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Where does our sustain come from for SB?


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New player here and wanted to take up SB. Been doing sPVP a bit but I'm trying to understand how a lot of these warriors I see can stay in the fight longer than me and get a lot of hp back while fighting. Can anyone give me a quick rundown how they get so much hp back and what I'm missing to get the same results? Thank you, fellow warriors, in advance!

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Look for "Adrenal Health" and you pretty much have the answer. With the additional "Burst" ability that Fullcounter is and the reset for our F1 through that you basically always have 3 stacks of it up., which is like 500 health a second + Healing Signet with another 365

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> @"Babacua.3125" said:

> New player here and wanted to take up SB. Been doing sPVP a bit but I'm trying to understand how a lot of these warriors I see can stay in the fight longer than me and get a lot of hp back while fighting. Can anyone give me a quick rundown how they get so much hp back and what I'm missing to get the same results? Thank you, fellow warriors, in advance!


In my opinion, core warrior has more sustain than Spellbreaker. Spellbreakers use Defense for the Adrenal Health trait, Discipline for the weapon swap cooldown reduction, but they're ditching the Strength specialization which has Forceful Greatsword and Might Makes Right. This is the trait that makes core warrior just as viable as Spellbreaker. It all comes down to personal preference in terms of build crafting.


I prefer core warrior than Spellbreaker because Spellbreaker uses CC for sustain which works in team fights, but in a 1v1 against good players won't work because they can just not attack you for a second. Forceful Greatsword from Strength reduces the cooldown on greatsword skills and critical hits with greatsword give you might, blocking attacks with the Shield Master trait from Defense gives you might, weapon swapping from Discipline gives you might, all of this results in giving you health and endurance thanks to the Might Makes Right trait.

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SB has better defense into burst-heavy builds because Full Counter absorbs the damage from major nukes and is on quite a low cooldown.


Core warrior sustains better with MMR by playing on the offensive with GS since it can opt for the Strength line. MMR can also proc on multiple foes at once with GS's innate cleave from the might from Forceful Greatsword. Defense, Discipline, and stances are run on both builds.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Look for "Adrenal Health" and you pretty much have the answer. With the additional "Burst" ability that Fullcounter is and the reset for our F1 through that you basically always have 3 stacks of it up., which is like 500 health a second + Healing Signet with another 365


always having 3 stacks of it means you are playing against absolutely bad players, that never dodge a single one of your bursts, which is pretty easy tbh

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Look for "Adrenal Health" and you pretty much have the answer. With the additional "Burst" ability that Fullcounter is and the reset for our F1 through that you basically always have 3 stacks of it up., which is like 500 health a second + Healing Signet with another 365


> always having 3 stacks of it means you are playing against absolutely bad players, that never dodge a single one of your bursts, which is pretty easy tbh


I was more talking about the frequency of burst skills alowing you to have the stacks, but you raise a good point.

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> @"Babacua.3125" said:

> New player here and wanted to take up SB. Been doing sPVP a bit but I'm trying to understand how a lot of these warriors I see can stay in the fight longer than me and get a lot of hp back while fighting. Can anyone give me a quick rundown how they get so much hp back and what I'm missing to get the same results? Thank you, fellow warriors, in advance!


Hi there,


Without making this post too long, as so many aspects may come into why you are finding this difference in survivability, here are a few points.


The main points of survivability for any class is understanding dodging, kiting, los'ing and when is best to disengage from a fight entirely. These things alone are the most important and vastly improve a players survivability. Working on these first will be far more beneficial. Then you have the class mechanics itself to consider.


For a spellbreaker running defence, andrenal health is your main source of hp regeneration, which requires you to land a burst. If you are playing vs a mesmer or a ranger, and need andrenal health stacks, you can use their clones or pets to almost guarentee a proc. Full Counter should be used intelligently, so when a player is mid animation to hit you so you know it will proc it.


For a spellbreaker running strength instead of defense, Might Makes Right (MMR) is your main source of survivability. Not only do you gain hp per might stack, but you also gain a bit of endurance too, this enables you to dodge more attacks, which means more damage mitigation. MMR also has great synergy with forceful greatsword.


Good luck



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