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ROLLER BEETLES incoming! Are you ready?

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I also *strongly* doubt that it will be like the griffon in cost.

Either like the Raptor - aquired at no cost during story; or like Springer and Skimmer - necessary for story and acquired at low cost (1 and 5 gold respectively, iirc); or possibly like the Jackal - *not* required for story and acquired at a for the average player noticeable-but-not-high cost (20g).

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > I am hoping that there is an update tomorrow, I must have missed where its stated that we will get one. I don't remember the trailer saying its the 6/26, but did I miss something?


> “Living World Season 4 rolls onward **on 26 June**! Watch the trailer for Episode 3, “Long Live the Lich.”

> https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/watch-the-trailer-for-episode-3-of-living-world-season-4/


> And it says this date at the end of the trailer. You may join the hype train.


WOOT WOOT!!!!!! Is it Tuesday yet?

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> @"steinnovels.9675" said:

> Look at almost any biker gang or popular depiction there of, now turn them into Charr. Now try that with Sylvari, doesn't quite work, not enough Canachs in the lot. Now Norn..... by the bear, they are all bikers. The tattoos, the leather everything, and the beards, by the six the beards.


"Not enough Canachs" lol'd really hard at that =)

Alright, screw my human, I need to run a norn. Time for awesome giant mustache and sweet tats!


> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> Charrley Davidsson you mean? Sounds like a charr and norn law firm. ;)


Ah, right, forgot about the second "s". =)

Well, in my head, charr and norn need to work together to create Charrley Davidsson. Charr for the chrome and the vroom (obviously) and norn for the tats, the beards and the leather everything.



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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> My guess is the mount will be story driven then unlocked and free or a very small fee. It'll not be 250, 500, or 750 Anet is greedy yes but not evil or mischievous.

> I don't think they took 4 months to this just so it'll take you 2 months to save for it or play the map with it. As with all mounts it'll also have access to all maps. B)


Anet can be mischievious. I think you meant malicious

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> The new mount is locked behind 3 collections

> I would pay 250g instead of doing repeated content and I hope I don't need it to complete the episode because if I do I will not waste the time I don't have on another time consuming griffon collection.



Thanks for the recon, nonetheless. How much does it cost?

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > The new mount is locked behind 3 collections

> > I would pay 250g instead of doing repeated content and I hope I don't need it to complete the episode because if I do I will not waste the time I don't have on another time consuming griffon collection.

> >


> Thanks for the recon, nonetheless. How much does it cost?


This is where I got the info

So we don't know how much it cost until someone actually gets it.

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> @"Zeyta.3519" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> > > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > The new mount is locked behind 3 collections

> > > > I would pay 250g instead of doing repeated content and I hope I don't need it to complete the episode because if I do I will not waste the time I don't have on another time consuming griffon collection.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Thanks for the recon, nonetheless. How much does it cost?

> >

> > This is where I got the info

> >

> > So we don't know how much it cost until someone actually gets it.


> How did he get the mount already?


He didn't he just had early access.

From what he said he could do only 2 collections which required you to do some old content from the core tyria....


However there is another collection which may have something to do with PoF content which means some shit events like serpents ire may be involved.

To recap:

The mount is locked behind 3 collections, 2 are timegated for world bosses and finding random objects around the world and the 3 collection may invloved content is nearly impossible to achieve.

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