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What's your favorite profession?

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Really hard to decide, but recently rolled a Revenant and unlocked Herald which I'm loving for OW PvE. Necro (Reaper) has always been my go to class but i guess I'm just a bit bored of that lately. So many good choices now, really is a difficult job deciding what to play :)

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I was torn between elementalist and revenant. But then I don't lpay elementalist for months since how bad it is .... weaver dissappointed me so hard.


So Revenant is the only class I feel challenging and rewarding while being fun at the same time (in spvp at least) maybe it will rise as a second healer in raid soon tho (druid + renegage meta)

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As soon as we get the proper healtank elite that all guards secretly want to play it will be perfect.


The class always felt at the right spot and very well balanced for solo play. Big pushes always felt more like disturbing the balance than fixing an issue. The class is versatile and can switch between a decent offense and a decent defense on the fly with pretty much any setup if you mix correctly. It offers good support, something that is important for me in a MMO. We might not have Meteor Shower but we can block the attack that would oneshot you while you cast it, maybe we can't instantly fill your HP bar, but no 11k HP glasscannon ever complained about perma protect and passive heals left and right either.


We're your m8s and your jail free cards and you love us ;)

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Thief, but mostly because of the Initiative system. It reminds me of the mana / PP system which I heavily prefer over the cooldowns, at least for weapon skills. Also, gameplay whise I like mid-ranged oriented builds with high mobility the most and dual pistol offers exakly that. To bad P/P sucks performance whise but luckily (from an aesthetic point of view) spamming unload with dual HOPE is just the best thing ever so I guess there's that.

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I've leveled a few different classes to 80 and world map complete, but the class I keep returning to for open-world stuff (exploration, events, world bosses, story, node-farming, etc...) is always the Ranger, with Reaper coming in at a close 2nd. Warrior was kinda fun for a while, but just got tired of it.

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