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Any holosmith WvW build ideas?


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Hello all! im bout to reach 80, already got my exotic gear ready... but as a new player, i have no idea how to build for my own likings.. (yet) so was wondering if anyone could share me their build for WvW? both for solo/small scale roaming and for large raids ( the ones where you can join squad of a commander and would have big battles over objectives,castles,etc)


Do note that i will be using marauder armors ( exotic ) Dont know yet if what weapon ill be running and accessories since those rely on what type of build im going to play.


The only one i've found is https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Holorifle


but im not sure if this is up to date.. last comments was november of last year...


any suggestions are appreciated, ty!

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I would experiment with various builds and see what you like, personally i would not carry rocket boots that much, they are garbage in fights and it's like having one less slot available for an extra stunbreak or another better utility. A standard marauder zerk mix of gear works the best for any build, you can add some toughness trinkets based on preference if you feel yourself too squishy.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> personally i would not carry rocket boots that much, they are garbage in fights and it's like having one less slot available for an extra stunbreak or another better utility.


Eh. they're a blast finisher, and are great if people are trying to zerg you. Pop regenerating mist and rocket boots, and only mesmers burning their utilities can keep up.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > personally i would not carry rocket boots that much, they are garbage in fights and it's like having one less slot available for an extra stunbreak or another better utility.


> Eh. they're a blast finisher, and are great if people are trying to zerg you. Pop regenerating mist and rocket boots, and only mesmers burning their utilities can keep up.


I know when you first try it you will feel awesome leaping to 1200 range treated, but it has no evade frame and against good opponents it will get interrupted 9 times out of 10, and having kinetic battery on tools feels way better than wasting a trait for rocket boots only, because using it at reduced range is not an option.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > personally i would not carry rocket boots that much, they are garbage in fights and it's like having one less slot available for an extra stunbreak or another better utility.

> >

> > Eh. they're a blast finisher, and are great if people are trying to zerg you. Pop regenerating mist and rocket boots, and only mesmers burning their utilities can keep up.


> I know when you first try it you will feel awesome leaping to 1200 range treated, but it has no evade frame and against good opponents it will get interrupted 9 times out of 10, and having kinetic battery on tools feels way better than wasting a trait for rocket boots only, because using it at reduced range is not an option.


Does ANY engineer "getaway" skill have an evade frame? That's just a reality of the class. The superspeed from kinetic battery only makes a difference if you're already in combat, and gadgeteer provides it anyway.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > personally i would not carry rocket boots that much, they are garbage in fights and it's like having one less slot available for an extra stunbreak or another better utility.

> > >

> > > Eh. they're a blast finisher, and are great if people are trying to zerg you. Pop regenerating mist and rocket boots, and only mesmers burning their utilities can keep up.

> >

> > I know when you first try it you will feel awesome leaping to 1200 range treated, but it has no evade frame and against good opponents it will get interrupted 9 times out of 10, and having kinetic battery on tools feels way better than wasting a trait for rocket boots only, because using it at reduced range is not an option.


> Does ANY engineer "getaway" skill have an evade frame? That's just a reality of the class. The superspeed from kinetic battery only makes a difference if you're already in combat, and gadgeteer provides it anyway.


Not only superspeed but quickness too, and it gets activated so frequently by just switching in and out of photon forge, some traits procs it too.


If you roam and find yourself in a 1vs1 and have rocket boots you are in a great disadvantage against any profession, holo leap is fine already to kite.


If you are someone who avoid fights and escape zergs or escapes from nasty 2+vs1 ganks then rocket boots it's the way to go.


But if you plan on solo or team fights you should get rid of boots for better utilities, holo shield block, spectrum shield, hard light arena are all far superior choices, if take boots you will miss one of those.


If you wanna have mobility to flip camps and escape every fight go boots, in all the other cases don't.


Boots against good thieves makes you lose like crazy, a stunbreak instead makes you in the game.

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Rocket boots(RB) have their own spot, even without trait (i normally use KB). When Im roaming solo, I normally take them to outrun gank squads (RB+ Toss Elixir S) ....or even fighting (allow you to control the flow of the battle against melee clases, because U can decide when to go melee or kite if they proc endure pain for example). I dont really need that slot to fight single thiefs.


When Im roaming duo or group RB is a waste of slot because the area preasure could be stronger and kite in TeamFights is not that useful as a stronger defensive utilities like Holo ones.


So, for me RB have place on certain situation... is not a must but still ate an useful tool.

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Engineers don't feel very good in zergs. Unless you're a scrapper - engineer only brings power damage to a Zerg squad and scourges do better damage pressure.


For small team fights I could see engineer being useful. They bring lots of damage and cc as well as pressure and mobility


I think engineer really shines in solo roaming. As long as you got some damage stats and quick reflexes you should be able to win all your rights.


I use a DPS burst build for solo roaming and it comes down to who can down the other first asap. Sustain and toughness feel so useless in roaming


As for zergs. Scrapper and commander armor feels really good. I like either using gyros or toss elixirs. You can also go a protection condi cleanse builds or a medic healer build


I feel scrapper is the only viable Zerg spec while holosmith and traditional core engie are most roamers and small group play.


But that's my experience. I am sure others have better knowledge and advice then I do.

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Hey OP,

This is my build for my holo. It's mostly for solo and small group roaming, as well as staying on the outskirts of a zerg and helping with some Cc. I'm fairly new to holo but I've seen some success with this. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdQQJAsenUUB9dhlXB2XBcJjFDDLMAMO6L93we4QU8c8B2AA-j1CBQBeR5CFPBAKU9n8ohQf6BK3DAAAHIgAcAB43+DYRJ1ZUCSKgqEa


Some food for thought:

-For me, as a beginner, rocket boots have been a saving grace (even non traited) in helping me get in and get out quickly. It's use to outrun people, combined with your stealth, have saved me quite a bit. Also, a great gap closer.

-Using HGH not only for the cooldowns on slotted skills but the passives from the trait line. I enjoy using Elixir U for a stun break but just wish the tool belt skill was more constant instead of RNG. Elixir S is great for ressing and stomping.

-Sword and Board works really well when traited for the condi cleanse. Shield 5 has helped me quite a bit against overly aggressive melee types.

-Two water fields with easy leap and blast finishers help with the sustain. Sigil of Cleansings plus traited Prismatic Converter helps quite a bit against condi heavy professions.

-I use Holo trait Enhanced Storage Capacity unit as it allows me to not have to focus on not overheating as much but also the added bonus for going over 100% heat. Most importantly (for me) being the added Quickness on Sword 3.


I'm a noob so I am sure there are better builds out there, i.e. full zerk trinkets over cavalier/zerk mix, but right now this is what I'm comfortable with. After playing nothing but the zerg heavy professions in WvW (SB, FB, Herald), playing a spastic medium profession has been refreshing. I especially like the Forge 5 skill as it feels like when Thor, in the last fight scene of Avenger's Infinity War, jumps in the heap of alien monsters and wrecks. Well, until you see:









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> @"Anthony.3207" said:

> Engineers don't feel very good in zergs. Unless you're a scrapper - engineer only brings power damage to a Zerg squad and scourges do better damage pressure.


Well, if I run a zerg-oriented build and the zerg goes into close combat, I often have top-dps/total damage over scourges and revs. A neatly placed Laserbeam can compete with a neatly placed meteor shower, but ticks faster damage + CC. Going all offensive is required, though:



At the moment against all those scourges, I prefer heal-scrapper, though. You get a "passive" group-heal of 3k/s and against acs I even got it once to 17k/s. In addition, insane amounts of group-condition-clears against scourge-bombs (up to 7 conditions/s) and ranged CC using hammer and mortar-kit. You have water, ice, poison, light and lightning fields and blast, whirl, projectile and jump finisher all on short CD. And since conditions are converted and grant regeneration, the whole zergs gets things like alacrity and protection for free.



I heard that EZ is investigating in a scrapper build similar to that one (but with final salve for group-superspeed and to trigger rapid regeneration more).

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[gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFAUnUIC9dh9ZB2XB0ehl0CrfOWH/jj3h0wu5bDFACRA-jlRBAB4pDAgLAgEPAgr2fU+Rp6PmpEEA-w](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFAUnUIC9dh9ZB2XB0ehl0CrfOWH/jj3h0wu5bDFACRA-jlRBAB4pDAgLAgEPAgr2fU+Rp6PmpEEA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFAUnUIC9dh9ZB2XB0ehl0CrfOWH/jj3h0wu5bDFACRA-jlRBAB4pDAgLAgEPAgr2fU+Rp6PmpEEA-w")


Here is a silly kamikaze bomber idea I was thinking about. AED, Toss Elixir S (for invis) rocket boot into the middle of a zerg. Drop big ol bomb, switch to bombkit. Magnetic pull from traits, bomb away. Use Elixir S to finish someone off, smoke bomb to rocket boot away invisible or go holo and wipe out everyone you can before being murdered. AED should go off at least once to cleanse condition and give you time to wreak a bit of havoc in the back lines.


Could also swap out elite for Prime Light Beam. I am not sure if could get a shot off before dying.

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> > @"Anthony.3207" said:

> > Engineers don't feel very good in zergs. Unless you're a scrapper - engineer only brings power damage to a Zerg squad and scourges do better damage pressure.


> Well, if I run a zerg-oriented build and the zerg goes into close combat, I often have top-dps/total damage over scourges and revs. A neatly placed Laserbeam can compete with a neatly placed meteor shower, but ticks faster damage + CC. Going all offensive is required, though:

> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAsenEIDVIjlIDGYBcJjlBD7LAseaP99wiYSEs+kfCKA-j1BEQBMR53WUCCgHAg/U/Be7P4yTAQb0DQKgiUGB-w


> At the moment against all those scourges, I prefer heal-scrapper, though. You get a "passive" group-heal of 3k/s and against acs I even got it once to 17k/s. In addition, insane amounts of group-condition-clears against scourge-bombs (up to 7 conditions/s) and ranged CC using hammer and mortar-kit. You have water, ice, poison, light and lightning fields and blast, whirl, projectile and jump finisher all on short CD. And since conditions are converted and grant regeneration, the whole zergs gets things like alacrity and protection for free.

> http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASnsTBtbhdpCGpC0ehlIkSscOn0heQzz/MMACnxB-jFSDQBFSJYU2fILK/ukaMCU1BAcBA0jOA59AAIFgfD2A-w


> I heard that EZ is investigating in a scrapper build similar to that one (but with final salve for group-superspeed and to trigger rapid regeneration more).


i did one scrapper based on flametrower and doing very well. is basically a "loot stick" build, since im lazy and dont like play the new firebrand meta.., so i managed to make a 'lazy build" with engineer to work on zergs. frontline, good survival, and multiple targets hits and basically just stay alive and hit auto atack.


The gear is same as the **holorifle **meta(zerk trinkets+marauder), the elixir traitline is same, but use firearms+scrapper. firearms to get perma stability with flametrower. on rifle use sigil of fire to get more aoe.


the utilities is almost all defensives gyros. on zerg pushes spam then.

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