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Trying to get old account back

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Hey, so I've made a ticket about this but I'm just wondering if there's any other way to reset my password? Most games/websites use the classic send you a link to your email to reset thing, but for whatever reason I have to enter my CD key (which took me ages to find buried deep in 1000 emails) and a character name. Thing is I played literally years ago, so I don't have a clue what any of my characters are called. I honestly feel like this is a pretty dumb system, I'm wondering if tickets taking a few weeks to get responses is due to this, I imagine a ton of players are in the same position as me.


So yeah, anyone know how to reset my password without having to wait 2 weeks just because I can't remember a characters name?


Thanks <3

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Support tickets have been taking a significantly longer time to answer lately... which may or may not be related to a particular MMORPG which recently entered early access to rather negative reviews -- and a subsequent endorsement from a particular YouTuber who highly recommended Guild Wars 2 as an alternative. Whatever the case, we've had a rather significant uptick in new and returning players in the past month, along with an equal uptick of "OMGWTFBBQ I can't access my account!" tickets, which took the support krewe a bit by surprise. (Because... yeah, we totally weren't expecting so many people from "THAT" MMO to suddenly decide to come here, but... oh wow, here's a boatload of people on our doorstep! Hey there! Please be patient while we scramble to lay out the welcome mat for you!)


As Linken said, you'd probably be even more upset if they erred on the other side, and you came back to find that they freely handed out your account to some "random dude" who only had your account name and (hacked) password. Yes, it's frustrating -- but hang in there. It's ultimately for your benefit.

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