all over the place covering everything. Regardless of how powerful or weak they are, they are too much clutter. Clutter has to go.

Visual clutter is mostly an engine problem, as some people still have the images of shattered clones persist on the screen instead of dissappearing. If you cant tell the difference between a phantasm and clone you need to do something more than complain.. Clones can be killed in two AA's if you are power anything, OR one well placed AoE which EVERY class has access to.

If your arguement then becomes..But they make more clones.

YEs....That is the CLASS MECHANIC of mesmer, and AA doesn't have a CD





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The problem is that one of the main complaints about Mirage is really the class mechanic, and it strongly hooks into the other parts of the e-spec (the deceptions and ambushes), so any nerfs have the potential to take Mirage from OP to garbage. There also aren't a lot of parameters to change on base MC to slightly tune it up or down -- the duration of the effect is about it, and if they nerf anything, it would probably be that. They could possibly tweak some of the traits, like extending the Exhaustion on EM, or shattering clones that perform an ambush with IH.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.


> Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.


> Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.


Hmm you got it all wrong imo when it comes to production of clones.

Putting a cap just treats the symptom of too much clones being created. And anyway, how do you put a cap to phantasm without having it tied to the illusion count ? You will basically need to create a new UI that will also affect PvE in how you acquire the mesmer abilities at low level and this new UI will need to be integrated into the architecture of chronomancer. Feels like too much effort for little gain.


What you want is to reduce the the abilities that create too much clones.....and the biggest offender imo is the sword ambush skill. I mean, the skill already is a gap closer, an evade and a daze on target. It is already strong, no need to have clones on top of it.

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> @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.

> >

> > Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> > Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.

> >

> > Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.


> Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.


> At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.


No other spec have as powerful a gimmick as Mirage's, with scourges only coming in close because their shades are instant cast (although with a delay now) and daredevil having an extra dodge. Having access to basically a 1s invul on every dodge is too much. It's just as much a gimmick if mirages are only allowed to use certain skills during mirage cloak, and that's already an upgrade compared to a lot of other specs that only have normal dodges where they can't even do anything else.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.

> > >

> > > Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> > > Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.

> > >

> > > Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.

> >

> > Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.

> >

> > At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.


> No other spec have as powerful a gimmick as Mirage's, with scourges only coming in close because their shades are instant cast (although with a delay now) and daredevil having an extra dodge. Having access to basically a 1s invul on every dodge is too much. It's just as much a gimmick if mirages are only allowed to use certain skills during mirage cloak, and that's already an upgrade compared to a lot of other specs that only have normal dodges where they can't even do anything else.


Mirage was complete garbage during the demo weekend in large part because of the .75 dodge duration.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.

> > > >

> > > > Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> > > > Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.

> > >

> > > Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.

> > >

> > > At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.

> >

> > No other spec have as powerful a gimmick as Mirage's, with scourges only coming in close because their shades are instant cast (although with a delay now) and daredevil having an extra dodge. Having access to basically a 1s invul on every dodge is too much. It's just as much a gimmick if mirages are only allowed to use certain skills during mirage cloak, and that's already an upgrade compared to a lot of other specs that only have normal dodges where they can't even do anything else.


> Mirage was complete garbage during the demo weekend in large part because of the .75 dodge duration.


more like it was garbage because scourges and spellbreakers were super broken, but they also completely counter mirages with their high dps aoe condis and super low cd full counter that mesmers are naturally weak against

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > > Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> > > > > Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.

> > > > >

> > > > > Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.

> > > >

> > > > Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.

> > > >

> > > > At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.

> > >

> > > No other spec have as powerful a gimmick as Mirage's, with scourges only coming in close because their shades are instant cast (although with a delay now) and daredevil having an extra dodge. Having access to basically a 1s invul on every dodge is too much. It's just as much a gimmick if mirages are only allowed to use certain skills during mirage cloak, and that's already an upgrade compared to a lot of other specs that only have normal dodges where they can't even do anything else.

> >

> > Mirage was complete garbage during the demo weekend in large part because of the .75 dodge duration.


> more like it was garbage because scourges and spellbreakers were super broken, but they also completely counter mirages with their high dps aoe condis and super low cd full counter that mesmers are naturally weak against


Nope. That was not the case. The original tuning of Mirage was DOA in PvP and PvP because Mirage cloak and the ambushes were all straight up terrible. Mirage cloak needed the extra Invincibility frames to account for the loss of mobility from dodging as Mirage can only evade full speed in 3/8 seconds. It was garbage againts all the pre-PoF meta specs like Meditrapper and Condi-Chrono.


No one was happy with Mirage except open world casuals who don't care if their build is actually halfway decent. From PvE'ers to top tier PvPers everyone agreed Mirage sucked.



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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > > > Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> > > > > > Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.

> > > > >

> > > > > Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.

> > > > >

> > > > > At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.

> > > >

> > > > No other spec have as powerful a gimmick as Mirage's, with scourges only coming in close because their shades are instant cast (although with a delay now) and daredevil having an extra dodge. Having access to basically a 1s invul on every dodge is too much. It's just as much a gimmick if mirages are only allowed to use certain skills during mirage cloak, and that's already an upgrade compared to a lot of other specs that only have normal dodges where they can't even do anything else.

> > >

> > > Mirage was complete garbage during the demo weekend in large part because of the .75 dodge duration.

> >

> > more like it was garbage because scourges and spellbreakers were super broken, but they also completely counter mirages with their high dps aoe condis and super low cd full counter that mesmers are naturally weak against


> Nope. That was not the case. The original tuning of Mirage was DOA in PvP and PvP because Mirage cloak and the ambushes were all straight up terrible. Mirage cloak needed the extra Invincibility frames to account for the loss of mobility from dodging as Mirage can only evade full speed in 3/8 seconds. It was garbage againts all the pre-PoF meta specs like Meditrapper and Condi-Chrono.


> No one was happy with Mirage except open world casuals who don't care if their build is actually halfway decent. From PvE'ers to top tier PvPers everyone agreed Mirage sucked.


> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer


so you're telling me if we just take the current mirage and shave 0.25s off their mirage cloak, they will suddenly become super trash, even worse than current ele and rev, like they were before? I doubt it.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > > > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > > > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > > > > Mirage needs to stop being able to use so many things during a mirage cloak.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Ambush skills, Deceptions, and any of the skills that can already be used during a normal dodge roll are perfectly ok, those should remain usable during a mriage cloak.

> > > > > > > Anything else is not ok. The main mesmer tool to avoid being interrupted is Distortion, and it does a wonderful job at doing that. Mirage Cloak should not give them extra uninterruptible uptime.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Mesmer as a whole needs a cap for phantasms. Removing them from the illusion cap was good, clones and phantasm needed to be separate so people did not had to choose between shatter and maintaining phantasms. But the split should have come with phantasms getting their own separate cap. Not because of phantasm power, but because of visual clutter. They can spam too much stuff on screen. They need to be slowed down. Phantasm power can later be improved if it's too low after getting their own cap, but the spam and visual noise has to go.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Being able to do things while dodging is the whole gimmick of the spec, give us a new gimmick or do something to our main one (shatters) if you're going to take it away.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > At least you understand why the phantasm rework was done, but phantasms don't need their own separate cap because of one overperforming trait+skill combination on one elite spec.

> > > > >

> > > > > No other spec have as powerful a gimmick as Mirage's, with scourges only coming in close because their shades are instant cast (although with a delay now) and daredevil having an extra dodge. Having access to basically a 1s invul on every dodge is too much. It's just as much a gimmick if mirages are only allowed to use certain skills during mirage cloak, and that's already an upgrade compared to a lot of other specs that only have normal dodges where they can't even do anything else.

> > > >

> > > > Mirage was complete garbage during the demo weekend in large part because of the .75 dodge duration.

> > >

> > > more like it was garbage because scourges and spellbreakers were super broken, but they also completely counter mirages with their high dps aoe condis and super low cd full counter that mesmers are naturally weak against

> >

> > Nope. That was not the case. The original tuning of Mirage was DOA in PvP and PvP because Mirage cloak and the ambushes were all straight up terrible. Mirage cloak needed the extra Invincibility frames to account for the loss of mobility from dodging as Mirage can only evade full speed in 3/8 seconds. It was garbage againts all the pre-PoF meta specs like Meditrapper and Condi-Chrono.

> >

> > No one was happy with Mirage except open world casuals who don't care if their build is actually halfway decent. From PvE'ers to top tier PvPers everyone agreed Mirage sucked.

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer


> so you're telling me if we just take the current mirage and shave 0.25s off their mirage cloak, they will suddenly become super trash, even worse than current ele and rev, like they were before? I doubt it.


You were just running around saying pre-buff Mirage was god tier so I don't know how trustworthy your opinion is in the first place.

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I agree, Condi Mirage has to much.

More shatters that apply stacks, decent passive application and cover condis, strong stacks on interupts, more baseline survivability compared to it's power counterpart.


Power however, is fine.


DD can escape just as much, negate the pressure of being stunned on the fly (actually a lot of the meta can do that), and has more dodge, can ignore line of sight; but people complain about power mirage which has some of the most fair and counterable burst in game, decent cast times on one half the burst, and about 3-4 majorly exploitable weaknesses accessible in every meta.


Lol, I really don't get how power is a problem?

Do you even know what to dodge?

Do you know stealth timings and which one was used assuming they even take it?

Do you fall for illusion shuffles without abusing the terrain?

Do you even know how to manipulate the AI pathing?

Do you count dodges and defensive cooldowns blown?

Do you use Auto Targeting, are you even aware you should have it off?

Do you notice how many illusions are spent on the distortion? No? Do you know how many cooldowns you blew into the distortion?

Or is it just purple lights and you explode? <- Because if it's this, then you don't deserve a say on balance.


3/4 cast time + delay after cast animation before attack (so ultimately upwards of 1sec unless well positioned) + kite-able, requires line of sight, for a 0.92 coefficient assuming all hits land.

God forbid one could cover that with a dodge.

God forbid you don't just die from your one strait damaging weapon skill screwing you over, because you can react when instantly when stunned between the summon and time it takes for it to actually damage or cover you.


Sorry it's not core power shatter mesmer anymore I guess?

Sorry Power isn't useless like on chrono.

Sorry you get stunned and instant burst from stealth or out of view, but it's not like mesmer is alone in that. I could do the same with Thief, Engie, Ranger... and even Guard.

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