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Will we ever see a Guild Wars 3?

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Instead of a new game, Anet should just build a separate MOBA and/or a Battle Royal based on GW2. Call it Guild Wars: Legend of the Mists. Make them free and sell conversion tokens so you can get your GW2 skins in those games as well as unique skins and characters for that. This could alleviate the problems with PvP and WvW balancing as competitive gameplay would shift to that game. Personally, I'd love to be dropped from an airship, glide down into a massive map and find fantasy weapons, armor, and spells to do battle with my foes. Hopefully, they don't introduce this a new game mode for GW2 as the balancing team is already having enough trouble.


Hell, this should be it's own topic right?

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> @"Akrasia.5469" said:

> Instead of a new game, Anet should just build a separate MOBA and/or a Battle Royal based on GW2. Call it Guild Wars: Legend of the Mists. Make them free and sell conversion tokens so you can get your GW2 skins in those games as well as unique skins and characters for that.


Sure. Introduce another free game with a competitive game mode that will lure in even more cheaters than those already plaguing competitive game modes in general. Fun times!


> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> gw2 is a very casual mmo for players who dont really have time or dont want real progression to happen so they can always have a sense of fulfillment.

> It tailors to too many easy going players that dont want challenge


Uhm... no? I am still hoping that GW2 will live up to its full potential soon and finally become like a technically improved version of GW1 story-, quality- and contentwise. I certainly don't play it for its "casualness."

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As long as Arenanet has a well documented engine and a solid server, they can build on that. There have been some spaghetti code comments, so maybe some parts of the code base are going to be refactored eventually? For the next two years, I assume GW2 will continue as normal. The most daring move I see them make in that time is them releasing a Linux client (likely Debian based).

> @"wrathmagik.3518" said:

> Spinoff's like a moba like HOTS would be a great direction to go if any for Anet. Branch out from the same franchise and capitalise on that.

Rytlock's Critter Rampage, the Super Adventure Box, there are some signs that the GW franchise lends itself very well to creative pursuits aside from the main product. GW2 novels, a GW themed board game (Polymock!), there's a lot of potential.

Maybe the next thing will be a GW adventure game? (It's not too complex programming work to make a point and click adventure.)

Aside from that, I've always had a soft spot for the short stories. Maybe some stories could illustrate the perspective of your everyday tyrian citizen on recent events?

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I doubt it will be anytime soon. The game still makes good money from the quarterly reports. Pretty much the only really successful NCsoft related IP in the western market. As long as sth makes sustainable revenue no real reason to make a sequel unless that would be an entirely different thing that goes for a different audience. Even with gw1 they started gw2 only when it was obvious that gw1 went through all its motions and there was nothing more to do with it but set up the next game.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> Even with gw1 they started gw2 only when it was obvious that gw1 went through all its motions and there was nothing more to do with it but set up the next game.


Not quite the correct summary. They only went to develop GW2 because of the technical limitations of GW1, not because "it went through its motions and there was nothing more to do with it." The stories told and the writing in general was so much better than anything we have been getting in GW2. There were tons of more story and lore potential, but there was no way to let characters jump, dodge, swim, fly, no MMO-style open world, and of course no Trading Post and no fully extended Gem Store (i.e., no RNG and extra skins to make money with), etc.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

>The stories told and the writing in general was so much better than anything we have been getting in GW2. The stories told and the writing in general was so much better than anything we have been getting in GW2. There were tons of more story and lore potential...


I cannot agree to that. The story on gw1 was a very mixed bag and really bad in its presentation at times. Great lore and concepts always but the actual story delivery was all over the place. Especially at the start. Pretty much at the same level as gw2 vanilla game. It improved greatly with every expansion and was pretty decent at nightfall (i do not count EoTN as this was basically set up for gw2 story). But the absolutely cheesy, non nonsensical story moments in gw1 make the bad moments in gw2 look like masterpieces. I am still laughing with Breachnar's death and the original games VA for example. PoF and LS4 is probably the highlight of the franchise in terms of storytelling.


Also what was the more story and lore potential gw1 had? Pretty much all stories in all three expansions were pretty conclusive. What was there more to expand to instead of moving to a new arc as they did with EoTN? The only real loose end was the krytan storyline they did add at the end.


EDIT plus when i say gw1 went through all its motions i also include the technical potential of the game that was pretty much spent as you say.

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Let's think about GW3 coming out in 5 years or so. First it comes out with the latest graphic engine direct x 12 or higher, what everyone who wants GW3 thinks it should have. So it is now time to start GW3 you go into the game and find everything you wanted, but one problem most of the stuff you wanted 5 or so years ago are well obsolete or old. So what would you want Anet to do make GW4? It takes time to create an MMO we should applaud Anet for GW and GW2 at least they look out for their fans. Thing is this game is ONLY 6 years old and is a game that will constantly change over time look how much it has happened so far.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > The stories told and the writing in general was so much better than anything we have been getting in GW2. There were tons of more story and lore potential...

> I cannot agree to that. The story on gw1 was a very mixed bag and really bad in its presentation at times. [...]


It is okay to disagree, but I hope we can at least agree on one thing: the writing was much more mature. The dialogue was obviously aiming at adults, while GW2's dialogue is aiming at kids a lot of the time. It has little class compared to what I remember from GW1 (but has significantly increased in quality with LWS4, with a few exceptions). Most of our companions sound and behave like 13-year old teens a lot of the time, don't they? Even the supposedly adult ones (like Rytlock). Annoys the hell out of me.

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At some point you can only add content to please veterans, and they finish new content over a week, on the other side, the more content the more overwhelming for new players too.


You can only go so far adding new interesting specialisations without imbalancing classes further or making them all the same and irrelevant.

Mounts were a genius addition but how many features of that impact can you find to add and keep players interested extensions after extensions?


Eventually Anet and the players will need a fresh start. Maybe even newer players catching that bus will go back to GW1 and 2 for the lore as we go back to 1 for the hall of monuent and such.


Personally, I wouldn't mind another time line setup and dig there for "history" or relive it. Not asking for it tomorrow, but i'd rather a GW3 with fresh setup and mechanics than GW2 overdoing it in the (very) long run.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > The stories told and the writing in general was so much better than anything we have been getting in GW2. There were tons of more story and lore potential...

> > I cannot agree to that. The story on gw1 was a very mixed bag and really bad in its presentation at times. [...]


> It is okay to disagree, but I hope we can at least agree on one thing: the writing was much more mature. The dialogue was obviously aiming at adults, while GW2's dialogue is aiming at kids a lot of the time. It has little class compared to what I remember from GW1 (but has significantly increased in quality with LWS4, with a few exceptions). Most of our companions sound and behave like 13-year old teens a lot of the time, don't they? Even the supposedly adult ones (like Rytlock). Annoys the hell out of me.


I am afraid i have to disagree as well. I would not call the dialog and the writing more mature in gw1. It was humorless and the story took itself much more seriously for sure but i would not call it more mature necessarily. And was often a bit too melodramatic. And besides factions that the melodrama fitted perfectly because of the setting and the villain it made the rest of the stories flavorless with a big improvement with nightfall and later. The more interesting villain even then was Joko exactly because it had similar character to the current writing:



Maybe some of the jokes fall flat in the current story but beside the actual young characters (like taimi and Braham) i never had the idea that characters behave like teens. And for MMO standards the current story has some pretty mature themes and arcs.

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> @"Mike JezZ.4261" said:

> I know that the subject gets up sometimes during this forum, but it's still an important subject.


> I just started on Guild Wars 2 myself, and while I can see myself dip alot of hours into the game, since the state of the game is alot more fun compared to release, I still have the fear that we some day get Guild Wars 3 announced.


> Why? Well, for starter because the game is already named "2", and theres another game in the franchise. I know that the first game didnt do what the devs wanted, and thats why they made a new game, or at least thats what I've read, but I would just hate to dip lots of hours into the game, just to start from a fresh if they ever think of making a third game in the series.


> It could without a doubt help, if they made it possible to carry all gear looks, outfits, mounts and companions to the new game, but making a sequel to a MMORPG is never a good idea, since it will mean that all the years of player progression will be lost. World of Warcraft would for example never have been that popular if people should start from scratch in each expansion.


> What do you guys think? Will we ever see a GW2, or only expansions from now on?


If Guild Wars 2 isn't the game you think it should be, why exactly do you think splitting their resources into yet another iteration will produce the game you specifically think it should be?

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> @"Nokkau.3120" said:

> At some point you can only add content to please veterans, and they finish new content over a week, on the other side, the more content the more overwhelming for new players too.


> You can only go so far adding new interesting specialisations without imbalancing classes further or making them all the same and irrelevant.

> Mounts were a genius addition but how many features of that impact can you find to add and keep players interested extensions after extensions?


> Eventually Anet and the players will need a fresh start. Maybe even newer players catching that bus will go back to GW1 and 2 for the lore as we go back to 1 for the hall of monuent and such.


> Personally, I wouldn't mind another time line setup and dig there for "history" or relive it. Not asking for it tomorrow, but i'd rather a GW3 with fresh setup and mechanics than GW2 overdoing it in the (very) long run.


This right here. Guild Wars will need a fresh start with a new game, or a fresh restart, changing a lot of things, the first thing being its skill system. We all have seen it, do not keep your eyes closed from the reality...game marketed itself as a game without the Holy Trinity, fast forward first expansion, and they have realized that their skill system was a mistake. They had to include trinity into the game, and now we have it. Condition system was changed many times, the boon system also. We are now waiting for even more changes. I am very afraid for next elite specs, they could really complicate even more things. I believe that Anet has a lot of problems with its skill system. This is not about the combat, this is not about changing the game into a stationary tab target game, this is about the skill system. The difference is huge and I am not sure many of you understand it.


Trait system was changed many times, it still needs to be changed. Too many passive procs and hidden stats in traits. Too many skills and weapons that are just underpowered and old, or they just do not have anything good in them (ex. warrior off-hand sword). A constant battle between power and condition builds, condition stacks and duration and condition removal and resistance. To combat unbalance this game has, we are just getting new boons or conditions, without really much thought on how it will make the game even harder to balance. This game needs a big change in its skill system design. It influences PvP and PvE a bit too much. I said it many times, since the first day this game was released. And many broken things which I mentioned on forums and expressed problems with them were at the end changed, deleted or ignored completely (stopped getting any more development, ex. dungeons). This also will, and it will be a huge/massive change because this what we have now is not good in the long run. It will be a complete restart, or they will just put this game into maintenance mode and focus on a new start. When will it be? I don't know. This game has max. 3 years before it gets in massive problems which will hugely influence its profitability, both living story with its constant new map additions with lore that is just milked at this point, and skill system that is a huge mess are 2 main things that need a lot of attention.

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As time approaches Infinity, the relative odds of the people who make up ArenaNet working on a project that is not Guild Wars 2 rises from infinitesimal to certain. This is mathematical fact, but not a useful observation. Everything is going to die eventually, and will be replaced eventually. Neither of those situations creates an immediate need. We cannot conclude that "because the game will die eventually, we must replace it now".

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