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Request: Make the game more challenging

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Regarding self-down scale as a mechanic to create harder content:


> The first thing that strikes this out, is that you can already do this by yourself, jsut removing some gear, or replacing gear with lower quality gear (blue/green etc). So there isn't much reason to do this.


> The second thing is how open world works, you could still zerg around and ride the other players/zerg's efforts. There are people that start new character, and goes into HOT at level 2, and level up only inside HOT, doing just this.


> (On the other hand, if they set every single map to -10 levels on the level scaling it might actually become hard, but would also encourage the average player to only stack zergs for everything)


To all the "I want a challenge" folks: downgrade your gear and leave the core game alone for the rest of us who like it the way it is!


I'm not seeing any particular reason for people who want more challenging content to ruin _my_ game or spoil _my_ fun in the Core maps. I'm 100% in favor of solutions that allow each of us to choose and customize the experience we want.


All I see is, "I want challenge so you have to have challenge too!" And then you'll have another Wildstar situation on your hands. I don't think anyone wants that.

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Some world bosses (eg Jormag) could use a rework, as the encounters are tedious. But increase the overall difficulty, when Gw2 is THE casual friendly game? That would be a no, from me. People who want challenging or more punishing content could either do raids /CMs/wvw roaming in Green gear, or try other games that fit that description. The playerbase has already been divided more, after Anet made pve legendary armor be locked behind raids...

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I dont think this community understands how bad this game could be. ESO is a perfect example of everything horrible this game could have.


Their cash shop is the focus over big fixes and balance.


Their open world content is so so much easier than GW2, while endgame group content is just as hard, if not more difficult, creating an even bigger gap in difficulty than what GW2 has.


The community is one of the most toxic I've ever dealt with.


The combat is twitchy, and based around an animation cancelling bug they can't get rid of, so they just go with it.


Build diversity doesn't even exist because of how their skill system is set up; all classes using the same weapon use 90% the same skills from the weapon skill line, not the class ability skill line.


The lag in the PvP zone that only gets worse with every DLC they release, with no fix in sight, because of their focus on the cash shop.


I compare GW2 and ESO because they are very similar at their core. They both have reactionary action combat. They both have large open maps with great story telling. Finally, both have a strong emphasis on customizing through appearance.


For all the complaints I see on these forums, ESO does it so much worse. If you want to see problems with a game, try jumping on there during a free weekend, whenever that may be next. GW2 may not explain the game well, but it is still leaps and bounds ahead of ESO.

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The game has been dumbed down way too much compared with the original release. Take the first heart farm in Queensdale where you had to water the plants. At launch, you had to pick up a bucket and press a skill and "aim" at the plant. All you have to do now is press f... I mean there is being player friendly and then there is this.

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> @"Stoneheart.6547" said:

> Hi. This is something I've been wanting for a long time:

> I'd love it if GW2 were a little bit more difficult. I mean, make all PvE monsters a bit more difficult and increase their respective exp to reflect that change



There is a rather large and vocal part of this community that fully believes there should be no challenge in this game, and the developers balance the game around these customers.

If you look at the last Living World (S4Ep2) release we got one boss encounter with special mechanics and a slightly interesting fight.

That fight actually has no fail condition. When you get killed you are automatically rezzed. There is no way to lose it.

That fight (and several others like it) generated many threads about how "hard" and "unfair" it was.

No fail condition and it's still *too hard* for people and generated a ton of salt.


Wooden Potatoes recently showed the personal story can currently be beaten without using any skills.

That is what GW2 has become. By design.

If you want challenge either play raids/fractals or a competitive game mode. Every time Arenanet adds a real challenge to this game outside (and even within) these areas, a large group of gatekeepers lose.their minds. They don't rise to the challenge, they hop on the forums and cry "this isn'how GW2 is supposed to be" and then Arenanet tunes these encounters downwards to make these people happy.


I agree, I would rather get beat and be forced to adapt. I would love if I could go back to story instances for a fun and rewarding fight. But the current player base actively fights against these things as if it's better for the long term viability of the game.


TLDR: No challenge for you. The community actively argues against it every time.

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