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June AFC: Living World Season 4 - Episode 3

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  • ArenaNet Staff



We invite you to join several Guild Wars 2 Living World devs, and members of other teams, too, for the June 2018 ArenaNet Forum Chat (AFC). We're experimenting with our timespans, and this time we'll welcome your questions, comments, and feedback about Episode 3 from Friday afternoon through Monday afternoon, July 29 to July 2. The devs will answer as they can any time through about July 13th.


Here are the details:


* Topic: Living World Season 4 - Episode 3: Long Live the Lich!

* Subforum opens for member posts: Friday afternoon (Pacific Time), June 28, 2018

* Subforum closes for member posts: Monday afternoon (Pacific Time), July 2, 2018

* Dev Participation Period: through approximately july 13, 2018

* Subforum Name: June 2018: LWS4 Episode 3. [Link here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/june-2018%3A-lws4-episode-3 "Link here").


Join us to ask questions, share your feedback, and engage with devs and other players on the topic of Episode 3!


We will be having a Dev Celebration on Reddit Thursday afternoon (Pacific Time).

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Will this replace the reddit one on the episide or be in conjunction?


We will be having a Reddit celebration this afternoon (Tuesday, June 26). The AFC is designed to allow players some time playing the episode, as opposed to having perhaps had a first look, so after playing for a few days players can ask devs questions, share their feedback, and so forth.


We consider the Dev Celebration on Reddit, and the AFC here on the Official Forums to be a nice opportunity for sequential engagement, and hope everyone will feel welcome to join both!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Ronharshadow.5246" said:

> What will the mastery system for the beetle look like? Will it be a part of the Crystal Champion section or will the mount have its own?

> Also, how is the ANET team? They on top of everything and are doing fine?


These are great questions, but I suggest you save them until you've had a little time with the new episode (just released) and perhaps you'll find your answers in doing so. You're welcome to post in the AFC when it opens on Thursday.


Oh, and the team is doing great -- thanks for asking! :)


> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > We're experimenting with our timespans


> These new time frames are clearly better than the previous, I said it many times the previous dev chats collided with people actually playing the new content.



I'm glad that you agree with the timeframe, and thanks for posting to let us know. Player feedback is essential to the success of this project! :)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Rintz.5138" said:

> when can we expect a balance patch?


That's not a question about Episode 3, and questions about Episode 3 should be posted in the AFC when it opens on Thursday. Thanks.


> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> Started new chapter, immediately disconnected from story instance. This is getting old.


I'm sorry that you've had an issue, but please know those reports don't belong in a thread about an AFC. Here's a [thread ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/44856/episode-3-connection-issue "thread ")into which you can post, but as you can see, we're aware of the issue and working on it.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi Folks,


This is an announcement for an upcoming ArenaNet Forum Chat.


For feedback about *content* and *storyline* and *maps* and other components of Episode 3, please post [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/44850/feedback-official-living-world-season-4-episode-3-feedback-may-contain-spoilers "here").


If you're having connection issues, please post in this [thread ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/44856/episode-3-connection-issue "thread ")


Thank you.

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Enjoyed Act 1. Was playing my Charr FB from the Priory.

The story itself.. was.. not what I expected when i started, which was good. You guys have taught me to mem my mantras when I first zone in tho, so was ready for the surprise.

In the trial.. How do I put this? I felt as tho there was a choice for Order of Secrets and a choice for the Vigil, not so much for an egghead like Priory. That said, I chose to use Charr racial instead. Will be interesting to see how my other egghead Asuran of Order of Secrets responds.

While I felt I had to work in the fight, I kinda was not too worried about dying. (I have before.) Maybe its because I was in my wvw FB test build and its better than I thought.

Joko, was funny, even tho, I felt there was an inside Joko that Guild Wars 1 guys would get.

Overall.. Act (chapter) 1 was good. Holding on the next til I see a few patches tho.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> We will be having a Reddit celebration this afternoon (Tuesday, June 26). The AFC is designed to allow players some time playing the episode, as opposed to having perhaps had a first look, so after playing for a few days players can ask devs questions, share their feedback, and so forth.


I admit to serious lack of Reddit-foo (not to mention total lack of a Reddit account) so if the celebration is still on over there could you provide a link? I don't see it on the GW2 Reddit page, other than a couple of dev responses in the patch notes thread which talk about fixing lava pools in a fractal, and since I'm unable to log in to game due to the crashing issue I thought I'd dip my toes into reading commentary for once (with a big eye out for spoilers, just in case).


EDIT: nvm, just saw Gaile's post from shortly before I put this question up, the celebration is postponed.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

I just deleted a whole lot of off-topic comments. I am not going to report and have the moderators remove, because I want to save their time and I am sure you'll understand why comments about raids, episode content, or concerns about disconnects are not really part of an announcement thread about an upcoming forum chat.


Thanks for understanding.

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I'll prolly post again, once i dig deeper into Domain of Kourna. My feedback atm:


#The Good:


* The story instance gameplay was fun! Liked the sneaking, the maze leading to Joko and especially the Joko fight itself!

* All praise Joko! Loved his taunts, lines, atiitude, and the humor ("Don't give your beetles names, so you don't grow attached. It's why I call all of you worms!")

* Canah and his whistling xD

* New mount

* Underwater zone - i missed some of that action!


#The Bad:

* (Shao Kahn voice) Friend....Desert? Desert again??

* Map feels too flat at some parts, though i have not fully explored every nook and cranny (yes I am a HoT fan, unlike most)

* the way the story instance ended.

Another Epic villain after Lazarus you just ruthlessly cut out without giving him some more spotlight he deserved, and not digging into amazing lore he might've brought with him! Lazarus - last of powerful, lost and mysterious civilization! Joko - immortal Lich that has been around for at least two and half century - he too could share more then one story!


* Aurene -

Currently the "protagonist" that is in both behaviour and purpose closest to a rabid dog, while epic, interesting and lore-rich villain gets munched on


* **not** this map (because beetle). But i feel post HoT living story maps had more unique, map-exclusive gameplay aspects (like Oakheart Essence in Draconis Mons, or Glider skills in Bloodstone Fen). Meanwhile post PoF maps seem to be starved in that regard.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> I'll prolly post again, once i dig deeper into Domain of Kourna. My feedback atm:


> #The Good:


> * The story instance gameplay was fun! Liked the sneaking, the maze leading to Joko and especially the Joko fight itself!

> * All praise Joko! Loved his taunts, lines, atiitude, and the humor ("Don't give your beetles names, so you don't grow attached. It's why I call all of you worms!")

> * Canah and his whistling xD

> * New mount

> * Underwater zone - i missed some of that action!


> #The Bad:

> * (Shao Kahn voice) Friend....Desert? Desert again??

> * Map feels too flat at some parts, though i have not fully explored every nook and cranny (yes I am a HoT fan, unlike most)

> * the way the story instance ended.

Another Epic villain after Lazarus you just ruthlessly cut out without giving him some more spotlight he deserved, and not digging into amazing lore he might've brought with him! Lazarus - last of powerful, lost and mysterious civilization! Joko - immortal Lich that has been around for at least two and half century - he too could share more then one story!


> * Aurene -

Currently the "protagonist" that is in both behaviour and purpose closest to a rabid dog, while epic, interesting and lore-rich villain gets munched on


> * **not** this map (because beetle). But i feel post HoT living story maps had more unique, map-exclusive gameplay aspects (like Oakheart Essence in Draconis Mons, or Glider skills in Bloodstone Fen). Meanwhile post PoF maps seem to be starved in that regard.


I agree with that last point. In fact, they wouldn't have to be new. Making updraft mastery for griffons would be amazing.

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