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GW2 Support removed my glider skin but didn't refund the gems.

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I requested a refund (ticket 6950010) of the bloodstone glider because a friend told me all the gliders were dyable. This one wasn't. I later learned the hero panel shows in a tooltip which ones are dyeable, but the store doesn't. Regardless, I waited 12 days for a response before bumping the ticket to see what was going on. I also noticed the ticket had been updated shortly after I submitted it with no response. Cynically I wanted to think that meant it had been ignored, but I chose to remain positive. Well, within an 15m of updating my ticket my bloodstone glider was removed and no gems were returned to me.



Here is an image of the bloodstone glider removed. You can see it in my purchase history, but now it's purchasable again (button can be clicked). I had 560 gems before that, and I have 560 gems now. It's been over 12 hours. I realize mistakes happen, and I'd like to believe this was just a mistake, but forgetting to both refund the gems AND respond to the ticket seems incredibly unlikely, or at least incredibly amateur. I hope someone from GW2 support sees and resolves this quickly.


Edit: It also happened while I was playing the game which was bizarre. I expected to be contacted by a GM or something (if that is even a thing in this game, I've never had to contact support before) before actions are taken on my account.

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And now it's back. It feels like someone is having a laugh at my expense. Whatever. I'm going to stop worrying about this. I don't want to get into a fight with someone who can wreck my account. Getting a refund was a long shot in the first place and I knew that.

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You can update your ticket, to inquire about the issue, but it may just be a case of a new CS Team member making a mistake. If the purchase of the Glider was recent, you may be able to get a refund. It's also possible that certain Wardrobe Unlocks being reversed are not possible.

There's quite a backlog for tickets, so your ticket may not have made it to the correct CS Team just yet.


Good luck.

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> @"Drexl.7049" said:

> And now it's back. It feels like someone is having a laugh at my expense.


Vastly more likely there was some sort of mistake that got fixed, not least because that'd be a "marched out of the building" sort of offense. ANet operate on trust, basically, and if they mess around with accounts -- especially real money stuff on them -- it'd be ... well, like Facebook giving all your personal details to shady companies, except without the huge money and user base. This story would not end well...

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Drexl.7049" said:

> > And now it's back. It feels like someone is having a laugh at my expense.


> Vastly more likely there was some sort of mistake that got fixed, not least because that'd be a "marched out of the building" sort of offense. ANet operate on trust, basically, and if they mess around with accounts -- especially real money stuff on them -- it'd be ... well, like Facebook giving all your personal details to shady companies, except without the huge money and user base. This story would not end well...


Things don't always go down like you are proposing here. Not every bad act is punished and corporations are becoming less and less accountable regardless of what it seems like in the media.


Facebook did do what you suggest above... ANet is not some saint and while they may not be selling your info (may not be) don't just give them trust. Profit has a way of making people do some messed up stuff. I don't think they are doing anything here and the only thing they are really guilty of is to much arrogance in development of this game not some shady business practices like this.


I agree he is probably paranoid and a change or glitch caused this.

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